
The Ends of the World, by Maggie Hall

queenie_e's review

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I was shocked to find this book somewhat made the entire series worth it. The books continued to get better as we progressed.

yvo_about_books's review

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Finished reading: January 10th 2018

"You're a survivor. I'd never wish it on anyone, but you're just like the rest of us now. Welcome to the world's worst club."


I picked up this title as part of my goal to finish more series this year. I really enjoyed the first two books of this trilogy so I was looking forward to it, but unfortunately the third and final book The Ends Of The World ended up disappointing me. Why? First of all, I found there was way too much focus on the romance, significantly more than in the previous books and this took away a lot of the magic of this series. Sappy romance scenes, cliches, love triangle, you name it; this third book is coated with it and I wasn't happy with that development. Especially since I enjoyed the first books a LOT. The spark that put this series on my radar in the first place was definitely missing in The Ends Of The World and I found there was too much focus on the political side rather than the mystery and conspiracy. The international settings saved this final book for me somewhat, but  all in all not the thrilling and explosive ending I was expecting.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.

toystory242's review

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This trilogy turned out to be so much more than I was expecting! By the time I got to this last book, I loved the characters and relationships a lot and I really appreciated how all of them developed. The settings were awesome, as well. I would've liked to see a bit more from the other characters, but in the end the story really is about Avery, so that's okay.

My only problems with this final book is that I feel like it lost a lot of the "treasure-hunting" aspect the first two had. Not that I didn't enjoy the direction this book went, and it made sense for it to head in that direction; I just missed that lighter aspect. I also felt like the end was a bit too chaotic, but it's finneee. The rest of the book had enough realistic emotion and great moments to overshadow the end anyway. There were some really awesome parts that I loved. It's awesome to see how far these characters have come!

These books aren't THE BEST EVER, but I promise there's a reason I read (well, listened to) the entire trilogy in like a month...

lyndsayreads's review

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3.5/5 stars

What a fantastic ending to a really fun trilogy. After reading book 2 and being left on a huge cliffhanger, I immediately jumped into book 3 and listened to it in less than 24 hours. It's a fun, fast-paced, super quick series to read and I'm so glad I finally started (and finished) it this year! I will say that I didn't love this one quite as much as book 2 but I did like it more than book 1.

Avery is dealing with a lot of crap in this book. After the events in book 2, her emotions are all over the place and she's not quiet sure how to cope. Luckily, all her friends are there to help her and to keep her moving forward on their path. Her character development throughout the series is fantastic and maybe the strongest aspects of these books. I was so happy with the path she chose for herself and I was SO happy for the person who decided to go down that path with her. There were a couple of moments during this book that I think I actually turned into the heart eyes emoji.

The only reason that I didn't like this one as much as book 2 was because the biggest plot twists were all so obvious. While I didn't necessarily guess everything that was revealed, it definitely didn't surprise me. And the big surprise at the end was something I predicted way back in book 1, so that's kind of a disappointment. But the action and adventure is still strong in this final installment. And I love that there is so much history incorporated in these books. It's almost like being educated and entertained at the same time.

I'm so glad I gave this series a go and I think you should too. As I said in my review for book 2, it's not going to blow your mind. But it's a really fun way to spend a few days. I'd highly recommend these books on audiobook because the audiobook narrator is one of my favorites and she does a fantastic job. I can definitely see myself revisiting this series in the future when I just need something fun to take my mind off of stressful things or to break up some of the more serious reading I do. And I think you'd like it too! :)

carlyjean's review

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I had to know how these finished! Fun beach read series!

mbarnes9's review

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Wow. This was an amazing finale to The Conspiracy Of Us trilogy. There were tons of plot twists, and all my unanswered questions from the previous two books have been solved! I really have become attached to the characters and their stories.

pagesplotsandpints's review

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Initial Impressions 7/20/17 + review as posted on The Book Addict's Guide 10/9/17: That was such a solid ending of this series, and done just right, I think! I often times worry with series-enders because it’s so hard to wrap things up. I think THE ENDS OF THE WORLD was just the right amount of action, romance, resolution, devastation, and consequences all rolled into a solid conclusion.

I listened to the first two books back-to-back on audio and I almost wish I had waited until this book was out so I could have binged all three because I always forget a little bit from the previous books, so I did have a tiny bit of a gap in remembering exactly what happened! Fortunately it wasn’t a lot since I read them not TOO long ago, but it still did affect my reading experience just a tiny bit. What I really did love is that Maggie Hall kept all of her characters true to themselves. They really grew throughout the series and their decisions were normal and logical for everything that they had been through. Avery is a very different person from the beginning of the series and I loved how she said it herself — she’s definitely not the same but her experiences changed her and she grew from them. I really loved how the characters evolved but really stayed true to their personalities and beliefs. It happens all too often that things start to really stray from the first book by the time you hit the last book so I’m so happy that Maggie Hall kept a very cohesive feel to this series all around!

Being the last in the series, obviously things had to take some dire turns before they could wrap up! I really liked the amount of danger present in this book and the sacrifices that were made. It wasn’t always easy to read but everything resolved really well, I think, and it was a satisfying ending without being too cheesy. I loved the extra few sentences that stated that even though it was a positive final result, everyone had still gone through so much and it would take a long time for everyone to be okay, if ever. It really put that into perspective that these characters went through some STUFF and it’s not all fluff and cotton candy after it was all over. They have a long road ahead of working to put things back into place, sorting out a lot of political stuff, and working on relationships as well. It was great to see some reality brought into a happy ending while still feeling a little gooey about it.

Without talking about any spoilers, the plot did take a turn that I wasn’t so crazy about? Not bad in any way but I guess you could say it that was one step further that took things into more of a jump outside of reality that I just didn’t know if I could wrap my brain around it. It wasn’t paranormal or fantastical or anything like that but it was an added element to the story that really affected the plot and I was just like of like HMMM. How do I feel about this? I think it took one step past the international espionage and added almost a mild sci-fi element? Ugh, it’s hard to explain without giving things away but anyway, that was my one very small hang-up, and totally a personal opinion.

Overall, I LOVED this series and I love international thrillers like this! There aren’t a lot of really good YA espionage/modern political novels like this (I guess for lack of a better term, a sort of Da Vinci Code concept) and I would love to see more of this in the YA world! I’d absolutely pick it up. No matter what Maggie Hall is writing next, I am totally on board! I loved the details that went into this series, the feel and atmosphere were fantastic, the characters were strong, and the whole series stayed true to itself. Highly recommend and can’t wait to read more from Maggie Hall, whatever that may be!

rsarnelli's review

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I have to say, I'm kind of disappointed with this book. I had high hopes after how the second one ended, but this was just...meh. Some of that is probably my fault - I could barely remember some of the things from the first two books that were relevant here - but I also think there was just too much going on. There was less of the conspiracy/"secret history" stuff I liked from the first two books too, and honestly all the science-y stuff went right over my head. I've also never really been super invested in the characters or their relationships, so I guess it was just hard to care about what happened to them.

Oh well. At least I actually finished a series.

skyhazzard's review

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I enjoyed this book just as much as the last one. I've really come to love all the characters, most especially Stellan, Luc and Collette. This series took me on some twists and turns that left me gasping which I appreciated.

todolynn's review

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I was very pleased with how this series ended. So often I hate the third book but this one was amazing and had everything I wanted. The twists were fantastic and the ending bittersweet.