
Marcus Wilding: Duke of Pleasure by Carole Mortimer

b0okcupidity's review

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"Exactly,' Marcus murmured with satisfaction as Julianna gave a second, breathy groan..."

Sighs, whimpers, hisses, groans, exhales, murmurs, moans, we've seen it all. Pulmonary verbiage seems to be essential to the genre. Perhaps the trademark of an author that has written 416 works is the combo-verb, just to mix things up.

I'm not one who can just gloss over this ridiculousness though.

"Breathy groan", is that even possible? I don't know if one could produce the sound of breathing while simultaneously producing the groaning noise. I tried for a bit and quickly realized that I sounded like a dying cow (or worse).

As if that wasn't enough to roll my eyes, there was a whole section about Julianna's 'nubbin'. If I never saw the word nubbin again to describe part of my anatomy, I would die a happier woman.

A nubbin is what Chandler had removed, K?

So, in a nutshell, I found this to be ridiculous, the word choice to be distracting, the love story to be incredibly lacking and finally, I was disappointed to discover that this is erotica rather than something more satisfying.

On the plus side, this story was free and short, very short.

bananatricky's review

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This was a kindle freebie so I shouldn't complain.

The story concerns a couple who have loved each other since the night of her 18th birthday. He went off to war determined to ask her to marry him when he returned, in the meantime she married not knowing his feelings.

Her marriage was not good. After her husband dies she decides to take a lover but asks Marcus to tutor her on the marital arts.

Maybe the problem with this book is that I had different expectations. Based on the above synopsis I expected a gentle romance, then it appeared as though I had stumbled into erotica, then it turned out it was just dirty talk after all!

tommykayreads's review

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I think this whole story could have been cut from 9 chapters to 1 and 1/2 if they would have just been up front with each other from the beginning. Of course, the whole point of the novella was obviously the sex. One thing that really drives me crazy in romances is the constant misinterpreting each others' responses. He thinks that she is horrified, and she thinks that he is disgusted.