
A Clockwork Heart by Liesel Schwarz

wyvernfriend's review

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I did have some problems with this one, and I'm not sure why, I did enjoy it to an extent, the story was good, but I didn't really connect with the characters. I get it that an independent woman would have issues with independence in a victorian world, but wouldn't there be some sort of honeymoon period where both parties want to be close?

It is dark and the clockwork hearts are interesting and the ramifications of all this are going to have repercussions I'm sure. I'm looking forward to the next book but I'd like to get to know the characters better.

aklev13's review against another edition

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I’ve given this the same star rating as the first but i did enjoy it much more. I think the removal of the ‘falling in love’ process made all the difference! There’s some of that cheesy villain monologue stuff and the end conflict seemed a little too easy but enjoyed the conclusion of the Marsh situation.

samrushingbooks's review against another edition

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Nooo! How could it end like that? I demand the next book now. Grr...I have become quite attached to these characters and I need to know what shall happen next. Even Patrice returns in this book. It was a great read though not exactly the happiest of endings. I shall impatiently be awaiting the release of book 3. More Marsh please.

christajls's review against another edition

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This review originally published at More Than Just Magic

A Clockwork Heart is a darker and creepier tale than its predecessor – A Conspiracy of Alchemists. A strange woman – The White Lady – is capturing people, removing their hearts and exchanging them with clockwork devices. An army of zombie like people who can’t feel pain and will keep on fighting until destroyed? Disturbing stuff.

I really love Elle. I love how spunky she is and how brave. Even if her stubborness does get her into trouble. She’s not afraid to put her life on the line for people she cares about (particularly Marsh) and that’s admirable no matter what her other qualities are. I’m also a big fan of the secondary characters in this book, particularly Loisa Beladodia, the Nightwalker from A Conspiracy of Alchemists. I find her sense of humour spot on and I love how..vicious she is while still being a lady.

The first book had a lot more romance and A Clockwork Heart scaled it back a little, which was nice. Don’t get me wrong, I love Hugh and Elle and I adored watching the “will they-won’t they” in book 1. But it’s nice to have something different to focus on as well. Especially since I was really frustrated by Hugh and Elle’s relationship in this book overall. He knew who she was and promised her he wouldn’t expect a traditional marriage. But in A Clockwork Heart turns around and demands just that! It felt like both of them were going against all the promises they had made not one book ago!

I also should clarify that saying the romance is scaled back doesn’t mean Hugh and Elle aren’t at the centre of the story. What fun would that be otherwise? There are some crazy antics and Schwarz puts these poor characters through the ringer. But we don’t get as much Elle and Marsh together time. I don’t think this is a bad thing personally, as it allows for Elle to achieve a bit of self-discovery. Even if she does make some foolish decisions in the process (Like not calling back the oracles? WHY?)

Recommendation: Overall A Clockwork Heart is a strong sequel. I don’t think it’s quite as good as the first, but still enjoyable and will leave you begging for book three, Sky Pirates.

awebster92's review against another edition

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5.0 It is not allowed to end like that. I'm sure she has a plan to rescue him. That is just too sad. 4.5/5 I only took .5 away because I wish there would have been more Marsh.

diaryofthebookdragon's review against another edition

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A Conspiracy of Alchemists, first book in The Chronicles of Light and Shadow series, was such an adventure with million things happening at once and chasing around the world. I loved spunky and kick-ass Eleanor Chance and could not wait to read more. Also I hoped that neglected romance element will finally blossom in A Clockwork Heart and that I will feel that spark between Elle and Hugh.

Surprisingly, A Clockwork Heart has more sedate pace than A Conspiracy of Alchemists. There are no breath-taking travels around the world – setting is rainy and misty London. Plot takes longer time to develop and because we have multiple narrators there are almost no surprises – we know what the ‘bad side’ is planning. The only part that reminded me of A Conspiracy of Alchemists was the ending which was whirlwind of action and twists and turns and it’s the bright and shinny part of A Clockwork Heart. But it was also so sad and heart-breaking and left me with a desire to read the next part Sky Pirates NOW (which is not going to happen since it’s not published yet).

Romance definitely didn’t develop the way I expected. As the beginning says, A Clockwork Heart begins with a happily-ever-after. Elle and Hugh are married and living together. But marriage between independent girl prone to adventures and powerful warlock who sacrificed his magic to be with her can not be easy. There are a lot of bumps and troubles on the way. It was so sad watching my confident kick-ass heroine helpless and not knowing how to resolve her marital issues.

I know I complained about a lot of things in A Clockwork Heart. But I still like The Chronicles of Light and Shadow series very much. It has steampunk setting. Elle is strong, kick-ass heroine who makes a lot of wrong decisions in this book, but hey every human makes mistakes. I hope she will learn from them.

In The End…
A Clockwork Heart was a little bit more slower in pace and a lot gloomier and darker in tone than A Conspiracy of Alchemists. With that kind of breath-taking ending it’s impossible to not want to read the sequel, but if you don’t like cliffhangers my recommendations is to read A Clockwork Heart when Sky Pirates is published. Because, trust me, you are going to want to read the next book NOW.

My rating: 3.5 stars

Disclaimer: I was given a free eBook by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a honest review. This text is also posted on my blog Bookworm Dreams in a little bit more styled edition.

djinnia's review against another edition

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Why?! Why did you do that to him? I am angry. Furious even. Did you have to do that to my favorite character?

I just can't make myself give it 3 stars or more. I can't like it for what happens at the end of the book. It's not within me. It doesn't matter how wonderful the writing was or how great the action sequences were. It made me want to throw it across the room and stomp on it.

Lucky for it, it's a library book, which is the only thing that saved it from my wrath. I'm normally not a violent person toward books. I've only ever wanted to throw 2 books like that.

Don't get me wrong. I loved the first one. The first one was epic.

shai3d's review against another edition

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My introduction to the steampunk genre was actually the first book in this series, A Conspiracy of Alchemists, and I haven't looked back since. The blend of urban fantasy and alternative history is one that I find rather satisfying. So you can only imagine how I jumped at the chance to review A CLOCKWORK HEART.

I really enjoyed the characters of Elle, Marsh and Loisa so getting a chance to rejoin them on their adventures was like getting together with old friends. And boy do they get themselves involved in adventures. I found this book filled with suspense and danger. Or course, Elle loves to court danger.

I have to say that I really enjoyed A CLOCKWORK HEART but there were some instances where I was pulled out of the story as I tried to figure out just what or who the author meant. On the plus side is the fact that this book kept me on the edge of my seat almost the entire time and ends in a cliff hanger. I can hardly wait to see what Ms. Scharz and Elle have planned next for us.

I do recommend A CLOCKWORK HEART to any of my readers that enjoy steampunk. It is one wild ride that is sure to please. I rate it a 4.1.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

caroleheidi's review against another edition

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After reading book one of this series I was horribly disappointed – by the end it had shown oodles of potential and promise but only delivered any in the final chapters of the book. Thankfully A Clockwork Heart realised all of that promise and added some more magic of its own.

Steampunk with a touch of horror, Elle has finally found her feet as a character and no longer felt flighty and confused. A very good thing considering the situations she finds herself in – it’s never an easy thing when you drag your husband home to find his heart has been ripped out and replaced by clockwork.

Atmospheric throughout with a hefty smattering of Shadow fey amongst the steampunk and clockwork zombies, A Clockwork Heart was an exciting adventure that I couldn’t put down. Satisfying in itself but with enough of a cliff-hanger that I can’t wait for book three to be released – finally I can see that this series could well be the spark of the new beginning for steampunk that everyone was talking about.

innowen's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through

The second book in a very awesome steampunk/urban fantasy series jumps right out from the gate. Once again we're treated to the awesome world that Schwarz has created for us in A Clockwork Heart. Elle and Marsh are married and things aren't going well. Elle is much more of a modern woman than her time period and she does not want to be tied down to duty between her man and the love of the open airways. However, when she decides she wants to be with Marsh, he goes missing and strange tickers are afoot. We're treated to old characters and some new friends and left with a heart-wrenching (get it??? hurr hurr) ending that just left me wanting more.

What I loved: clockwork zombies! Holy cow, what an awesome concept. Love this idea and it played out so well in this world. I loved the end battle with everyone pitching in to help save Marsh. The imagery of the Battle was just awesome.

What I disliked: Mz. Schwarz, duuuuude... the ending! How could you. Talk about having one's heart ripped out. I cried. Way to show how one morns for lost love; and now, I must wait another half a year or more to read more! Gaaah, how could you!!!! *grins*

Overall, A Clockwork Heart and this series is an amazing and fun tromp through imagination. I'm so looking forward to the third book and I just finished the second.