
WitchBlood by Emma Mills

shubba_the_emo_reader's review

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Emma has created what I hope to be an amazing new vampire series with a twist. Witchblood has a little bit of everything to entice the readers. Action, romance, sexy and streamy vampires. I was captivated by the plot, the character and the setting. Although I did feel like parts of story felt rush and could have been developed further but by the end you are left begging for more, and I am so glad I already have book 2.

mbfeeney's review

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Review to follow once I've read all 3 books

*update 6 April 2013*

The main draw of me reading this book was the fact that the author is not only a Brit like me, but she also has set her books in the UK. My other half is from Manchester, but I don't admit to knowing the city very much.

The main character of Jess is pretty much someone I'd want to be friends with. She sassy with a touch or sarcastic. Just my kinda gal, but I wanted to shake her when she left the club alone. You just DON'T do that!! I mean, look where it got her.

Once ... events have taken place and the reader has been introduced to Daniel and Eve, we start to see more of Jess's character. She refuses to act the way is expected of her, and I admire that. After all, it would be so easy for her to just cave to the peer pressure that's being placed upon her.

I enjoyed the twists Mills put on her version of vampire lore, such as the bonds between maker and new vamp, but I have to admit, I wasn't a fan of Daniel. As I read the first book, I couldn't help but think he was yet another 'x' years old vamp who thought he knew better than the female lead and was a bit controlling, but after a while, I found it easy to understand why he was like that.

Unlike 'other' vampire books, there was a real threat to Jess. The vampire clans were ever present, and rules had to be adhered to, which is why we're introduced to Sebastian (I REALLY wasn't keen on him).

I admit, after finishing this book, I was "Team Luke". Even acting the way he did, but considering his background, totally understandable.

I did feel sorry for Jess. If being a newly turned vamp wasn't enough, she now has witch powers that she's struggling to control, and at the end of the book I really wanted more.

The only reason I gave this 4 stars instead of 5 was in some places, the pace of the story dropped a little. First books in a series are tricky as they have to contain a lot of information, background and build up to the grand finale. Mills did all of this really well, but sometimes it was a little information overload. it didn't put me off diving straight into book 2 though.

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witchqueen76's review

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As the author instead I'm adding a review from an Amazon UK reader:

Witchblood is a refreshing twist on the vampire genre. Set in Manchester, it brings all the interest, excitement and drama of a young adult novel but to our British shores.
The prologue pulls you into the story from the first line and leaves you wanting to find out more. With a strong and addictive plot, you'll wonder where your evening went!

5.0 out of 5 stars
An addictive read, 15 Jan 2012
By SarahW

mrose21's review

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I bought this book as it was on a popular book list and if i am honest, it was Free yeah, free books are important to me.
I was suprised I like it.

The heroine, a little bit bratty, shes made the heroine have so many bitch fits I am fairly sure shes going to get unbareable at some point.
Sebastian, he doesn't sound that scary. I am not sure why but he sounds fairly wussy. Maybe that is just me...
Daniel, hmm I love the character yet at the same time he is so weird. Why does the author stress he loves sports. It seems so weird, like a constant reminder HE LOVES SPORTS. I don't really care? In fact the fact he watches football and golf constantly makes me want to hit him.
Eva, LOVE HER. Can we get more of her ? She makes me chuckle and her hardness just makes her more enjoyable.

I liked this storyline from the start I must admit. The vampires turning a witch (that didn't know) accidentally and the angel that was meant to be looking after her, kind of causes it, just makes it better... Luke is a character that bores me. She is so obsessed which I fail to see why he just seems immature to me.

Buying the next book for sure.

maxines_obsessions's review

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I loved this book, it was a breath of fresh air.

Almost time for a re read now there is a new one out.

stephaniewhitson's review

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Great book

I can't wait to read rest of series. I love witch and vampire books and this one has both in it plus angels

samanthawattam's review

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Things going on in my life at the moment which make reading difficult so hard to concentrate so this was a good choice as it is very light reading.

17 year old Jess finds her whole life turned upside down on one fateful night after leaving a nightclub when she encounters a gang of thugs but to her rescue comes Daniel. I expected more of a romance and although there are elements of that it is more focused on how Jess copes with the unexpected changes in her life how she deals with loss both of those she loves and adjusting to the new world she now inhabits.

A nice read funny, romantic, sad, and sweet. I'd recommend.

booksteacupnreviews's review

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Fast paced, Paranormal, Vampires, and witches? I love it.

Jessica, 17 old, happy in life with boyfriend Luke and best friend Alex. Happy life turns to tragedy when she was looted in dark alley and left to die. Daniel, handsome dashing vampire gives her a new life, turns her into vampire. But, she is no normal vampire. There’s more to it. She is struggling in her new life. It’s difficult for her to let go of human soul and her love for Luke. What happens next? Will she able to move on in new life and accept her vampire nature and her master Daniel? Will she able to forget Luke?

I love paranormal books. I always find it fascinating. This book is combination of vampires and witches which makes this book different from other normal vampire romance. Story is thrilling with suspense and little romantic touch to it. It is “half love triangle”. Half because Luke is in the past (human) life of Jess and have very little role after she turn to vampire.

I liked all characters except Luke. At some point, I started to feel something was off about him. I liked Daniel for his calm nature and his ability to handle situation patiently. Eva, though bossy, was instantly likable. Jess was constantly whiny in book but it was bearable. I started liking her when she was finally giving a chance to Daniel and coping with vampire inside her. I sped up reading at that point as I wanted to know what happens to their relationship. I loved blossoming relationship of Jess and Daniel. Also, the suspense in the book about her witch power was intriguing.

Best part of the book, the little adventure in the last few chapters. That was fun reading and I was impressed by change in Jess. I am definitely going to read the rest of the series.

Overall, it’s interesting and trilling.

(Note: Downloaded free copy from

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