
Barefoot Dreams by Roxanne St. Claire

angela_evans's review

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The perfect little bite-sized story to bring Gabe and Lila's story to its happily-ever-after conclusion! Definitely a must-read for the Barefoot Bay readers, and the perfect way to introduce yourself to the sun-drenched island if you've never visited.

Gabe and Lila are two of my all-time favorite characters and revisiting them under any circumstances is welcome, but a brand new story featuring them is a dream come true (no pun intended). Today is Gabe & Lila's wedding day, but will an ancient voodoo curse, and superstitions keep them from walking down the aisle?

You'll have to read and find out!

nellesnightstand's review

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Only Gabe Rossi would have an wedding day like this one! Through tragedy, adventure and laughter. Gabe proves to his Isadora, he adores her! Just one little spoiler.....

who, but Gabe, wrestles an angry, sex starved goat on his wedding day?!

shell74's review

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Who doesn’t love a wedding, right? Especially when it’s the wedding of a couple who have gone to hell and back to find each other again. Barefoot Dreams was the perfect HEA ending to Gabriel and Lila’s reunion in gorgeous Barefoot Bay. But in true Roxanne St. Claire style, there were a few bumps along the way.

What a fun novella! Gabriel Rossi has been a fan favorite for a long time and this particular story brought out everything in his personality that made readers fall in love with him in the first place. He was in all his intense, super sexy, potty-mouthed glory here. Not to mention that we got to see Gabe head over heels in love–and in full protection mode–over Lila and cute little devil Rafe. So for a short story, there was a multitude of emotions our hero went through in order to marry his longtime love, Lila. Read More

nellenaz's review

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Only Gabe Rossi would have an wedding day like this one! Through tragedy, adventure and laughter. Gabe proves to his Isadora, he adores her! Just one little spoiler.....

who, but Gabe, wrestles an angry, sex starved goat on his wedding day?!

mslizalou's review

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Gabe Rossi is one of my favorite characters ever written. When I found out Roxanne St. Claire was writing his story I was over the moon. When I found out we were getting his wedding story, I couldn’t download and read the book fast enough.

I love Lila Wickham every bit as much as I love Gabe, and their son Rafe might even be more of a handful than his daddy. Seriously Rafe seems to be every bit the magnet for trouble his parents have always been. Add in time with Poppy and Uncle Nino, and I was pulled in from the very first page.

There was no way a Gabe Rossi wedding day could happen without a bit of adventure occurring. Thanks to a mischievous child just like his daddy the adventure starts with the search for missing wedding rings, moves on to keeping Rafe safe, and finally Gabe doing everything in his power to take all the worry away from Lila. While I loved the adventure and the romance of Barefoot Dreams, I think the humor in this book was my favorite part. Seriously having Gabe battle a goat had me laughing out loud.

Barefoot Dreams was the perfect wedding story for Gabe, Lila, and Rafe. I loved every single moment of this story. I absolutely would love if Ms. St. Claire decided to write a series of books with Gabe and Lila similar to the In Death series from J.D. Robb. I just know Gabe and Lila’s adventures would be every bit as wonderful as Dallas and Roarke’s. Grab your copy of Barefoot Dreams today and fall in love with Gabe Rossi yourself.

Rating: 5 Stars (A+)
Review copy provided by publisher