
The Decisive Battles of World History by Gregory S. Aldrete

melindamoor's review

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I am neither a history buff, nor very keen on wars, but I have to say I was totally taken with these series of lectures by [a:Gregory S. Aldrete|206998|Gregory S. Aldrete|] and I tore through pretty quickly of more than 18 hours of listening.

Aldrete is a talented speaker/narrator who captures your attention and manages to hold it throughout by painting a vivid and intriguing picture abot the battles he chose with human, political, technological, strategic geographic and all kinds of factors and his enthusiam is very catchy.

I have not enough historical ken to decide whether the battles he talks about were really the turning point for an event in history, but he sounds very convincing.

Also, I liked the wide variety of battles he presented and that he went absolutely beyond a "European/US" point of view and talked about battles in Ancient Egypt and China, the battles for/against Islam as well as Aztecs and Inca versus conquistadors, later battles in Japan and China, etc.

Each lecture is approx. 30 minuntes long and well worth listening to.

fmcs's review

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sardonic_writer's review

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It's a solid look at 40+ important battles. You could pick and choose which you'd want to listen to, since it can be a bit much to binge.

Here's the list of the battles covered in the course, in chronological order:

Kadesh- 1274 BCE
Plataea- 479 BCE
Gaugamela- 331 BCE
Chinese Unification- 260-110 BCE
Cynoscephalae- 197 BCE
Actium- 31 BCE
Teutoburg Forest- 9 CE
Frigidus River- 394 CE
Badr- 624 CE
Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah- 636 CE
Talas- 751 CE
Hastings- 1066
Hattin- 1187
Tarain- 1192
Ain Jalut- 1260
Tannenberg- 1410
Diu- 1509
Tenochtitlan- 1521
Cajamarca- 1532
1st Panipat- 1526
2nd Panipat- 1556
Lepanto- 1571
Sacheon- 1592
Sekigahara- 1600
Vienna- 1683
Poltava- 1709
Quebec- 1759
Trenton- 1776
Trafalgar- 1805
Leipzig- 1813
Ayacucho- 1824
San Jacinto- 1836
Antietam- 1862
Koniggratz- 1866
Tsushima- 1905
Marne- 1914
Khalkin Gol- 1939
Midway- 1942
Stalingrad- 1942
D-Day- 1944
Arab-Israeli War- 1948-49
Dien Bien Phu-1954

bbnut45's review

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Enjoyed how he gave just the right enough background for major players in the battles before diving into the battle themselves.