
The Reapers by Ali Winters

bookwife's review

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That was one heck of a ride! It was a little bit slow at first but when it picked up, it really picked up and didn’t stop. I loved all the characters. Especially Vivian. She was kind of a surprise. She was a reaper with a huge heart. I loved seeing her relationships grow.

This book kind of ended with things settled but absolutely not good. I can’t wait to see what happens next.


deann_f's review

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Fairly new to Reapers but this was an interesting take. Will definitely be coming back to see where Nivian and Kain end up next.

nikkiethereader's review

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I think I have just stumbled upon another favorite series of all time! I won't know until I've read the rest of the series, of course. My gut tells me that I'm right though. I'm debating on listening to the whole series in honor of listening to the first one. Either way, I'm getting my hands on the rest of this series. Even if it doesn't become one of my favorites, I will devour this series. I will absolutely love it!

The narrator did a really great job. I adored hearing it. She gave a flair to an already great story that I just loved! The only real problem I had with this story at all is the fact that I can't say the story matched the blurb presented for it. They were similar but I feel like the blurb put more focus on things that the story really didn't. Just my opinion though. Still loved it and still fully recommend!

saschadarlington's review

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This review is of the audiobook version.

Author Ali Winters has created an interesting world in The Reapers, one in which the Grim Reapers have watchers who were supposed to make sure that the balance of life and death remained in order but they got corrupted and became Hunters who killed Reapers, but the Hunters were all supposed to have been killed, but evidently not.

Enter Nivian and Kain. Nivian is a Reaper who is supposed to kill Kain, who seems to be just a human, but is evidently a Hunter, except he knows nothing about it.

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nisey429's review

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So good.

This book was great. It is the story of a reaper Nivian and her mark Kain who happens to be a hunter. This is a story about balance and what happens when all order and reason is thrown off. If you like urban fantasy with all the twist and turns of the the unknown this book is for you.

bookwifereviews's review

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That was one heck of a ride! It was a little bit slow at first but when it picked up, it really picked up and didn’t stop. I loved all the characters. Especially Vivian. She was kind of a surprise. She was a reaper with a huge heart. I loved seeing her relationships grow.

This book kind of ended with things settled but absolutely not good. I can’t wait to see what happens next.


clcannon's review

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Wow! The imagination and twists and turns in this book had me on the edge of my seat! Winters knows how to create intriguing conflict and let it dangle long enough to steal your breath! I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series!

booksintheskye's review

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*I received a free copy through Audiobook Obsession in exchange for an honest review

See full review here:

Overall, The Reapers by Ali Winters was an enjoyable read. This was definitely the different twist on paranormal that I was looking for and she really created a unique world. While the pacing had some issues, the story really gripped me and I was invested the entire time. Nivean, Kane, and Caspain were fantastic main characters to follow. Even though there are other points of views, these are the characters that really stuck out to me. The transfer from different points of views weren’t the best transitions but it did add some depth to the story. I highly recommend this book for those who are looking for a different paranormal read with a hint of romance.

NOTE: The narration does not affect my rating of the book
The audio was okay for this book. I felt like it could have been so much better. Sarah Colton didn’t do a bad job with telling this story but it felt a little flat. There was no real passion behind the words being spoken. If a character were to “exclaim” there was no telltale without the context. She wasn’t monotone throughout the book but there wasn’t the emphasis that I typically enjoy with my audiobooks. You could do the audio but I would probably recommend physically reading this story.