
Die Abstammung des Menschen by Charles Darwin

zmb's review against another edition

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The Descent of Man, the first section, advances Darwin's argument that the evolution by natural selection that he described in Origin of Species applies to man as well. It's obviously a hugely important step in understanding biology and human origins, and it does not disappoint.

The second section, on sexual selection, is probably no less important in understanding biology, but it is a lot more tedious to read. Darwin is /extremely/ thorough, especially with regard to birds.

marystevens's review against another edition

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Darwin's last book addresses the problem of man's place in the universe.
Far from being made in the image of God or even a link in the great chain of being, the human race is not even the goal of evolution. It is the adaptive product of evolution as are all the other species on earth today.
He concludes that we are descended from a common arboreal ape ancestor, that intelligence is just an adaptive byproduct of evolution and that there is also a moral evolution in that we have adapted for life in society.
His findings on sexual selection were revolutionary for his time. Males compete for females and the females do the choosing - based on what is attractive, viz. the peacock.
Darwin even posits an evolution of ideas. If correct the idea will survive and if wrong it will steer us toward the right idea. What a Romantic!

mwatts's review against another edition

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A beautiful quote from the end of the book: “The birth both of the species and of the individual are equally parts of that grand sequence of events, which our minds refuse to accept as the result of blind chance. The understanding revolts at such a conclusion, whether or not we are able to believe that every slight variation of structure,—the union of each pair in marriage,—the dissemination of each seed,—and other such events, have all been ordained for some special purpose.” Humans create god in order to feel significant.
Otherwise, this book was so racist and misogynist that I had to stop several times because it became to painful to read. 9.5/10 rating for FTG (f*** this guy).

boopity's review against another edition

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Only read specific chapters. Insightful and important to read.