
Dawn of X Vol. 7 by Gerry Dugan, Jonathan Hickman, Tini Howard, Benjamin Percy

crookedtreehouse's review

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This continues to be one of my favorite ways to read a family of titles. You get a better sense of time, you get a variety of storytelling styles, and if you don't like an arc, that's okay, there's probably going to be something else in the volume that you enjoy.

For me, the New Mutants issue was a fun Sunspot meta issue. I'm glad the space adventures are over, as they were fun but not riveting. But I like all the characters from the space story and the more Earthbbound story, and I'm curious how the characters will overlap when they are reunited.

Wolverine is an incredibly welcome change of pace from the Fallen Angels run which ran in volumes 1-6. I've never been a fan of the eight hundred Wolverine titles happening at the same time while he's also in two X-Men teams, X-Force, an Avengers team, and guest starring in Deadpool. This promises to be a character driven story featuring other X-Men, and tied into the main title. I am on-board for that. Kubert's art is great, as usual. And I really like the way Percy handles the dialogue here.

Marauders has been excellent since its debut, and while this issue lacks Kitty Pryde, Callisto, Emma Frost, and Bishop are used precisely and entertainingly here.

I've been down on Excalibur since it started. I don't care about either the magical British tropes, nor the continuity from the old Claremont series. The two issues here, focusing on the War Wolves and the amibiguity of Apocalypse's role in the new X-Universe were more intriguing than the previous issues. I did find myself wanting to skip through the second hunt sequence, but this was a vast improvement over previous issues.

The volume closes with a more introspective X-Men issues as Cyclops, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler grapple with what the mutant rebirthing process really means to their society. I quite enjoyed but understand why it wouldn't have been a good opener for the volume.

If you fell of the X-wagon at any point in the 21st century (and I understand why, really, I do), then I recommend starting at [b:House of X/Powers of X|45032046|House of X/Powers of X|Jonathan Hickman||69718791] and reading through these Dawn Of X books, and I think you'll find yourself in love with this franchise again. It's not flawless, but it's a much more enjoyable read than trying to follow X-Men, Excalibur, Marauders, Fallen Angels, X-Force, Wolverine, Cable, and X-Factor on their own.

afreen7's review

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Marauders #7 - 4/5
Excalibur #7 - 3/5
X-Men #7- 4/5
X force #7 - 5/5
Wolverine #1- 4/5
New mutants #7 - 2.5/5