
Celestial by S.E. Anderson

darquedreamer's review

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"You're reckless and resourceful and you care way too much. You could pluck the stars out of the sky if you put your mind to it. That's why the universe wants you--because you want nothing more than the universe itself."

Anderson has taken me on another bold adventure, and all I can say is wow! I think Celestial has become my favorite of the series. It was spellbinding! I loved the humor and intensity, and all the beauty and action! This one alone made the series worth reading, and I have loved every book so far!

What I have loved so far in the series, and what I loved the most about this book, is how Anderson touched on the subject of depression and anxiety and entwined it in to such a highly entertaining storyline with grace, appropriate humor, and sensitivity. Sally has been one of my favorite characters since book 1 because of how she was created. She has always been strong and vulnerable at the same time. She's always hit with these insane adventures and situations and has always taken steps to inwardly reflect before acting while showcasing how someone with mental health handles less than normal situations in general.

"Sally Webber, you are a literal goddess right now. Believe in yourself, or no one else will."

And, Sally truly became a goddess in this one. I loved her so much and enjoyed how she changed and grew and let a little more of herself out in to the universe. I loved really seeing how she has affected Zander and Blayde without even realizing it herself. And, of course, I loved getting another facet to both Zander and Blayde's characters because of Sally and her choices and actions.

Celestial was truly out of this world. It had me laughing and feeling at every twist and turn. It gave me all the nostalgia for the first three books, but also gave me something brand new and exciting itself. It was action packed and full of humor and wild entertainment! If this book series were a tv show it would be at the top of my list, along with Doctor Who! Anderson has consistently continued to develop these amazing characters, and the universe they have been bouncing around in, since Starstruck, and I have not been able to get enough of it!

"And so, together, we danced, the cold waves crashing against our bare feet while we stared at the stars that would never be ours."

Halloween Rating 5

I had the opportunity to read this e-ARC for free, in exchange for my honest review, after connecting with the author through The Book Robin Hoods site. If you are an author looking for more reviews, or a reviewer looking to help out Indie/Self Published and Lesser Known Authors, make sure to click the link below and join us!

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All quotes are from the book, written by the author, and may be subject to change since this was an advanced e-copy.

breysreviews's review

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Celestial by Se Anderson is the fourth book in the Starstruck Saga. It continues a brilliant plot of immortal heroes, mortal heroes and begins a prophecy Sally doesn’t want to deny she’s a little more in-over-her-head than she thought.

Here’s the thing about this saga. It’s one of those brilliant works of art where you’re shocked every book. Every book gets better and better. The first book was 5 stars, the second was an even better 5 stars, and this one absolutely blew me away.

I am going to have some spoilers in this review, but I’ll let you know when that happens. I have to rave about this series a little bit more before I tell you what book #4 is about. SE Anderson has an addictive writing style that is so completely immersive you want to finish all of her books in one sitting back to back to back. She is creative. It’s unique. The pop culture references both make you go “AHA I KNOW THAT ONE” and crack up laughing at the same time. Her characters are so beautifully written and so real sounding despite despite being completely unreal that you connect with them instantly and you have to cheer them on. I can’t suggest highly enough that you check out this book.

Now onto spoilers for the rest of the books!

Sally, Zander, Blayde and Nim jump to a planet that is strangely familiar to Sally, is it earth in the year 3000? Why is there busts and prophecies with Sally’s name on it? Sally is proclaimed to be the goddess Serena who has come to save this planet from the Sky People who appear every 5000 years, take all of their children and decimate the planet. Can our heroes save another planet from its own doom.

Again. This book was brilliant. It was so addicting I definitely got through it the fastest. The ending left me shook to the core, and I’m so glad I can hope right into book 5!