
Muti Nation by Monique Snyman

caffeineandbookreviews's review against another edition

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I was introduced to Monique via her first series [b:Charming Incantations: Enticed|18458169|Charming Incantations Enticed (Charming #1)|Monique Snyman||21438214] but you can't compare [b:Muti Nation|30655678|Muti Nation|Monique Snyman||51200647] to that. Not by a long shot. Snyman's writing has grown so much since that first novel was published and though I'll always love it Muti Nation has introduced me to the Horror genre with swift ease and a not so gentle kick to the genitals in a totally hot way. How this woman was able to seamlessly combine horror, a fast paced thriller with so many twists my head was reeling and some pretty hot sex scenes that required your to maul your significant other is beyond me. She even managed to get me to read something based locally, and that is no easy feat.

Well written, well rounded and I did not see that ending coming.

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sibgouws's review against another edition

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Absolutely brilliant book!

I cannot believe how few ratings this book has considering how flippen awesome it is.

It is written fantastically and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the end. I won't lie and I say I'm not hoping for a sequel because I actually am!

Great characters, some laughs to lighten up the darkness and loads of action (some of which is dark but not too scary.)

My favourite thing about how Monique wrote this book is how she added online news and Facebook segments. It kept the book fresh because we live in a world dominated by an online social media presence and she incorporated it perfectly.

friedatweehuysen's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved Muti Nation! I love just how Monique Snyman writes! It's different for me to read a book about a place I live in and I know the places she mentions. I smell the smells she writes about, feel the sweat dripping between my shoulder-blades just as described!

Over and above that, I really enjoyed the story. Scary (but not too much for me), action-packed and just a bit raunchy.

Just wonderful.

lilyn_g's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for review consideration.

Muti Nation is a book that caught me off guard. It's just so far outside of what I've been reading lately that it took me a few chapters to adjust.  I have to say, though, that I thoroughly enjoyed it.  This is a book that blends supernatural horror and crime thriller seamlessly. From the characters, to the plot, to the 'puts you there' writing of the location (my first South African read), Monique Snyman proves her talent. 

The characters in Muti Nation are flawed, entirely human, and easy to believe. She doesn't go overboard with descriptions, and yet easily distinguishes the characters in your mind. I loved the relationships, especially between Esmé and her grandfather. The grandfather was, in general, just one of those ones that you want to claim as family. Eccentric, intelligent, and undeniably brave and full of love for his family. Gramps is the papaw everyone needs in their corner. Even though they might have to bail him out of jail on occasion.  But, all's fair, because he'll bail you out if you need it too.

Monique Snyman gives readers a book where the bad guy isn't easy to figure out, and the story never does precisely what they expect it to. I had several suspicions along the way, and I was wrong on every single one of them. Even the twist at the end regarding the killer surprised me. I'm not used to not knowing almost exactly what is going on in the books that I read. Muti Nation definitely kept me on my toes, and when you read as much as I do, that's an absolute delight.

Muti Nation didn't blow me away, but it was a book I had trouble putting down. It is a very well-written novel that kept me on my mental toes. I look forward to reading more from her in the future.  Monique Snyman is a writer to keep an eye on.