
Formula for Murder by Diana Orgain

mizele20's review

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In her amateur efforts, Kate still manages to solve crimes. Characters are pretty shallow, but they're pleasant little stories.

daybreak1012's review

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Easy read and exactly what I would expect from a cozy mystery. I didn't guess whodunnit, though once it was revealed, I wasn't surprised. It just felt like the resolution came so abruptly. This was the most recent book in the series and it was published a little over two years ago, so I am not sure if there will be more or not. I hope so! I really enjoy the characters.

imbookingit's review

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A light, fun read!

Kate's baby is slowly but surely growing up, and Kate's getting started launching her new life as a PI. Her priority at the moment is Laurie's first Christmas, and it's while they are on the way for Christmas photos that she's the victim of a hit and run accident.

Once it's clear the police aren't going to do anything about the incident, Kate wants to take matters into her own hands. When this investigation brings her a client that will pay her to continue, she doesn't have a choice, right?

Except that she's on a stakeout when Laurie rolls over for the first time. And she misses Laurie's (rescheduled) Christmas photos. Her mother is happy to help out, but that doesn't make Kate feel any better.

This is a typical cozy in that the mystery isn't really the point of this book. It does a nice job of leading Kate to meet interesting people and make discoveries about her life, and that's really what I want in a book like this one.

dollycas's review

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Kate and baby Laurie are on their way to get Laurie's first Christmas photos taken when their car is hit at high speed by another car and the other car doesn't even stop, just drives away. Thankfully both Kate and Laurie are physically fine. A witness to the accident gets the license plate and a good description of the offending car. The car is from a fleet from the French Embassy and of course, they claim diplomatic immunity. Kate's husband Jim wants answers and they head straight for the embassy, but get nowhere fast. As they are leaving the embassy they notice two television reporters leaving right behind them and wonder what may be so newsworthy at the French embassy.

Just a few days later, one of the reporters is found murdered in Golden Gate Park. Kate's mind goes into overdrive as she wonders if there is any connection to the death and the French embassy. Then the husband of the slain reporter contacts Kate to investigate who killed his wife. What she uncovers is a lot more than a little spilled milk, I mean formula.

Boy, this protagonist has spunk and it is very easy to fall for her and her cute little girl in a New York minute. Her mother is priceless and her husband is so supportive and understanding. If I would have come home after giving birth to my infant and told my husband I was going to stay home and be a private investigator on the side, he would have hit the roof and then sent me to have my head examined.

Enter Diana Orgain, the author that makes this whole idea not only believable, but grabs you in such a way that you climb right in the stroller and go along for the ride.

My youngest son was in an accident last August where his car was sitting completely stopped at a traffic light when another car plowed into the back of his car at such a high rate of speed that she hit his car and spun his car around and hit his car again on the driver's side. Witnesses were shocking to see my son who is 6'5" crawl out of that car virtually unscathed except for bruises, back and neck pain that developed later.

The first chapter of this book brought it right back to my mind in living color. The feelings of wanting answers were portrayed exactly to the letter of how my husband and I felt. The driver that hit my son's car stopped but gave a bunch of false information so we had to solve a mystery ourselves, but thankfully there were no dead bodies, secret plots or French officials standing in our way.

This author's writing style is crisp and the stories are fast moving with intrigue, suspense and humor that makes this whole series wonderfully entertaining. This entire series should be on your MUST READ list!!! Hit your local bookstore or use the links below to order your copies today!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from The Berkley Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

wulfwyn's review

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I wouldn't call it a funny mystery. Maybe light hearted but not all that funny. It was fast paced and pretty energetic. Not realistic so if you are looking for a mystery that is based in reality keep looking. It is the type of book I would pick on a rainy or snowy, cooler type day. It is a good to grab a hot chocolate, coffee or tea and get comfy on the couch type of book. It is a clean book - no explicit sex or language, (wait...I do recall light cursing in French and while no sex, cheating is implied). Some violence, it is a murder mystery, but nothing major.