
Tides of Love by Tracy Sumner

girlpant44's review

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Honestly I struggled to get through this book. There were numerous passages I had to read and reread once or twice because the wording was so jumbled. There needs to be a lot more editing. Noah basically gaslighted Elle 80% of the book then about 3 chapters from the end decided he would change into a completely different person? I hated how he treated Elle and he would play her like a fiddle then throw her out for days while he was "figuring it out". He was just very toxic through 80% of the book and then when Elle finally stood up for herself he then became this Romeo. I wish I could give this more stars but it was cringey at best.

sanniemay926's review

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I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this story. I felt like some of the experiences were things people could relate to. There were still some errors to be edited that kind of threw me off my reading momentum and some interactions with the characters that could have used some more explanation of how they got there. The book moved at a good pace and things were described well to give a good mental image. Looking forward to reading the next books in the series.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

onebookmore's review

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Elle has loved Noah since they were children, and he protected her from school bullies. Though her fiercest protector, Noah didn’t return her sentiments. Elle’s world shattered when Noah left Pilot Isle with no word or explanation. Now, ten years later, Noah has returned to head a research lab, and Elle must face her old feelings for the man who left so long ago. Sparks fly as they reconnect, but old family secrets and old hurts, as well as some new obstacles, stand in their way.

This is a great childhood friends-to-enemies-to-lovers romance, and the budding relationship between Noah and Elle is chemistry-laden, swoon-worthiness. They are complete opposites. Noah is controlled and reserved, and he thrives on order. Ella thrives on chaos and is exuberant and daring. Noah follows the rules; Elle is a rule-breaker. Elle is in touch with her feelings, while Noah completely suppresses his. He is so emotionally withdrawn that he doesn’t even realize his true feelings for Elle for much of the story. He finds it difficult to identify the feelings that he has worked so hard to repress for years. This leads to a lot of angst and sexual tension!

Elle is a wonderful protagonist. She is so free-spirited and ambitious, but she is often degraded for it. Her father and other men in their small town do not approve of her independent ways and her desire for more. Noah, on the other hand, sees her for the intelligent, forward-thinking, and capable woman that she is. Instead of squelching her uniqueness, he embraces, encourages, and supports it. He treats her as an equal, which is something she has not experienced from the other men in her life. The unconditional love that flows between this couple is strong.

Other connections in the story include Noah’s broken relationship with his brothers. Noah’s brothers and his nephew are fantastic and well-developed, and I love how they work to make peace with the past. Each played a role in what happened to their relationship ten years ago, and I admired their willingness to own it. Though they have a lot to work through, their love for each other is clear. In addition to their sibling issues, each brother has his own torments and struggles, and I’m excited to read more about them in future books in the series.

The story also highlights the complexities of family and how one moment can irrevocably change the projection of people’s lives. Messages of forgiveness, acceptance, listening to and understanding others, and embracing those you love are also prominent within the story.

Tides of Love is a great start to what promises to be a wonderful series, and it is a fabulous book for readers who like swoon-worthy, small-town historical romance with great characters and an epic romance. Thanks so much to Tracy Sumner for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

jlee76's review

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Tides Of Love is a sensual journey of a small-town romance filled with passion and unrequited love. The depth of emotion and tension seared the page. Tracy weaves a unique, descriptive world of growing pains and the path that love takes.

Noah Garrett and Elle Beaumont grow up together on Pilot Isle, NC, in the 1890s. Elle idolizes Noah as her savior and one true love. She is impetuous, outspoken, and chaffs against authority. Noah is methodical, reserved, and has his entire life planned. When a dark secret is revealed regarding Noah’s family, Noah flees. Noah leaves everything behind and becomes a biologist. Due to unexpected circumstances, Noah comes home after ten years. Can Noah mend the rift in his family? The bigger question is will Noah embrace and fight for his love of Elle, or will he let the opportunity of a lifetime pass him?

Noah is extremely stubborn and set in his ways. He has life planned and does not deviate. Noah has become this way out of necessity; he does it to ease the pain of his past. There were times where I became exasperated with Noah and his strict regime. However, I could also relate; we tend to hide behind what is familiar when the unknown disturbs the flow of our journey. I felt a kinship with Elle. I loved her free spirit and her ability to embrace love with all her heart.

This couple could not be more opposite. Yet, those differences transformed into a scorching passion. Elle’s unrequited love was heart-wrenching. Noah’s unwanted desire was visceral. The couple’s passion for each other was all-consuming. Noah and Elle’s turbulent relationship was a journey that compelled and excited the reader. Their happily ever after was hard-fought but well worth the struggle.

The plot unfolded effortlessly and organically. The intricacies of the story were lovingly and meticulously written. The book flowed, and I couldn’t leave it alone. Tides Of Love is the first book in the Garret Brothers series. This series follows the three brothers in search of love and happiness. I loved the era and location; I could easily imagine it. The epic, sweeping feel of the novel excites and intrigues. I enjoyed this book immensely. I can’t wait to read about the other two brothers. This was a fascinating read that I couldn’t let go.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book through Book Sirens and the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

bookishforlife2's review

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Noah Garrett left Pilot Isle 10 years ago.

He left Elle, the one girl he can’t forget, who had a crush on him with the whole town knowing. He broke her heart and since then she’s been trying to move on.

When Noah returns to the Island for work, he tries to steer clear of his brothers...but walks right into Elle.

Lingering looks, hot glares and banter between him an Elle kept this story a bit longer then I personally thought necessary. Some added storylines or people just added fuel to the fire that wasn’t going out anytime soon.

I will continue reading this series, as I want to know what’s going to happen to Zach!

brittanyreadsbooks's review

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I give this a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

A twist on the classic I've loved you since we were children trope. The characters in this book were really well written and relatable. The plot was nicely paced as well, with a little bit of spice.

I loved the independence of the main character and her drive, her struggles with coming to terms with what has happened, and what in my opinion was real reactions to things. Overall a good read, and a quick one too. A nice book to turn to if you want a HEA with a little bit of drama but nothing too emotionally draining. I also loved the introductions of other characters and their stories, I'm looking forward to reading their books and seeing how those end.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

literarypapier's review

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If you are looking for a refreshing romance this is the choice for you ...

Tides of Love is the first book on the seaswept seduction series by Tracy Sumner. In this book we meet Elle, a very passionate woman who is excited about life and new experiences. She lives in a little town and her life changes when Noah Garret, her childhood love, comes back.

I pick this book thanks to booksiren to review it but I have to said I was not planning to fell this hard for the characters. By the end of the book, I was crying and sobbing cause this book was an emotional rollercoaster.

This is my first book by Tracy Sumner and even when I've read a LOT of historical romance, this book was so different and refreshing I am glad I pick it up. The writing style is really good and the pace of the story is quick, with a lot of plot twist.

What I loved the most about this book were the strong female characters. The way every single one of the female characters were trying to help each other and understand that their life as women in the new century was changing but they try as hard as possible to achieve their dreams? amazing chef kiss. I would like to keep seeing strong women in this book series (yes I am adding all of this books to my to be read pile).

Another thing I loved was the academic side of it (if that makes any sense). I liked that the author gave the main characters a really academic point of view of life, mostly with Noah, we can see how he sees life throw this cientific point of view and that was really interesting and refreshing to see.

I highly recommend this book if you want to read something easy, with a lot of plot twist and drama. If you are a fan of books that broke your heart and make you sigh of love? this is definitly the place for you.