
Dreams of a Nobody by Sean Thompson

momwithareadingproblem's review

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Wow! This novella is nothing that I expected it to be! In fact, it took reading it twice for me to comprehend what exactly was going on. And then I was like WTH!!!!

Dreams of a Nobody (Part 1) by Sean Thompson starts with a young boy counting the stars. And while he counts he contemplates the life that's been handed to him. He is being trained as an assassin for the King. He doesn't like killing, and he wants to change his fate. He calls himself Nobody because in reality he is nobody. He isn't allowed to choose his destiny or the people he kills or saves. As Nobody recounts his story to us the readers, he says
You might not like me once you know what I know, now that you know what I have to do, and that's all right. I don't like me much, either.


So where does that leave Nobody? Well as the story progresses we get a sense of what his life as an assassin is like. And I really like what the author has done here. The character despite the evil he does is still inherently good and very relatable. Nobody has an encounter with a dove or flock of doves. But of course I had to ask myself and read it twice to figure out what's up with the dove! He's not your average overrated pigeon. He poops roses (did I really just write that? Yep, I did and yes he does!)

Probably my favorite scene in the book is during the last chapter and Nobody's confrontation with himself (remember the book is called Dreams of a Nobody, so is this a dream?), the evil part of himself. Think of Nobody as the angel on one shoulder and Amos (who is also Nobody) as the devil on the other. One wants to save the world, one wants to follow orders and enjoys killing. Amos is there to kill Nobody.......

Say what?!?!

Towards the end, Nobody makes this comment and it really struck home with me.
There are some people we have to meet; there are situations we have to be put in, but it's the choices we make when we meet those people and face those situations that determine the path life ultimately takes.
Doesn't that apply to all of us?

Again I really enjoyed this story! The imagery is bold, and the author paints a picture of what Nobody is seeing and doing as he dreams (or is he awake? is he more than one person? Haven't figured that out yet, if you have let me know!) The plot is suspenseful and haunting as more and more of Nobody's life is revealed. For a first story, the author nailed it! Can't wait for part two.