
The Down Home Zombie Blues by Linnea Sinclair

jajorgen's review

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Good blend of SF and romance though the SF elements lean more towards Star Trek then they do Asimov.

ptaradactyl's review

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The title just wasn't a good match for the book. There were far fewer zombies or blues than I was expecting, but far more unnecessary greek and plot complications.

I was ok with the whole space-ship-comes-to-earth thing. I was even down with the zombies-are-semi-sentient-robots. Then there was dark hints from the past, and spacing, and characters I just couldn't get excited about, and more complications, and is-he-a-backstabbing-traitor, and what-was-that-with-the-tech-again?

There were fun little star trek asides, and I enjoyed the leads for the most part. The book just kept meandering around the main plot until I lost track of what I was supposed to care about.

sewcialist_librarian's review

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The worst of the Sinclair books I've read. I'm not even sure why it grates on my nerves. Usually, her characters are likable and interesting. This time, not so much. There's little there to be interested in.

abkeuser's review

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First, let me state, there are no “real” zombies in this novel. In this case, Zombie is an alien term for a creature created to protect their jump gates.

Overall, the alien characters are portrayed in a manner that makes it clear they are not of this earth, and at the same time don’t come over all too cheesy. Fast paced, as with her other novels, this moves along at a steady clip. It’s an odd situation, that somehow is portrayed in a manner that feels rather normal.

Stressful at times, the plot is an interesting take on human/alien interaction, and the romance, while strange is believable enough and not as rushed as some feel.

takethyme's review

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3.5 stars/5. About 100 pages too long. Still, it was a better Sci-Fi romance than most that I have read. It was unusual that Florida was the setting.

brownbetty's review

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[Book:The Down Home Zombie Blues]'s title is the best thing about it, which is not entirely a dismissal; it's a pretty good title. But the book is otherwise fairly mediocre: it's not bad enough to be amusing, and not good enough to be read for its own sake. The premise, that a space-fairing race sends an under-cover agent to Earth to exterminate Earth's infestation of zombies, is pretty good, except that they literally mean zombies; for some reason, our space-fairing race speaks something very close to English, and they call their space-roaches "zombies."
Theo, the male lead, suffers from a slight case of woman hating since his last wife stole his heart and his credit rating. (Turns out she was a coke-head. Whoops. You'd think he'd know what a dope-fiend looks like, being a cop and all.) Jorie, our intergalactic pest-control agent, has had her heart broken. Will they find love together? Yes, but you won't really care.

I gave up without reading the last several chapters to see if they survived, and if the looming menace of intergalactic immigration law was going to tear them apart. Couldn't be bothered.

prationality's review

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For the record the red cover was the original design I believe for the book cover, but then Bantam went with the new redesign for all the books. I have the redesign cover and like it better. Well I like the gun on the red cover better, but I like the ship on the redesign. In case you didn't notice I have a thing for ships and space stations (blame it on my love of Star Trek).

I admit that when I see 'zombie' I want brain-eating undead (like Resident Evil). These weren't zombies in that sense, which as it turned out I was okay with. Jorie and Theo's relationship was, as usual, believable and tense. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy the women in Linnea's books being the ones with 'powers' (for lack of a better word)?

I enjoyed the book because it was a Linnea Sinclair book and had all the necessary hallmarks to make it a good scifi read with romance tossed in. It isn't however, my favorite book and if it had been any other author I would have put the book down and not finished it. It wasn't unfortunately as attention-enthralling as her previous books I'd read and I blame myself for that because everytime I saw 'Earth' or 'Florida' I cringed. I like my scifi in outer space away from Earth. As far away as possible when possible.

Sorry for the late (lacklustre) review. Gabriel's Ghost and Shades of Dark will both be posted today. Hope's Folly will be posted tomorrow or Monday (depending on if my sister drags me into NYC for the teen author festival or not).

wyvernfriend's review

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Bahia Vista homicide detective Theo Petrakos thought he had seen it all. Then he ended up in a battle with a woman with slightly dodgy English and a monster she refers to as a Zombie. Then he discovers that because of what he's seen he's going to have to be relocated and his life as he knows it is over.

However she needs his help, they find themselves Zombie hunting without backup.

It's pretty predictable and not one of my favourites of hers. The character interaction was great fun and the relationships was a stronger part of the story than the plot. Interesting but not a keeper.

darlenemarshall's review

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If you're net yet reading award winning SF author Linnea Sinclair, you're missing a treat. Her books feature wonderful action, adventure and romance, with page turning excitement throughout.

rednikki's review

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A fun romp, perfectly entertaining. So far this is my favorite of Sinclair's books. I'm noticing she absolutely has a template for her characters - short, lithe women with short blond hair who are older than they look, and the hot, swarthy, 40s-ish men that they love.

I appreciate very much that Sinclair's heroes aren't annoyingly alpha.