
The Daemon Whisperer by Candice Bundy

lolasreviews's review against another edition

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I got a copy for review in exchange for an honest review.

This is a really good story, I liked the world Candice has created. The story was fast paced, but there were also some slower paced parts. The characters were nice, but overal I would've liked getting to know them better.

The story was really good and fast paced and I just wanted to keep reading to see what would hapen next. I really liked the strong beginning, it immediately pulled me into the story and I already thought that this would be an awesome book. The story really was the strong point of this book, with so much happening and after one thing was resolved there was already something else. The pacing was a bit off at times, with some things happening a bit too fast and other going a bit too slow. Also I thought the ending of the book was a bit strange and I think an earlier ending would've been better, there was a point were I thought the ending would be and then realized there were some 30-40 pages more. So after that point there was a new problem introduced about which we hear more in the next book. I think this introduction would've fit better at the start of the next book.

Something that bothered me was the focus on lust instead of romance. In this book lust took a more prominent role than romance and even though I got that they were attracted to each other I didn't really feel their love, only later in the story there is more attention for the love aspect. Also I thought the sex scenes weren't that interesting or well done, just my opinion.

The characters are likeable, although I did feel at times I didn't really got to know them. I did like Meri and quite soon I got a good sense of who she was, but this wasn't the case with the other characters. They seemed a bit flat and I would've liked to see more of their personalities, motives and personal goals. Also Meri is the kind of stubborn character who thinks she knows what is best and makes a few mistakes because of that, but she did stay really true to her character. Also some descisions in the first part of the book are taken a bit too fast and this wasn't really believeable. Also it is mentioned often that meri is driven with vengeance, I didn't really feel this.

The world building is something I wish was done more elaborate. Only when I reached the glossary at the end did I understand when this story actually took place and a bit of what the Corporations actually are. So not only did the deamon part of the story lacked world building, also the human part did. Also we do get to know a bit about Deamons, but I still felt like there should've been more. What is hell like, how is it created, how are the deamons created, how many different type of main deamons are there (like lust and hate), what are the powers deamon can possess and what are the politics in the deamon rhealm are just a few of the question I was left with. The idea behind the world is really interesting and original, I just wished there was more world building so the world really would come alive.

To conclude: a really enjoyable story and I kept reading, because I wanted to know what would happen next. The side characters lacked a bit depth, but I did like the main character and got a good sense of who she is. There was a bit too much focus on lust and sex instead of romance and love, although at the end of the story this did get better. Also I think the book would've been better with more world building. The story is really good and even though I had some issues with this book I still really enjoyed it.

jlen's review

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Wow! I loved this book! Meri is such a real character that I instantly connected with her. Her struggles were believable, and her strength was inspiring. The spicy romance was well integrated into the story, and added to the context instead of taking away from it. I liked the originality and world built by Bundy! Definitely a series I will be following.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review against another edition

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The Daemon Whisperer is a fast paced, action packed erotic romantic read. It’s a unique mixture of paranormal romance and urban fantasy.

The main character, Meriwether Storm (Meri), is a daemon summoner a trait she inherited from her parents. She is good at what she does and earns living from it. She is on a quest for revenge, searching for the daemon that was responsible for her parents’ deaths. She is a strong-willed, self-reliant, no-nonsense woman who does not take crap from anyone. Meri had few friends and she did not trust any of the daemons she summoned. Her trust issues were put to the test when she was approached by a daemon cabal with a potential job offer with the reward being the name of the daemon that was responsible for her parents’ death. This was further complicated when she found herself being attracted to one of these daemons. Due to her desire for revenge being greater than her lack of trust for daemons she accepted the terms which resulted in some major changes in her life. We see Meri becoming less self-reliant as she realized that working on your own is not always best.

The love scenes were hot but tasteful. The summoning scenes were bit unnerving and left me a bit skittish. The story was a bit confusing in the beginning as it kept switching between the present and the past, however after a while it became clear and easy to follow. It’s engaging and very difficult to put down. The ending of the story indicated that this was the beginning of a series which I am looking forward to reading.

This is a great read for lovers of paranormal romance.

hdbblog's review

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Candice Bundy has definitely started something fresh with this series. What first struck me about The Daemon Whisperer was Meri's personality. She is a strong, but believable, female character. Meri hurts. She carries baggage and craves revenge. Underneath the calm exterior is a woman who just wants to feel vindicated. I liked Meri a lot to be completely honest. Watching her grow from a wary, reserved person to someone who could trust in others was extremely satisfying.

Pair that with a whole new take on daemons and I was hooked. Perhaps it's because I'm so new to the UF genre, but this is the first book I've read that really deals with daemons and the way that they operate. The line that Bundy walks between beauty and brutality is truly wonderful. Meri's interactions with the other side really give the reader a look into why things end up where they ultimately do. There is a whole new world build in this book, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Really, if Meri had just continued right on being a bad-ass daemon dealer I would have been perfectly okay with it. What threw the book into a tailspin for me was the romantic subplot. We have a woman whose parents were viciously murdered by a daemon. A woman who makes it her job to keep these entities away from her and under her control. Then, all of the sudden, one walks into her life that has her head over heels in lust. This just felt forced to me, and not believable at all. Don't get me wrong, I liked Azimuth. It's just that the two of them together didn't seem to make sense.

I also had no idea that there were heavy erotic scenes in the story. While these didn't really affect my reading at all, I do think it's important to note to others who might want to give this series a shot. The line between UF and PNR in The Daemon Whisperer is very thin. I'm a fan of sex in my books (if it's done well), but if you're not you might be turned off by Meri's very interesting talents. That's all you'll get from me. No spoilers! Just be warned that there is sex and it is sizzling.

So there you have it. I wavered for a long time on what to give this first book in The Liminals Series. Despite any issues, The Daemon Whisperer was a read I ultimately enjoyed. I'm looking forward to seeing where Meri's story takes her next, and how much more she grows in her new role. The world that Candice Bundy has built is tantalizing and I'm fairly certain I'm in for the long haul.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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The Daemon Whisperer is a fast paced, action packed erotic romantic read. It’s a unique mixture of paranormal romance and urban fantasy.

The main character, Meriwether Storm (Meri), is a daemon summoner a trait she inherited from her parents. She is good at what she does and earns living from it. She is on a quest for revenge, searching for the daemon that was responsible for her parents’ deaths. She is a strong-willed, self-reliant, no-nonsense woman who does not take crap from anyone. Meri had few friends and she did not trust any of the daemons she summoned. Her trust issues were put to the test when she was approached by a daemon cabal with a potential job offer with the reward being the name of the daemon that was responsible for her parents’ death. This was further complicated when she found herself being attracted to one of these daemons. Due to her desire for revenge being greater than her lack of trust for daemons she accepted the terms which resulted in some major changes in her life. We see Meri becoming less self-reliant as she realized that working on your own is not always best.

The love scenes were hot but tasteful. The summoning scenes were bit unnerving and left me a bit skittish. The story was a bit confusing in the beginning as it kept switching between the present and the past, however after a while it became clear and easy to follow. It’s engaging and very difficult to put down. The ending of the story indicated that this was the beginning of a series which I am looking forward to reading.

This is a great read for lovers of paranormal romance.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review against another edition

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The Daemon Whisperer is a fast paced, action packed erotic romantic read. It’s a unique mixture of paranormal romance and urban fantasy.

The main character, Meriwether Storm (Meri), is a daemon summoner a trait she inherited from her parents. She is good at what she does and earns living from it. She is on a quest for revenge, searching for the daemon that was responsible for her parents’ deaths. She is a strong-willed, self-reliant, no-nonsense woman who does not take crap from anyone. Meri had few friends and she did not trust any of the daemons she summoned. Her trust issues were put to the test when she was approached by a daemon cabal with a potential job offer with the reward being the name of the daemon that was responsible for her parents’ death. This was further complicated when she found herself being attracted to one of these daemons. Due to her desire for revenge being greater than her lack of trust for daemons she accepted the terms which resulted in some major changes in her life. We see Meri becoming less self-reliant as she realized that working on your own is not always best.

The love scenes were hot but tasteful. The summoning scenes were bit unnerving and left me a bit skittish. The story was a bit confusing in the beginning as it kept switching between the present and the past, however after a while it became clear and easy to follow. It’s engaging and very difficult to put down. The ending of the story indicated that this was the beginning of a series which I am looking forward to reading.

This is a great read for lovers of paranormal romance.