stephjlw's review

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A remarkable tale of a public health triumph that fills me with awe and hope. Humbly and accessibly written, Henderson tells you the story of the eradication of smallpox and all of the science and politics that are a part of that story without bogging you down. Very readable without loosing any of it's impact or how thorough it is in telling it's story. Smallpox eradication paved the way for public health as we know it today. Without the success of that project, it is hard to say if the international vaccination campaigns we take for granted would exist. Amazing. Get your vaccines and send a thought of thanks to the WHO for all that they do.

** This book also has it's sprinkles of wit and humour all throughout, there wasn't a chapter that went by where I didn't crack a smile.

panxa's review

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The history of the entire worldwide effort to eradicate smallpox. Because of the scope of the program, the book is an overview and doesn't focus in much detail on any of the specific regions. But there still is a lot of information packed into this conversational narrative.