
Scampers Thinks Like a Scientist by Mike Allegra

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STEM connections

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Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.

ashlikesbooks's review

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See more on our blog at JennRenee Read

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Do you like this book?
Yeah because it's about an owl! A FAKE owl!

What's your favorite part of the book?
They egg-a-pulted an egg at the owl! It was so funny!

What do you think of the cover?
I like it because it has mouses! And cauli-rice (Cauliflower, we eat cauli-rice a lot)

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This is a really entertaining book about mice who think an owl is there to attack them. (The owl turns out to be fake) The mice end up experimenting on the owl because they think it's going to eat them, so they can't go out and eat because they're scared.

The best part about this book is in the end it shows exactly how the mouse was thinking like a scientist and the steps he took to complete the experiments.

The artwork is adorable and we found ourselves giggling at the mice more than once.

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