
All Summer Long by Susan Mallery

bookloverchelle's review against another edition

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A great conclusion to the latest trilogy arch in the Susan Mallory Fool’s Gold series. I’m really enjoying summers because the anticipation of getting a chance to read and enjoy some great books by Ms. Mallory while sitting by the pool makes my weekends that much nicer. Because this is book nine in this series I would not recommend starting from here but it is worth it to go back to the start of this trilogy, or the beginning of the entire series. Charlie and Clay were a great addition to the wonderfully written characters of Fool’s Gold where assumption may have been made when they first made their appearances in earlier books but getting to know them and their hidden depths in this book made the wait worth it. Ms. Mallory does set up for some great future possibilities in the next arch so I’m excited to see where we go next. Enjoyable, light summer read.

caraheard's review against another edition

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Sweet sorry. I really liked Charlie and Clay. But it made me wish it was a picture book. :)

jen286's review against another edition

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While All Summer Long didn't start off as good as the other Stryker brothers books, I found by the end I was really enjoying it.

I was really excited to read Charlie's story. I liked her in the last book and wanted to see how she resolved her issues. I also liked Clay. I could understand why he would be annoyed with everyone thinking he is just a model. He wants to do something else with his life now and to have everyone just see you that way...I get it. I liked the Charlie and Clay together. He was so sweet with her. So nice, going slow, making sure she was okay with everything that was happening. Of course they started caring more for each other. They are both great and great together.

Charlie's mom comes back in this book and man she is a nightmare. I don't know how Charlie dealt with her or how they ever managed to have a relationship. She is just so self centered and doesn't care about others. She says really hurtful things and I just cannot imagine having her as a mom. I can't imagine anyone trying to help her. She is horrible. Somehow she does radically change and by the end is really proud of Charlie and supports her and whatnot. It was a bit unbelievable how much she changed. At the beginning the mom couldn't even figure out why people would be upset by what she said. At least the people of Fool's Gold are really nice and welcoming.

Overall this was a good read, though not my favorite in this series. The ending when Clay comes back was way too quick. Charlie out of anyone shouldn't have taken him back that quickly. She is way too strong and in charge to just be all whatever, all is forgiven just like that. This one in particular I thought needed longer to resolve. I mean it is Charlie! She is tough and yeah. So it was a good read, but not the best in the series.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

scoutmomskf's review against another edition

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Excellent book, my favorite of this trilogy. I loved seeing the personal growth in all the characters. Clay had come back to Fool's Gold to start a new stage of his life. He is done with modeling and is ready to put down roots. He has plans for a new business and is looking forward to getting it off the ground. He puts together a fantastic presentation about it that blows his brothers away, as they had spent years giving him no respect about his career. Then he took it to the town council who also liked it very much. His biggest problem is that people still look at him as the model, not a serious businessman. It is going to be an uphill battle for him to overcome what people think they know about him. When Clay met Charlie she was not impressed by him at all. She doesn't trust good looking guys, and Clay is well past good looking. But she gets a chance to get to know him and realizes that he is more than just a pretty face. She hears people talking about him as though his looks are all that there is to him. She has also had issues with people talking about her looks, but the other way. She is a tall woman, rather tomboyish, but well liked by everyone in town. Charlie also wants to settle down and have a family, but hasn't been able to get close to a man since college. She goes to Clay with a proposition - she'll help him with his image if he'll help her with her problem. I really loved Clay. He was a really nice guy throughout the whole book (except for one brief part at the end). I loved the way he was so careful and patient with Charlie, helping her learn to trust and be intimate. On the way they find that they really like each other and enjoy spending time together. I loved seeing Clay join the fire department as a volunteer, and the way Charlie accused her fellow firefighters of discrimination when they thought he wouldn't be serious about the job. I liked the way that they moved from the mutual assistance pact to actually dating each other. They got to know each other so well that when Clay was having problems with his business Charlie was able to get him some help with just a few words to some friends. It showed Clay how the people of Fool's Gold looked out for and supported each other. I also loved the way that Clay was there to support Charlie as she worked at getting to know her mother. I had some problems with her mom at first, but I really enjoyed seeing her grow as a mom. I loved the way she was there for Charlie at the end, and the way she helped both Charlie and Clay at the very end. I really like the way that the people of Fool's Gold seem so real, with real problems and logical solutions.

jazzrizz's review against another edition

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Wahhh!! I totally read this book out of order. I'd requested it from the library, and didn't realize until 1/4 of the way in that I was missing part of the story.

A quick peek at the reading order . . . I've skipped Summer Days AND Summer Nights. Sigh . . . I ended up finishing the dang book and requesting the other two books.

LOVED Charlie's story!! She's been one of my favorite characters since stumbling on Fool's Gold. Clay was absolutely perfect for her. Even though I was completely annoyed with him . . . and the ending was a bit abrupt . . . I really enjoyed the book.

karenicka's review against another edition

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I have read all the Susan Mallery audiobooks on road trips. They are juicy, funny, and entertaining. No nerd brain needed, but highly addicting!!

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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All Summer Long
4.5 Stars

A traumatic attack in her past has left firefighter Charlie Dixon wary of romantic relationships. But Charlie is determined to face her fears and Clay Styker is just the man to help her. A former underwear model, Clay has returned to Fool's Gold to start his own business. Convinced that he will never love again after the death of his wife, Clay is nevertheless willing and able to give Charlie a hand with her predicament. Can these two lonely people overcome the obstacles of their past to have a future together?

One of the best installments so far.

Charlie's prickly exterior conceals huge capacity for love, and Clay's gorgeous exterior is a mirror for his caring nature and desire to give back to the community. Their chemistry is scorching and their relationship, both physical and emotional, is heartwarming.

While the townspeople of Fool's Gold can be affable and endearing at times, their attitude and behavior toward Clay in this book leaves much to be desired and is reminiscent of their treatment of Josh in the first book. Unlike that story, Charlie rightly calls them out on their inexcusable sexism and they come through in the end.

One minor caveat is the supposed redemption of Charlie's mother, Dominique. She is without a doubt one of the most selfish, narcissistic and thoughtless women to ever disgrace the pages of a romance novel. Her sudden change of attitude is dubious and unrealistic.

Overall, a charming read and I look forward to reading Dante and Evie's book next.

thegeekyblogger's review against another edition

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Listened for Review
Overall Rating 4.50
Character Rating 4.50
Story Rating 4.50

Audio Rating 3.75 (not part of the overall rating)

First thought when finished: All Summer Long is going down as one of my favorite in the Fool's Gold series. I really connected with Charlie and Clay!

What I thought of Story: All Summer Long is the story that I have been waiting for and is probably my favorite in the Fool's Gold series. I adored pretty much everything about it from beginning to end. Everyone has their favorite couples and this one is mine!

What I thought of the Characters: You can pretty much guess that I love Charlie and Clay. I was a little worried that Clay wouldn't be good enough for Charlie but in the end, he won me over. I was a little mad at him during the last 1/4 of the book but he made me smile in the end.

What I thought of the Audio: I thought All Summer Long was a pretty good audiobook. The voices for the men were a little too feminine for me but overall the pacing, narration, and voices for the women characters was spot on.

Final Thoughts: Fans of the Fool's Gold series will not want to miss All Summer Long.

kbranfield's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. All Summer Long is a moving and heartfelt story about healing the past. It is also a beautiful romance that is slow-growing, sweet and most important, realistic. To read my review in its entirety, please visit

dtrumps's review against another edition

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Review on Gone Pecan

Favorite Quote: His world was ruled by those who were flawless. She was broken. Maybe not where anyone could see and she’d sure learned how to fake normal. But she knew the truth.


She just stood there, on the sidewalk, her cheek all tingly and her insides doing some kind of fertility dance. Even someone with her lack of experience got the message. She was attracted to Clay. Sexually attracted. Based on how quickly she was thawing, after a few more meetings she would be reduced to a screaming, sobbing groupie.

Clay Stryker returns to Fool’s Gold with a goal in mind, to convince his family to go into business with him. He’s been all over the place, as a model and movie butt-double, but his wife died a few years ago and he’s tired of the lifestyle. Clay’s problem is not that he would not be able to make his endeavors work, it’s that everyone sees him as the butt model, not the smart, successful man that he’s become (thanks in part to his wife’s insistance that he go to college).

Charlie has finally reached a point where she’s decided that she wants a child. Her problem is that after one very disasterous experience, she’s afraid of men. She doesn’t date and has no interest in it at all. But she wants a child and she wants her child to have a father because her father was so important to her. So to get over her fear, she propositions Clay to help her to ease into the intricacies of intimacy.

She could not have picked a better person. Clay’s wife was the love of his life and he doesn’t want to replace her. So when Charlie and he become friends and she ultimately asks him to help her, he’s a little wary. But Charlie’s not like other women. Clay’s amazing good looks have caused many a sane woman to drop all pretence of civility and adopt a more masculine style way to show their appreciation, but Charlie doesn’t care what he looks like, she cares that he’s a nice guy.

My thoughts:

I LOVE CLAY! He is the best Stryker brother, BY FAR! He’s just so genuine and sweet and decent. Despite the random women on the street pawing at him or making innuendos towards or about him, or pinching his butt (I can’t remember if that actually happened in the book, but it’s not a long shot to think that it could), he’d just turned a blind eye. Sure, it annoyed him, but he was so used to it and he couldn’t be an ass about it (even though I would have totally gave them the evil eye). He eased Charlie into their relationship was just so subtley and a careful touch.

Charlie is very much the tomboy. She’s not a woman given to romanticizing anything. She’s straight-forward and blunt. Charlie’s a firefighter and she pulls no punches. She’s no delicate flower, but I loved that Clay could make her blush. Her longing for a child was heartbreaking when you realize that she has a real intimacy issue. I really liked her. She never played the victim and she never compromised her integrity. In fact, if you would accuse her of doing so, she would knock you out. Her reactions to Clay were funny and endearing. At the end of the day, I liked everything about her and wanted to take her home and make her tea.

The love story was beautiful and a little unpredictable, but very sweet as it was about two friends, as different as night and day, healing with the other’s help. Their gradual feelings for each other was realistic and the intensity of the attraction was obvious.

The conflict at the end was a little difficult to take because I wanted and expected better from my Clay, but I guess there had to be some chink in his armor. And now, looking back, it seems a little out of character. I wanted to rail against Clay for what he did, I wanted to cry for the pain he put Charlie through because she didn’t deserve it. I wanted to slap him. That would feel good. But he’s still my favorite Fool’s Gold Hero and this is my favorite Fool’s Gold book. We need more like this, please.