
The Realm of Oblivion by Marae Good

heathersereads's review

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This book literally had so much potential. The whole plot was intriguing, but the characters lacked. Not only that, but it felt so horribly rushed. The mood swings were crazy as well. One page they were happy, the next they were sad. I felt like this book should’ve been paced a little better. A little more depth both with the characters and the world building would’ve benefited it tremendously. With more editing I feel like it could’ve been loads better! I almost gave it a 2 star, it was so boring and repetitive and almost too easy, but the ending really caught my attention and made up for the first 3/4 of the book, bringing it up to that third star.

thisbookishmom's review against another edition

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ALL THE STARS!! I loved this book.

From the very first chapter, I was hooked and didn’t want to put this one down! Marae’s writing is beautiful and flows so well—I am already anticipating getting my physical copy so that I can re-read and mark all my favorite lines.

I loved Collins. She is broken and lonely, but goes through so much growth throughout the book and fights for happiness. Her journey is heartbreaking, but that is part of what made this book so good—you get allll the feels!

I don’t want to say too much more because this one is better to go in kind of blind. But I will say that the romance is TOP NOTCH. And the ending! I was definitely crying and I need book 2 ASAP.

katiejohn_'s review against another edition

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Just want to remind y’all I rate based off enjoyment and not quality.

First off, super impressive to this indie author to publish a book at all, congrats!

This has a super unique premise and world building. However, I really struggled feeling anything for the characters. This may be an it’s me not you type of thing, but it just wasn’t doing it for me.

However, I actually finished it so it’s not bad

bookspinesandvines's review against another edition

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I couldn’t get into this one at this time, but I really want to go back to finish it! I just need it off my cr shelf for now..

jenwoodrum's review

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Marae is amazing!!! I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait to read The Burns We Carry

hannahheartspaperbacks's review against another edition

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I wish I had the perfect words to write a review that does this book justice, but let me just say, out of the 147 books I’ve read so far this year, this was one of my absolute favorites. No book has touched my heart quite like this one did and made me feel such intense emotions.

This book follows Collins, a girl who’s trapped in her home, in her relationship and in a life she only remembers the last two years of. One night, Collins sneaks out of the house to meet up with a friend and meets an alluring stranger that has her questioning everything. On her rush to find him again, she’s abducted by another man who tries to convince her of her life before. A life from which she was abducted from her home planet and sold off. Collins ends up on the adventure of her life to get answers to the question of who she really is and who she can really trust.

This is Marae’s debut novel, and to say I’m blown away would be a massive understatement. The pull you feel to the characters and the worlds she’s created are incredible, and she’s able to accomplish in such detail what others take 800+ pages to do. This book had me sobbing my eyes out, but it’s only made me look forward to the next book even more.

I’m so excited for everyone to get to experience this book and fall in love with Collins like I did. Thank you to Marae for allowing me to read an ARC of this beautiful book and trusting us all with it. You’re truly created magic

jeaninetaniece's review against another edition

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“…I am fighting my own battles inside. Not sitting in it, and allowing it to win, but fighting. And it wasn’t until you walked away that I realized I was letting go of the only reason I was fighting at all.”

Ok, so this story was a little hard for me to get into at first. I am a visual person (show me not tell me) so new worlds/realms/fantasy are harder for me to imagine. I get lost in translation. Not the authors fault just how I’m wired. That is probably why I gravitate towards YA movie instead of the books. But once everything started to click in place I was totally invested.

Collins lost her memory in an accident and her life since has been spent in a prison of her parents on making. When they make one too many choices for her, she decides to stop having her life determined by others. That decision changes everything…when she meets a stranger she soon realizes her whole life belonged to someone else. The life that was hers ceased to exist along with her memories.

Aramis has spent two years searching for Aideen and he finally found her…on Earth. She doesn’t remember him, she doesn’t remember anything. Soon her past and present collide. Leaving with Aramis is her only chance of understanding and surviving.

This fantasy/sci-fi gave me some definite TVD/Hunger Game romance vibes. Second chance romance/brothers love triangle. The ending killed me! I need some answers. If I don’t get a sequel soon, I might have to Drift to Blythe myself.

chaptersbyindia's review

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4. 5 stars for this wild ride of a book! Let’s dive into this review shall we & why I rated this book the way that I did!

“Run to me, Collins. I’m running to you.”

First of all, I discovered Marae on the wonderful world of Bookstagram in February of 2022 & had been dying to get my hands on this world she created. I wanted TROO to be one of the first 2023 books for me & I’m glad that I got to do that.

Because friends, it’s been a while since I’ve read both YA & Fantasy! So it felt kinda like nostalgia diving into this story. I was hooked from the start by not only this captivating world Marae created but the plot!

kylaslittlelibrary's review against another edition

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The Realm of Oblivion by Marae Good

Beautiful and heartfelt, you can see the mirror of piecing yourself back together after depression. Though, depression is not what causes Collins to lose herself. The processing of feeling broken and learning to love yourself as is, is so well portrayed.

The writing flows flawlessly, the world building and storyline are unique, the characters are well developed, and the tropes are done to perfection.
Including a love triangle, a clean only one bed, “touch him and die”, and a magical world on the verge of destruction (just to name a few.)

Content: kisses, violence, non-sexual trafficking

slmbooks's review against another edition

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From the back of the book..
They say what you don't know can't hurt you.

They're wrong.

For as long as she can remember, Collins Avery has been imprisoned in the same house by the same cruel and unforgiving parents - visited only by a strange woman with even stranger questions.

Problem is, Collins can only remember the last two years of her life.

Desperate to discover who she was before the accident that stole her memory, Collins escapes to meet a friend in secret. Instead, she finds herself abducted by a charming stranger, who claims that she has been trafficked from the Planet Aita...and sold to the highest bidder.

As Collins begins to piece together the events of her prior life, everything points to a huge and terrifying betrayal. Now, desperate for freedom, she must decide who she can trust to deliver her to her rightful home - a home that has never been on Earth
to begin with.

But a new identity comes with new dangers - especially when your enemies know you better than you know yourself...

Collins has no recollection of anything prior to an accident she was in - all the knows is that she hates meeting with therapists and doctors. She also hates that she can’t do anything or go anywhere or make her own decisions. That is, until she sneaks out one night and meets a stranger who is about to turn her world upside down!

My thoughts..
This book had me SQUEALING, YELLING, CRYING and LAUGHING! What a roller coaster of emotions behind this one. Jeepers! This is easily my favourite read of the year to be honest. The magic system was different. The writing was BEAUTIFUL. The characters were well developed. The world was easy to picture. Can we talk about the way I don’t trust the “charming stranger” but I trust the one with the tattoos… it definitely says a lot about my usual types of books (oh, and my real life preferences)