
Stealing Time by Nancy Pennick

faerietears's review

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"Stealing Time" is the third book in the Waiting For Dusk series.

Kate and Drew are graduating high school and getting ready to start college in Arizona. Well, until Kate's old pal Tyson ruins their plans by stealing Drew's copy of The Book, forcing them to stay in Ohio and close by to keep an eye on him.

Meanwhile, Kate and Drew continue their adventures back in 1927, recreating events from the previous year. But when one thing changes, a domino effect occurs. Now Kate finds herself rethinking Drew's commitment to her. Can their love survive his family? Can she escape the past and return to her prsent?

I wanted to love this book because I love the first two so much, but it fell a little short for me. If you've read the first two I say absolutely read this one because the stuff that happens back in 1927 is very interesting and worth the read. But the stuff that happened in present day really is what fell short.

Tyson steals the book, everyone knows he did, but instead of just grabbing the book when Kate sees it in his bedroom, she runs away. Why would she do that? And everyone knows he has the book - Drew, her parents, Maya, Carl, etc. - yet nobody thinks to just go take it from him? They just hope it'll work itself out?

So, with the book, of course Tyson ends up back in 1927. Kate has to stop him from doing anything stupid and from ruining the past. But again, it could have been prevented if she just stuck up to him and took the book back right away.

And speaking of sticking up to him, Kate drives me insane because she keeps forgetting how much Tyson has hurt her and keep's letting him back into her life. I have to keep reminding myself that she's a teenage girl and teenage girl's don't always think rationally.

So.... in short. Read for the 1927 stuff, try not to pull your hair out over Tyson and his stupid antics and Kate's teenage reactions.

If there's a fourth book I hope Kate realizes by that point that Tyson can NOT be in her life anymore!

* DISCLAIMER: I do work for the company that published this book, however my opinions are 100% my own and true. I receive ZERO money for any sales of this book.
