
Secrets of Spring by Tracy Justice, Julie Solano

lzw's review

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This is the conclusion of a great series! Loved the depth of friendships & reading their journey through adolescence! Engaging from the start, and so well described you feel like part of the group. Totally satisfied with the ending, nothing is left unanswered. Can’t wait to see what’s next from this author:)

foxy_roxy's review

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Sometimes, you come across an author that makes you feel like you're right at home. Fortunately for me, I found both Julie Solano and Tracy Justice. And that is exactly what they do for me, they have given me comfort and a sense of belonging.

I was a little heartbroken to start Secrets of Springs because I knew that it was the end to this group of kids that I had come to see as family. I felt like I really did know them and felt their struggles because I had ridden that journey right along with them. So, to see the outcome of Jenna's "world" and everything that she fought so hard to maintain was a little bit of a tear jerker. I loved her relationship with Ty and everything that they represented.

I loved that I was able to get lost once again within the pages of Secrets of Springs. It was nice to know that not only did the authors do a great job at their world building, but also character development. I was more than impressed with both of these authors; and am quite happy to say that I am so looking forward to reading more of their work. This was definitely a 5 Star Book for me!

dani_reading's review

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What a conclusion to these 3 books!

I was so excited to learn more about Jenna as I felt there was some "extra" storyline going on in the previous books. I didn't realize just how much backstory there was with Jenna but I knew she had some secrets since she always seemed to be holding something back. I recommend to read the previous 2 books, When Fall Breaks and The Dead of Winter, because they do help tie it all together. I recommend these books for age range of 13 to 18, but they can be read and enjoyed by every age as the authors address PTSD, drinking, internet safety, and domestic violence which affect all age ranges.

Thank you to the authors for sharing the world of Jefferson with us!!

stephsromancebooktalk's review

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This was Jenna's story and though there was a lot of retelling of books 1 & 2 there was a lot of new information provided about this circle of friends as well. This book is very much like the other two books in that they discuss very relevant high school issues. As a parent this series is a fresh approach at showing our kids that we can relate to them and the things that they are going through. I will miss this community and I hope that Julie and Tracy team up to write more books together.

This specific video review will be included in the April 2018 wrap-up.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Rom Book Talk.

katie_83's review

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Secrets of Spring (Seasons of Jefferson #3)
By JT Authors
5 stars

I said it for the first two books in this amazing series and I’ll say it again – I love that these books are written by two authors and I cannot tell! Their writing just blends together so, so well. I have loved the first two books in this series so far but I have to be honest and say that this one was my favourite and if I could I would give it more than 5 stars! There was just so much going on in this book, I was guessing every step of the way amongst the fabulous twists and turns. The characters from previous books are back and I love them more than ever.
I loved Jenna, she was such a lovely character, I felt a great connection with her and thought that she was a genuinely nice person.
Where did Ty come from? O-M-G!!! Was he swoon-worthy or what? I loved the flirtation between Jenna and Ty it was so incredibly sweet. They had so much in common – I thought that they were pretty much perfect for each other!
Secrets of Spring is a perfect third book in this series and I cannot recommend it enough!

fish3718's review

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Secrets of Spring (Seasons of Jefferson Book 3) by Julie Solano and Tracy Justice surpasses my expectations. Again this is the book 3 in the Seasons of Jefferson series and I HIGHLY recommend you read the first to understand what is going on in this story. We have made some good friends some not so good friends and everything in between. The core characters have stayed together for one reason. Each character has an amazing roll and should not be disregarded. This book answers questions and really gives a clear picture of the end game. Thank you Ms. Solano and Ms. Justice for the amazing stories.

bwagner's review

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This is the third book in this series. This series keeps getting better and better with each book that I read. I do highly suggest reading the two previous books first to help enhance this series and understanding of the characters a little more. I enjoy how these authors was able to make me feel as if I was right there growing with the characters. The twists and turns kept me reading until the end. You never know what might happen, even if you think you know. I highly recommend this book.

angelahayes's review

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5 Stars

‘Secrets of Spring’ is the third book in the Seasons of Jefferson Series by Julie Solano and Tracy Justice. As it is the third book in the series, I do recommend reading it after the first two books, so you get all the relevant details, character information and an understanding of the storyline- that way you will have the best possible reading experience of this book. This story has secrets, trauma, mystery, suspense, drama, heartache, intrigue, difficult situations, and romance. Having enjoyed the previous two so much, I wasn’t sure where this story would lead, especially after some of the events of the previous book/s- and I wasn’t sure if the authors could ‘deliver the goods’ yet again. But I was curious and a happy to dive in to find out…… and I am blown away by this engrossing read. It was superb! There is no way I could have predicted the storyline or how it developed. I am happy to report that this is the best of the series! The pick of the bunch! It is sooo well written, full of surprising developments that really left me hanging on to the edge of my chair in anticipation.
I have loved Jenna through the series- she’s a fantastic character, but what unraveled through this story, and what we discover about her- was completely unexpected and compelling reading. Then we add Ty to the mix and this story really takes off. We also meet up with the gang from the previous book/s, as the authors weave this complex and multi-layered. I was so absorbed by what I was reading, I didn’t put it down until I’d read every word, finishing it in an evening.
This story portrays true to life characters and situations- the authors addressing many issues faced by young people today. The authors tackle them honestly, in an informative way- which makes this book/series very realistic, believable and entirely relatable. The characters were all fully developed and interesting individuals with their own personalities, quirks and flaws. We got to meet ‘real’ people, warts and all. I became very invested in their story, and the end result.
This is a brilliant addition to the series, and well worth the read! I am excited by what these talented authors do next!

Thank You, Ms. Solano and Ms. Justice!

kirchersmiles's review

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Secrets of Spring (Seasons of Jefferson: Book 3) by Julie Solano & Tracy Justice

5 Stars

I'm sad this series this over, this was an awesome story from start to finish. I had a feeling this was going to be Jenna's story and I was so so glad, I've loved her character throughout and I guess the only negative I have about this book, which differed just a bit from the others was the story running right along side the story we already read. I don't know why but I just have the hardest time with that and Im definitely not a fan of that, however in saying that, I totally understood why that had to be in this book. Jenna had quite a history and that story needed to be told

I love that all the characters followed through in all 3 books, with the addition of new ones throughout which in some cases were great and others not so great. This book followed along with the rest in that you still had those twists and jaw dropping moments you come to expect yet still get taken by surprise.

Everything seemed to get tied up nicely in this story and I felt complete when it ended, yet I was a bit sad, following this cast of characters even further would be awesome, and these two authors….There is no way to tell that 2 authors wrote these books, it was done seamlessly and I will absolutely be checking out what each of them have available and will hope that there is much more to come from the two of them.

Sincerely loved this whole series, and you absolutely must read them in order, I can't imagine reading them as stand alones..

Loved it!!

rooskie87's review

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Secrets of Spring (Seasons of Jefferson book 3) by JT Authors
5 stars

Finally! We get to the story of Jenna. Shes got secrets a mile long and not one can ever be uncovered.
We get to see her past, and how she got to Jefferson and the start of the friendships between the characters from books 1 and 2.
This book had me sitting on the edge seat in places and wanting to shake them in another.
We meet Ty and see the inner turmoil of Jenna and her crush but also the busy lofe she has. Add in a crazy fellow student and we've got a high school drama but oh so good!
I loved the epilogue but i felt we didnt get to see the rest of the group from the previous books and they're future, and I NEED them, because im invested!