
The Rise by Julie Plec

ridleyreadsthings's review

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Always and forever indeed

The originals is my favorite tv show and i am thrilled to finally get my hands on this book. It is I great tie in with the show and universe and i love love love following the Mikaelsons adventures and discovering what exactly the got up to on the first few decades in New orleans. A must have read for any fan of the vampire diaries and the originals universe. Much, much more please Julie Plec!!

kritikanarula's review

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There had been much furor and excitement about this book. I had a lot of reasons for mine. One being my loyalty in watching The Originals TV series, so it makes sense when I say that in a first, a book AFTER the TV show was a welcome change. To top it off, we had an inexplicable alacrity to know as much as we can about the original family and siblings specifically.

Initially, the narrative was difficult to read and grasp, and I somehow couldn't relate all that I had seen till date to the book, it was only after I had deided to detach myself from the TV series that i could relish it to the best. "He moved with inhuman speed", goes a line in the prologue and i knew this is going to be a memorable book. Although the story and its characters, with all their eccentricities do everything, even disappoint you, one cannot really pin-point as to what was extraneous. Everything falls into place, and one only craves for more of it. I cannot thank Julie Plec enough for getting us the ultimate gift: first a spin-off of TVD, and then a book on it too!

whatsjessreading's review

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I really enjoyed this book! Definitely worth the read if you are a fan of the show.

We follow the three Mikaelson's as they attempt to build their empire within New Orleans, and we see each of their journeys in this book through their separate perspectives. Klaus, ever the romantic, is besotted with a witch who is betrothed to a werewolf in an attempt to retain peace between witches and werewolves within the city. Elijah is has his mind set on acquiring the three of them land and place to call home. And Rebkah is asked to enlist them an army, only to fall in love with the Captain, and seeks out a life of her own.

What I loved about this book was how well the characters are written here. Given that the book is written by Julie Plec, creator of the show The Originals, this comes as no surprise. They were consistent in every scene, their personalities shining boldly throughout - it felt like a real episode. I could imagine myself watching it for sure.

Where the characters stand out, the plot fails to grasp my complete attention sometimes. It was off to a slow start and then ended rather abruptly, leaving me with more questions that I hope will be answered in the next book. It was a shame, as the plot was interesting to begin with. Had it been fleshed out a little more and less rushed towards the end, my rating would have been higher.

Adding to the fact that some scenes were devoid of any real emotion (apart from the romantic scenes that I enjoyed a hell of a lot and wish had been longer), it didn't leave me feeling like I'd lost something when a death occurred, or empathising with characters who were going through conflict.

Having said that, I admire Plec's writing - it's simplistic and to the point. As someone who has a short attention span, I appreciate the less flowery approach to writing. On ocassion she left me intrigued by certain characters (I'm forever analysing Klaus the anti-hero and I am eager to learn more about him) and aspects of their history, as well as having so many questions about the witches and werewolves in the story. So I'm definitely keen to read the next installment.

A solid attempt here. It didn't quite pay off in the end, but if you just want some fun vanpire/werewolf action without having to think too much, and if you enjoy fluffy romance, this is a book for you.

pagesfullofstars's review

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Review also appeared on my blog Pages Full of Stars.

I have kindly received a copy of this book from author/publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

My rating: 4/6

In The Originals: The Rise we follow the Original family of the vampires after their arrival to New Orleans in XVIII century and their struggle to find their own place on earth. The book starts with Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah entering a private party and from now on each of them goes their own way and looks for a different way to ground their position in the city and show witches and werewolves that they’re not going to leave anytime soon. Klaus has his eye on a young half witch half werewolf, Elijah tries to find them a suitable home and Rebekah wants to win over a French army stationing nearby. But soon their actions cause some unexpecting havoc and things get much more complicated.

What I love about tie-ins is how they let us revisit our favourite characters and TV shows. We get to see more of their adventures, or, like in this case, get a bigger background story. That said, the book may be more enjoyable for the fans of the TV series but I also think that other readers would be able to pick up everything pretty quickly. The story flows nicely and the fast action is emphasised by alternating points of view and charged, gripping moments. I was a bit surprised to see so much romance which got quite cheesy sometimes but there was also a lot of drama and humorous moments to balance it out.

I really appreciated that we got chapters from Elijah’s, Klaus’s and Rebekah’s pov, it helped to truly "get into their heads" and see a wider picture. The characters were exactly like in the TV series. Their manner, way of speaking, I could picture everything as if it was just another episode. Even though Elijah has always been my favourite, Klaus had me confused once again. I view him as a special kind of anti-hero when I adore him one second and then I’m annoyed and angry at him another. But at the same time, he seemed the most out of character of the three of them. I just couldn’t buy his instant love for Vivianne and I was surprised how fast he put forward her well being after his family, despite the fact that he barely knew her.

The writing was smooth and engaged me quickly into the story but I noticed one thing about it that stood out to me – sometimes I completely forgot that the book is set in XVIII century and not present times, because some characters spoke in a normal way that people do nowadays. It doesn’t take away from the enjoyment of reading but can be a bit confusing at times.

In a nutshell, The Originals: The Rise is a story full of melodrama, action and plot twists that will keep you reading till the end. It’s perfect not only for the fans of the TV series but for anyone who enjoys paranormal books, and like the author said herself, it really is a "book with a lot of bite".

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review

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Ever since I saw the first episode of the Vampire Diaries on TV I was hooked. And just like so many others I also fell in love with the Original in season 3 of the show. And of course, when those books were released, I had to buy them. It just took me a few years to actually get to read the first one.

And damn, what do I regret that I let it rot on the shelf for so long! This book brings us the Originals like we love them in full glory. Where Julie Plec is normally limited by the Network when it comes to what she can and can't show, she can write without limits in this book. She doesn't have to think about camera angles, about sensitive viewers, about the airing time. She can go all out.

And that's exactly what she does. All three of them are exactly like we know and they are also the monsters the entire world heard about. Elijah shows no mercy when it comes to the well being of his brother and sister. He's lethally efficiënt in executing his plans. And Klaus and Rebekah both lose their heart, but not without the casualities you can expect when it comes to their doomed always and forever.

And even though you already know from the start, at least if you're familiar with the show (which I think you should be to be able to actually appreciate the storyline), where this is going, there was constantly a part of me that kept rooting for Rebekah to get her happily ever after. There was constantly a part of me that kept hoping that Klaus could find the love he was longing for. There was constantly a part of me that kept praying that Elijah would know the pleasure of seeing his siblings both happy.

I can't wait for the next book!

becca's review

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I loved The Rise, probably more than I did reading about them in the spin-off of Vampire Diaries books Stefan's Diaries. There's something about the Mikaelson's that can rope you in, compelled (pun intended) and eager to find out their background, stories and tales of being the oldest, strongest beings on the planet. Overall, fans of the show will not want to miss this! If you haven't yet watched the show, the book might seem a tad confusing, but it's plausible that you could still understand the characters and the story just as well.
Five stars - or fangs? Either way, I'm dying to read book two!
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