beorn_101's review

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This was interesting. I have always found venom and the Symbiote fascinating, so naturally a story focused all around them was something i wanted to try.

This particular story should be called "Agent Venom" more then Venom, as for about 80% of the story Flash has the symbiote under tight control.

I found the concept of the government using this being to do covert operations interesting. It is obviously a recipe for disaster, but that doesn't make it any less of a fun ride.

Some highlights, Kraven the Hunter makes an awesome apperance. Flash is given a interesting backstory and exploration. The main villain behind the scenes has some real promise.

Things that didn't quite work. There are several moments where we just have to accept things, that made little sense. Vibranium bullets shred thru metal, but don't hurt the symbiote... The symbiote figured out one of the government's control devices on it, but doesn't really explain how. The symbiote is supposed to be permanently bonded to a user if in the suit past a certain time, not allowing use over this time is one of their safety precautions, so you can guess what thing they ignore....

In addition, we don't every really get to see agent venom match up against someone, most of the fights are introduced when they are half over, and every fight against someone who can stand up to Venom is ended by Venom running away for the more important objective. Not bad, but after over 100 pages I was hoping for one full fight.

All said and done I enjoyed this and will keep my eye out for volume 2, but I am not anxiously awaiting it.

loop's review

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This lives up to the hype. I do love Remender and Venom, so I expected to enjoy this, but it really did impress me. Remender always writes soldiers extremely well, and he got deep into Flash's head and made me really empathize with him; some stuff really hit home for me. The threat of Venom taking over was always present and always kept me at the edge of my seat. It really captured that Venom horror feel in a book that otherwise feels like a departure from classic Venom themes. Remender has Flash really go through the ringer, as he usually does with any character he writes. A lot of really crappy stuff happens to him in the span of 12 issues, but it all humanizes him extremely well. I expected the Spider-Island tie-ins to be lame, but they ended up feeling really natural, continuing Flash's arcs smoothly. I also loved the way Remender writes Spider Queen and Jack O'Lantern. Jack specifically got a lot of character development.

As for the art: I love Tony Moore's art, but holy shit Tom Fowler came out of nowhere and really impressed me. Very clean line work and good panel pacing; and his Spider-Queen is really hot, and tastefully so. Medina was also quite a treat.

The "What If" issue was neat; it had some funny concepts and clever pop culture references, poked fun at the Marvel universe, but overall felt more like a Deadpool story where Venom and Carnage were just there. Still a lot of fun.

Looking forward to the rest of this series. 9/10 so far.

m_david's review

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Although he's my favourite villain/anti-hero, Venom's first trade didn't blow me away as much as I'd like. Still enjoyable, just not mind blowing.

shidoburrito's review

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A fun reboot of the Venom story with Eugene "Flash" Thompson as the new Venom, working with the army he continues to serve, even after losing both his legs fighting for his country. Don't worry, they'll remind you of that plenty of times. And the fact his dad was an abusive drunk. It's a good thing I think Venom is super cool. And the fact they had an extra comic about Venompool which was pretty hilarious!