
Southern Sass and a Battered Bride by Kate Young

asanford's review

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Such a fun series with good twists and turns. And I love the island spirit.

jen_baroness_mom's review

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I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Southern Sass and a Battered Bride by Kate Young is spectacular. Marygene and Betsy are the best. The mystery keeps you guessing and has wonderful recipes that I can't wait to try at the back.

Who killed Lucy, and why are they framing Marygene?

Marygene Brown

Honestly, I had to pop back into the last book. I was so shocked that Alex was marrying Lucy, I hoped that Marygene and Alex would patch it up. Alas, that is not happening. However, Marygene seems to be in a better space mentally in this installment, well, part of it. She has way more strength than she thinks she does. I also enjoyed her relationship with her mom, and they are getting along better now.

Marygene seems to have moved beyond how she defined herself before. She has a truly great bunch of friends and family around her that love her. Although, she does go through some scary things in this story, especially with her dad, Eddie. Oh, and Javy, is he turning into her newest love interest? Only time will tell.

Betsy Myers

Betsy is the best friend that anyone could ever have. Seriously, she is always there for Marygene. Betsy is scary funny. She packs a gun that she can't shoot; she has style and is a foodie. Who wouldn't want her for a best friend? These two are the perfect sleuth partners, Betsy is the comedian of the two, and Marygene figures it out.
Clara Brown

Clara is Marygene's mom; even though she isn't a tax-paying citizen anymore, don't count her out. She is there when Marygene needs her. Really you could say that they are there for each other in the only way they can be.

These are two quotes that tell you a little bit about Clara.
"Ugly words shouldn't come out of pretty mouths. No matter how much paint you put on the barn, the ugly taints the whole structure,"

"Marygene, my word, wipe that ugly look off your face. Your eyes are bugging out like a Pekinese. It's mighty unbecoming."

The Mystery

Southern Sass and a Battered Bride CRI will tell you that Ms. Young spins quite a tale. She had me guessing all the way up to the end. I thought I had it, and then I dismissed it as speculation. I should know to stick with my gut.

Anyway, Alex is marrying Lucy because she is supposedly knocked up. Marygene and the Peach Diner cater their wedding. Oh, and it's a murder mystery reception, and the bride wants to be the victim. Do you see where this is going? So, she is presumed murdered, but her body disappears. Then Marygene and Betsy are almost killed when their van has a cut brake line and a pipe bomb under it. Alex is distraught over losing his bride and their unborn child. Marygene and Betsy are then accused of the murder. It doesn't stop there, but you will have to read the book for the rest. It is so worth it. Believe me.

Five Stars

My rating for Southern Sass and a Battered Bride is five stars. I finished this book in a matter of a few hours. Marygene is fabulous, and their island is filled with the greatest characters. They make me laugh out loud and tear up too. Ms. Young is an awesome author. I highly recommend this book and the first two in the series.

Marygene Brown Mysteries

Southern Sass and Killer Cravings by Kate Young Southern Sass and a Crispy Corpse by Kate Young


Prize:  (1) - $20 Amazon Gift Card and (1) U.S. CANADA - An autographed copy of all three books in the series. Southern Sass and Killer Cravings, Southern Sass and a Crispy Corpse, and Southern Sass and a Battered Bride.

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Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Southern Sass and a Battered Bride by Kate Young. Check out the other stops and giveaway if you have time.

Until the next time,

Jen Signature for BBT


This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

zarafray4's review

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I have been getting into the "cozy mystery" genre lately, so I was super excited to read this book. I admit, I was a bit confused at the beginning with her "talent" and why she was taken aback by the Detective being there. However, I chalked that up to my fault. This was the first book of Kate Young that I have read, and if I had read the others first, I wouldn't have been so confused.

I enjoyed the family and island dynamic. It seemed quite atmospheric and charming. The author made me want to visit. I also liked that I thought I knew who the killer was, but then there was a twist, so I thought it was someone else. It ended up being an outcome that I did not guess, at all! The only negative that I have is it seemed a bit repetitive at times. Other than that, I really enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading others by this author.

sbays23's review

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I really enjoyed this book! I kept thinking I knew who the murderer was but I was genuinely surprised at the end.

I’m on team Javy!

morticia32's review

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Book 3 in the series.

Not a great place to start. While the author does attempt to fill in some background, there's just too much going on that I feel like I missed.

The characters are mostly fun, though the MC's best friend, Betsy, is so over the top Southern that I really would like to smack her. She's really just too much.

All in all, the book was okay, but it certainly didn't make me want to double back and read the previous two.

*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher, via NetGalley.*

tmleafs42's review

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Fantastic series! I love the characters and the humor, but also still touching on some of life's harder moments. I don't want to give much away, but a series to be read. I have yet to read a book that I don't have a moment I laugh at someone antics out loud and startle my housemates.

sue_from_stack_those_books's review

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ssejig's review

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I hadn't read the previous books in this series and wish that I had. Young did a good job of filling in some back stories but I was really struggling with why Marygene Brown would have ever been involved with Alex Myers.
In this book, he's marrying another woman, Lucy. And Lucy is... well, let's go with she's a jerk. And a bridezilla. When Lucy ends up dead after the wedding, Marygene becomes an obvious suspect but Alex also wildly accuses his own cousin, Betsy, who is Marygene's best friend.
The book is a wild romp with some pretty outrageous exploits on the part of our heroine who is pulled into the mystery, not by her own curiosity, but because she seems to be part of some collateral damage.
I hope that future books don't fall into the love triangle that could result as a part of the end of this book but I think Young is sidestepping that possibility (thank goodness.) I did enjoy the fact that Marygene's ghostly mother was used lightly.

cloudsinthepost's review

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First of all, a big thanks to author Kate Young, for gifting me an advanced readers copy of her new book in exchange for an honest review.

Southern Sass and a Battered Bride is the 3rd book of the cozy murder mysterie series that follows Marygene Brown. In Southern Sass and a Battered Bride, Marygene is not just catering a murder mystery themed wedding, but it's also the wedding of her childhood sweetheart Alex and a real bridezilla, Lucy. Then, Marygene finds the bride face down in the kitchen without a pulse and suddenly, the body goes missing! The blame is put on Marygene and so with the help of her best friend Betsy and her mama's spirit, she goes on the adventure to solve the real-life murder mystery.

This was such a refreshing and fun read! The characters are loveable and Marygene's and Betsy's friendship got me in giggles all the way through the book. Even the side characters are quirky and wonderfully woven into to the overall story. The mystery was complex and executed so well, with quite a few twists which kept me guessing. I especially liked the reveal of it all! The book is written in a perfect pace, I was so captivated that I finished it in a day!

Marygene and her sister are owners of a diner and the author included some of the mentioned recipes in the book. As an avid baker I can't wait to try some!!

I warmly recommend this read to everyone who enjoys murder mysteries combined with laughter and romance.

thepolishedbibliophile's review

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This is the third book in the Marygene Brown Mystery series and dare I say it is my favorite so far! I found myself completely captivated throughout the whole story, attempting to come up with my own theories about the mystery. Throughout this story, we also really got to see Marygene's friendship with Betsy, which in my opinion added another element to Marygene for me, slowly opening herself up to us more in each book.

Thank you Kate Young and Kensington Publishing for the advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own!