
Mommy Tracked by Whitney Gaskell

rsnuggs21's review against another edition

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I feel like I have been reading some depressing books lately and wanted something a little lighter. I have actually had this sitting on my kindle for awhile and decided this was the perfect time to read it. Let me start by saying Whitney Gaskell has another book that I absolutely love, When You Least Expect It, so I felt confident about this one. Sigh. This book was so bad. The writing itself is fine, but the story and characters are just ridiculously awful. Here you have 3 cliche's of mothers. All white, all upper middle class. Grace, stay at home mom of 3 kids is obsessed with being fatter than other mom's. That's it. That is her biggest issue. Oh, throw in a step mom she doesn't get along with. Julia, is a workaholic career mom (who is of course a lawyer because that's how you really show a workaholic mom in a cliched novel) who is fantasizing about sleeping with one of her co workers. Julia also has no filter and just says whatever so she isn't like those other moms. Anna is a single mom to a 2 year old who is afraid to date because it might affect her 2 year old. Her 2 year old. And then sensitive, no backbone Chloe is married to a man child and also has a stealing addiction. The climax to these issue's are; Grace passes out and is in a coma because of her diet tea, Anna goes on her third or fourth date with Noah the wine guy and Charlie goes missing from his dad's house which is a sign she should never date ever again (he is found sleeping under a bush), Julia hooks up with said co worker realizes her mistake, comes home to find husband and twin daughters have left to her mother in law's house, and Chloe kicks her husband out because he leaves their baby with a stranger to go golfing. Grace wakes up from coma and realizes everyone loves her the way she is or something, Anna decides to date Noah again after an absolutely ridiculous back and forth with her mom, and Julia who spends all book saying how much she wants to make partner, makes partner and then turns it down because, to quote Vin Diesel, family is everything. And Chloe, god, Chloe is caught stealing a bracelet and then has James pick her up and they live happily ever after. This was just so bad, way too long, I know this book is older but there is no diversity, and there is a really awkward conversation about Grace struggling to explain what a lesbian is to her kids. Ugh lady, it isn't that hard. The worst part though, is about 60 % percent into this book, I realized I have actually read this exact book years ago! It was the laughable Grace coma thing that unblocked my memory.

tamalv's review against another edition

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this is a great light reading, very fun.

randijeanreads's review against another edition

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This book was so trite and cliche!

canuckmum's review against another edition

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A fun chick lit read.

brandiemetzger's review against another edition

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This book was cute. I found it to be pretty slow getting into, and it didn't really get my attention until I was halfway through it. But I'm glad I finished it.

kellynoyes's review against another edition

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2.5 stars. This book was better than the cover and the title make it out to be. (Maybe I'm irrationally upset at the cover and title, but they feel like stereotyping and pandering.) This book is about a group of mom friends and their various issues: marital trouble, work/life balance, weight loss, dating as a single mom. Fairly predictable, and nothing groundbreaking, but well-written enough to keep me interested.

akuhlma03's review against another edition

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One of my favorite chick lit books.

thewellreadrunner's review against another edition

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I probably would have given this 3 stars normally, but because I read it while 22 weeks pregnant, it got an extra star. :) The stories of the 4 friends in the book just really resonated with me as I'm getting ready to greet our first baby. I found their stories to be believable and entertaining at the same time. Is this rocket science? No, but it's fun and funny chick lit, especially for mommies or mommies-to-be.