
Bittersweet Darkness by Nina Croft

lisa_me's review

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Another quick but entertaining read from Nina Croft. I loved that Ash was a bad-guy demon who was a good guy.
SpoilerI hope that Raphael's story is next.

hdbblog's review

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Due to my overabundance of excitement at the premise of this book, I didn't notice that Bittersweet Darkness is actually the third book in a series. My fault entirely. So, yes I did scramble for purchase a bit as I found my place in Faith's story. Still, this is a solid read even as a standalone! Nina Croft's writing has the ability to pull you straight down into the story. I might have been missing some details about the pasts of these characters, but in reality I didn't feel the sting too much. In fact, I've found a new world to love. You can bet that this bookworm is headed back to read the first two of these, as soon as possible.

Now on the to the actual review, shall we? Faith's character was absolutely wonderful. I have a place in my heart for characters like her. Characters who are loyal and kind, but also have no problem kicking ass when the situation calls for it. To Faith, the world lies in absolutes. There are good guys, and there are bad guys. There is darkness, and there is light. Most of all, monsters don't exist. Or do they? I watched as Faith's ideals were put into question, and I was so impressed. She's strong. She's fierce. Best of all? Faith isn't swayed by the bad boy type. That alone makes her a winner in my book.

Speaking of the bad boy type, Ash definitely fits that description. It still makes me giggle to call a demon "sexy", but there's no other word to describe it. In his human form, Ash is unstoppable. He's intelligent, sarcastic, and yet just enough of a gentleman to make him delicious. Pardon my gushing, but he is definitely worth swooning over. The banter between Ash and Faith is filled with sass and sparks! I'd have loved Faith no matter what, but Ash definitely complimented her perfectly.

Let's be honest, I'm a fan of PR. I eat Urban Fantasy up like it's candy. So it's really no surprise that I loved the premise of Bittersweet Darkness, what with it's action and intrigue. However that only scratches the surface of my enjoyment. Nina Croft's writing is easy to read, and fun to get lost in. This book is only a little over 250 pages, but I would have happily read for hundreds more. I loved the characters, I loved the world, and I honestly can't wait for more.

chllybrd's review against another edition

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At this point I don't think there could be anything written by Nina Croft that I would not like. She just has a way with stories and I am so glad I found her books.

Faith is a bit different from the other female leads in this series. She is 100% human and believes nothing of the supernatural world. Little does she know that she is more connected with the world than she ever knew and her life is about to change forever. I honestly had my doubts about Asmodai and his ability to fall in love with another woman and treat her right. WOW did he show me. He is seriously night and day from the Ash we met in the beginning of the series. I am so excited that I got to witness his transformation.

The attraction between the two is pretty instant. Ash is pretty aggressive in his advances on Faith and Faith is pretty hesitant to get involved with him for many reasons, the biggest being that she is dying. Poor Faith really doesn't know what she is getting involved in for most of the book and I did enjoy her reactions as things were revealed.

As you know by now, the stories of each book are linked to the others. I really love how involved the other characters are involved in each installment. The relationships between characters continue to grow as the series evolves and the team is really coming together nicely. You CAN read the books as standalone books but I would not recommend it.

There were a lot of great moment in BITTERSWEET DARKNESS, lots of action and suspense as well emotions. The pace is just as brisk as the first two books and I have no doubt books to come will be the same. I have a few guesses on who will be one part of the next love interest but I honestly don't know if I am right and I cant wait until its revealed.

* This book was provided free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

bodebeabay's review

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I think I liked this one best of the series. It had more intense action.
Now to finish with the novella at the end of the boxed set, "Bittersweet Freedom"

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review against another edition

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This is the third book in The Order series. Although it tells the story of a different couple, it would be advisable if you read the previous books before venturing into this instalment. In doing so, you will gain background information on the supporting cast featured in this instalment and learn about the inside operations of The Order of Shadow Accords.

I read the firsts two books awhile back. I received this book for review but never got around to reading it before now. I thought I would have problems getting into the story due the time I took to pick up this book. Fortunately, this was not the case. As I delved into the story, I remembered events from the previous books, which made it easy for me to be immersed in the book.

My Perspective

The Story.
If you love fast-paced, suspenseful action packed and sexy paranormal stories, then you will love this book. Based on my experience with the previous books in the series, I had high expectations for this instalment. I was not disappointed. This is not your typical paranormal romance. Yes, you will encounter the usual supernatural beings you find in this genre, but it so much more than that. It is a story of betrayal, redemption, second chances, forgiveness, healing and love.

This story introduces readers to a world where some supernatural beings, who make up the Order of Shadow Accords, are trying to create a world where they can co-exist with humans. However, other beings are not so keen on the idea and are willing to use any method possible to prevent the Order from achieving its goal. The Order is the police for the supernatural world, who metes out punishment to those beings who bring attention to themselves.

The suspenseful thread involves a group of people trying to bring down The Order by targeting the Christian Roth, a billionaire vampire one of the head honchos of The Order. This aspect of the story was entertaining and captivating. I liked that it did not overshadow the romance between Faith and Ash. In fact, both threads blended well to make for an exciting read.

The romance is not typical of what I generally see in this genre. This was not a case of the hero claiming the heroine as his from the moment he lays eyes on her. This was a case of instant attraction, which slowly grew into love. It also had its share of obstacles from both parties and external sources.

The Main Characters.

If you are a fan of heroines who are tough, self-reliant, sassy and tenacious then you will love Faith. She is human and does not believe there are supernatural beings walking the earth. When approached by a mysterious group to help them in their quest to take down Christian Roth. She thought it ludicrous and not intended to accept their offer. However, due to circumstances beyond her control, she ended up working for this mysterious group.

She has difficulty accepting the truth, even with the
evidence presented to her. She saw things as being black and white. You are either good or evil, there is no in between. This belief stemmed from an incident, which happened in her past to which she is yet to receive closure. However, she would soon come to realise that things were not as simple as she was led to believe.

When I met Ash in the previous book, I did not like him. I thought he was evil; after all, he is a demon. Well, in this instalment I discovered that there was more to him than I originally thought. He had a caring side which, he demonstrated by his actions towards his daughter, (who by the way hates him) and Faith. He had been on a quest for revenge, but his love for his daughter took precedence. He knew what it meant to be in love, but he thought those feelings were dead and buried, until that moment when Faith brought it back to life.

I loved how protective he was of Faith, even when he believed she had betrayed him and the other members of The Order. Watching him care her when she experienced here headaches was heart-warming and sweet. His reaction when he thought he was going to lose her was heart-breaking. I felt his pain throughout the ordeal. Who would believe the demon of lust had it in him to care about anyone but himself.

I appreciated how things worked out in the end as it relates to Ash’s relationship with his daughter and Faith. I was glad to see Faith finally getting the closure she craved in regards to the incident from her past. The ending was appropriate and nicely done. I do hope that the author will continue the series as there are characters who I would love to see them get their stories.

Fans of paranormal romance and strong sexy characters will enjoy Bittersweet Darkness.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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This is the third book in The Order series. Although it tells the story of a different couple, it would be advisable if you read the previous books before venturing into this instalment. In doing so, you will gain background information on the supporting cast featured in this instalment and learn about the inside operations of The Order of Shadow Accords.

I read the firsts two books awhile back. I received this book for review but never got around to reading it before now. I thought I would have problems getting into the story due the time I took to pick up this book. Fortunately, this was not the case. As I delved into the story, I remembered events from the previous books, which made it easy for me to be immersed in the book.

My Perspective

The Story.
If you love fast-paced, suspenseful action packed and sexy paranormal stories, then you will love this book. Based on my experience with the previous books in the series, I had high expectations for this instalment. I was not disappointed. This is not your typical paranormal romance. Yes, you will encounter the usual supernatural beings you find in this genre, but it so much more than that. It is a story of betrayal, redemption, second chances, forgiveness, healing and love.

This story introduces readers to a world where some supernatural beings, who make up the Order of Shadow Accords, are trying to create a world where they can co-exist with humans. However, other beings are not so keen on the idea and are willing to use any method possible to prevent the Order from achieving its goal. The Order is the police for the supernatural world, who metes out punishment to those beings who bring attention to themselves.

The suspenseful thread involves a group of people trying to bring down The Order by targeting the Christian Roth, a billionaire vampire one of the head honchos of The Order. This aspect of the story was entertaining and captivating. I liked that it did not overshadow the romance between Faith and Ash. In fact, both threads blended well to make for an exciting read.

The romance is not typical of what I generally see in this genre. This was not a case of the hero claiming the heroine as his from the moment he lays eyes on her. This was a case of instant attraction, which slowly grew into love. It also had its share of obstacles from both parties and external sources.

The Main Characters.

If you are a fan of heroines who are tough, self-reliant, sassy and tenacious then you will love Faith. She is human and does not believe there are supernatural beings walking the earth. When approached by a mysterious group to help them in their quest to take down Christian Roth. She thought it ludicrous and not intended to accept their offer. However, due to circumstances beyond her control, she ended up working for this mysterious group.

She has difficulty accepting the truth, even with the
evidence presented to her. She saw things as being black and white. You are either good or evil, there is no in between. This belief stemmed from an incident, which happened in her past to which she is yet to receive closure. However, she would soon come to realise that things were not as simple as she was led to believe.

When I met Ash in the previous book, I did not like him. I thought he was evil; after all, he is a demon. Well, in this instalment I discovered that there was more to him than I originally thought. He had a caring side which, he demonstrated by his actions towards his daughter, (who by the way hates him) and Faith. He had been on a quest for revenge, but his love for his daughter took precedence. He knew what it meant to be in love, but he thought those feelings were dead and buried, until that moment when Faith brought it back to life.

I loved how protective he was of Faith, even when he believed she had betrayed him and the other members of The Order. Watching him care her when she experienced here headaches was heart-warming and sweet. His reaction when he thought he was going to lose her was heart-breaking. I felt his pain throughout the ordeal. Who would believe the demon of lust had it in him to care about anyone but himself.

I appreciated how things worked out in the end as it relates to Ash’s relationship with his daughter and Faith. I was glad to see Faith finally getting the closure she craved in regards to the incident from her past. The ending was appropriate and nicely done. I do hope that the author will continue the series as there are characters who I would love to see them get their stories.

Fans of paranormal romance and strong sexy characters will enjoy Bittersweet Darkness.