
Resistance, Rebellion, Life: 50 Poems Now by Amit Majmudar

alishaaa's review

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joannerixon's review

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Two years into the latest iteration of American fascism, I'm weary and wary of the #resistance; if I never again hear a Baby Boomer rhapsodize about the lost glory of American Democracy's Golden Age it will be too soon. But most of the poems in this book aren't hashtaggy. Poetry, I think, is naturally resistant to hashtag culture.

In any case, there are many poets featured in this book that I know and love and would like to recommend to you. Many of the poems are reprints, by poetry-world-famous poets, and this book is handy for finding a broad selection of poets you should be reading now, if you aren't already. Some of my favorite poets that feature here include Solmaz Sharif, Jericho Brown, Ilya Kaminsky, Ada Limon, Bob Hicok, and Lucie Brock-Broido. Check 'em out.

mlytylr's review

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given the theme (post-trump america) i expected many of the poems would be polemic, would sacrifice style. i was impressed by the opposite. (funny: the editor notes in the intro that no poets even submitted work that could be construed as conservative or pro-trump, even though they called for work from any political pov ... the poets of america have spoken.)