
Kırılma by Megan Miranda

erinarkin20's review against another edition

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True rating on this would probably be 3.5 stars.

This story is about Delaney Maxwell. Turns out she was crossing a frozen lake with her friend Decker and ended up falling in. Delaney ends up being underwater for 11 minutes and is dead when she is brought up and taken to the hospital. She is brought back and in a coma for 6 days and miraculously wakes up.

I found Delaney as a character somewhat frustrating. I wanted to like her - I didn't not like her but there were times in the story where I was seriously questioning her ability to make decisions. I could feel her struggling with the fact that she was alive and what she was supposed to do with this new ability she had. I had a love/hate relationship with both Decker and Troy. There were times where I wanted to just shake them but they were both great characters in my opinion. The group of friends were another story (Janna, Tara, Justin, Kevin). The way they treated Delaney at the end was something else and while I understand the idea that someone would question how things ended, I can't believe that Decker would be ok with the way things went down between them all based on his feelings for Delaney.

Overall, I really liked the premise of this book and am curious to see where the next one goes. It was a quick read and had a good story.

thecozyreaderwbo's review against another edition

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eARC via NetGalley.

My Grade
Plot: 5
Setting: 5
Writing: 5
Originality: 5
Characters: 5
Romance: 5
Overall: 30/30!
Title/Cover Bonus: 5

A thrilling ride that uncovers the strange happenings of life after death, but not really, and how a teenaged girl overcomes the strangeness that affects her after a crazy accident she survives with the help of her best friend.

First Line
The first time I died, I didn’t see God.

Most Memorable Scene
Delaney’s fall into the lake was an intense scene. I also enjoyed Decker’s reaction to Delaney in the hospital.

Delaney dies for 11 minutes and awakens with a weird “gift” afterwards. She awkwardly befriends bad boy Troy while simultaneously losing her best friend, Decker.

I don’t recall the location exactly but it’s a small town in winter. I loved the imagery used to explain the settings. I had to snuggle with a blanket for most of this book because it mostly seems to take place outside in the freezing cold!

Many scenes are freaky and chilling in a non-weather related sense.

Megan did an excellent job with writing this book. Written from Delaney’s point of view, which is awesome because Delaney’s character is refreshing. She’s a teenage girl that’s real, funny, and strong.

The summary compares this book to Before I Fall and If I Stay. I don’t think it’s like either of them. I haven’t read much of Before I Fall but I have read the other. I’d say this book is more like Rachel Vincent’s Soul Screamer’s series than either of the two previous mentioned titles, minus the screaming of course.

While it’s similar to Rachel’s series it’s truly unique. It was way creepier than I expected and incredibly intense at points. There’s also a underlying romance that is so sweet to see blossom.

Delaney’s character was so much fun to get to know. She’s so different than other characters I’ve read recently. She’s self conscious to a degree but not afraid to be who she is.

Delaney’s best friend and neighbor is Decker. His character was also very enjoyable. While I wasn’t his biggest fan the whole book I really looked forward to seeing him pop back up here and there.

Troy is the bad boy of the book. I REALLY disliked him. Seeing how the story ended was a relief and made so much sense I couldn’t help be sigh.

Delaney and Decker’s relationship was so sweet to see it mature. I was scared for them both and couldn’t have been more happier with how things turned out in the end.

Title/Cover Bonus
A beautiful cover and the title is just perfect!

I loved the ending!

Eleven Minutes (Fracture, .5) by Megan Miranda – Told from Decker’s point of view. The 11 minutes Delaney is under water and the 6 days after the accident.

cocobeansbooks's review against another edition

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*3.5 stars*

birchcanread's review against another edition

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I loved this book, the end totally surprised me!

kricketa's review against another edition

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teen girl involved in terrible accident & is not expected to survive. wakes up from coma, recovers remarkably quickly, and has gained strange paranormal powers for sensing impending disaster! wait, didn't i just read this book? (hint: "anything but ordinary" by lara avery.) to be fair, this book was published first and to be biased, this book is way better. so if you're looking for anything in that very particular niche...

this seems to be a series opener, although i probably won't continue. still- a quick, absorbing read i'll recommend to paranormal romance fans.

michellesantiago's review against another edition

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Wasn't what I expected. Full review coming soon!

djinnia's review against another edition

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It was quite good. Delaney has to learn to live in the real world after her accident. Not because of any injury, but because everyone around her makes her feel damaged. When she discovers her gift, it's even worse. Her mother becomes a dictator, not allowing Delaney many freedoms.

I really wanted to throttle the mother. She peeved me off to no end. Delaney couldn't even breathe without her mother trying to shove pills down her throat.

The way Decker and Delaney circling around each other and their changed relationship worked well, but the stupid reason why he kept hanging out with Tara was stupid, in my opinion. Oh, gee, let's go make out in your car while the person i love is in a coma. Oh, and then we should hang out more when she wakes up. Yeah-No. Not happening.

Anyway, those are the reasons for not having a perfect 5 stars.

2nd time round: I’m of the same opinion as my first review, but I want to add that Delaney could have done many things differently to prevent was her inactions that caused some of her problems. Dropping to 3.5 stars.

jlove731's review against another edition

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Fracture is such a bittersweet and thrilling story. I was constantly on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what comes next.

We start with Delaney who falls through the ice on a lake. She's pulled out 11 minutes later by her best friend Decker, and miraculously survives. She soon feels that even though she is alive, she feels different. Now, she can actually tell when someone is about to die. Then she meets Troy, who seems to know a lot about her. Could these two have some kind of gift? Is it even something they want to mess with?

This book is definitely a whirl-wind of emotions and Delaney is a strong character to be able to deal with everything thrown at her... from her new "gift", to Decker and Troy, her family, and even her friends. She's constantly getting stress put on her from every direction and she's somehow able to come out on top. Then there's Decker and Troy. Lets start with Troy... sexy? Sure he is. But, in my opinion he's very unstable and honestly I was quite scared of him at some points. Then, there's Decker... I loved him. Don't get me wrong, there were points I wanted to kick him in the a$$, but over all he's the best friend that you root for the whole story.

Fracture captured me from the beginning. It was an interesting topic to be able to sense when someone is about to die. Why would you want to deal with that? I'm not sure I could... it would drive me mad. This book will totally make you cringe, smile and capture your attention through every page. Definitely worth a read if you'd like something thrilling.

bookishnicole's review against another edition

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This book is a terrifying and chilling story that you hope you would never even have to imagine yourself in the situation. The situation where you almost die by drowning in a lake in the middle of the winter or even just being one of the friends on the shore that had to watch it happen. There is a short that goes with this called "Eleven Minutes" That you can read either before or after finishing Fracture. I would recommend reading it after because it will shine some light on things that happen during Fracture.

I really felt bad for Delaney as she had this new gift or curse or whatever you wanted to call it that let her feel when someone nearby was going to die. It's like they say in Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility, and that is most certainly the case here. Whenever Delaney tried to say something at first, it was clear that those around her did not believe her, which was disappointing because as the reader, you know its true, but at the same time, I wanted her to sit down and stop embarrassing herself.

This was such a great and spooky book. There were so many times where I was gripping the book because there were so many things running through my head about what was really happening. The entire book felt so paranormal, but at the same time not. I really loved Delaney and the entire time I wanted her to trust Decker with this great big secret that she had and not Troy because while try was a sexy older guy, he got creepy and Decker had this total boy-next-door-been-in-love-with-you-forever thing going on and I wanted to see that happen instead.

I was somewhat bummed at how long it too Delaney to figure that one out, but the book had it's proper resolution. It was both sad and scary and really makes you realize that as a teen you are not invincible, you're just a person and just as prone (if not more) to terrifying bad things happening. I'm so glad that there is another book, Vengeance, coming so I can learn more about this fabulous world.

mb_booklady's review against another edition

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Delaney and Decker have been friends forever. As expected, they argue. Decker is mad at Delaney because she kissed one of their friends. Not sure how to explain his issues with this, he says something mean and walks off from her as they are walking across a frozen lake. The ice cracks and Delaney falls through.

After being underwater for 11 minutes, Delaney should be dead. Her brain should be damaged beyond repair. She wakes up with the ability to know when someone is going to die.

The remainder of the book deals with Delaney realizing her gift and trying to figure out what to do with it.

Mostly, I felt like I didn't u understand most of this book. I don't know what it was about the writing style that made me feel that way. I did think 8th graders would enjoy the thriller/horror aspects of the story; Delaney's slow descent into madness (or not.). However, several strong curse words may suggest reviews would recommend it for high school audiences.

I have begun the second book in the series.