
Kiss and Spell by Shanna Swendson

mjdolce's review against another edition

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Absolutely my favorite book in the entire series. Loved it!

allie_love's review against another edition

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My only gripe is the ending. Sigh. I just feel like it was so quick and neat with a bow and I just wanted more!

lbrychic's review against another edition

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NetGalley book.

When I first grabbed this title, I didn't realize that Ms. Swendson had gotten to book 7 of this series.
I read the first 2 books many years ago. I will now have to back track and read the ones I've skipped.
It's always a pleasure to read the stories of Katie and Owen and their magical storyline. While I believe the stories could be read as stand alone, their are many mentions of previous acts from the other books. So it is in my opinion that if you would like to read this series, please start with "Enchanted, Inc."

andreagraves's review against another edition

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I just love this series! I hope she has ONE more in this series!

Great book!

hoperu's review against another edition

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Once again, just as life seems to have settled down for Katie Chandler, schemes from others in the magical world intrude to cause chaos. She is up to the challenge, of course. This time, she and Owen are kidnapped into a romantic comedy version of NYC, complete with Mr. Wrong, a sassy best friend and montages. But soon they begin to suspect that something is very wrong, and with her usual dose of common sense, Katie has to save the day.
This is probably one of the funnier books in the series, because it is poking fun at romantic comedies and using the cliches at the same time. While I missed some of the regular characters from earlier in the series, it was also fun seeing Owen and Katie in a different setting.
SpoilerAlso, if this is indeed the last book in the series, as the author has said on her blog may be the case, it makes sense that Katie and Owen would get engaged at the end. I wouldn't mind seeing what their future lives would hold, but like any good romantic comedy, that isn't really the point, now is it? At least they are together.

rankkaapina's review against another edition

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Definite improvement to the last book. But somehow I hope if there are more books that they would be about other characters. Or at least something new. But these books just make me smile, so they can't be that bad...

khourianya's review against another edition

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Welcome back, Katie and Owen. At the end of the last book, Owen's powers had been restored when the brooch was destroyed, but even more surprisingly - Katie was no longer immune...and had gained some powers of her own. The Elf, Sylvester is more than a little bitter about his takeover being thwarted and is planning a war - he just needs to get an army through from the Elf Realm. When people who might get in the way or not play nice start disappearing, Katie and Owen are on the case...until they disappear themselves.

Waking up in a world that is more Romantic Comedy than real world, neither knows who they actually are. It doesn't take long for Katie to snap out of the spell she is under and soon they are plotting a way out.

Ok - I am not going to give much more away. In my opinion, this book is the best one of the series yet. If you like paranormal chick lit - this is a great series to pass those lazy summer hours with. It is a really quick read and very fun. I'm already looking forward to the next installment.

tishamae's review against another edition

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I am getting through this series by sheer will of just wanting to see how it ends at this point. The books seem to have no linear through line at this point, and are only miniscule connected. It has made me come to hate the characters that I loved in the first couple of books, and the series being dragged as long as it has is just kind of ridiculous. Especially given that the author won't even round it out to an even 10 so it is on an awkward 9 books not including novellas.

The premise should have been right in my alley, but it was resolved too quickly to make it enjoyable and I felt like they could have leaned more into the romcom aspect of it and had fun with it instead of snapping them out of it entirely. I have no idea how these books are going to end, and it feels like it will be disappointing. Doesn't help that the audiobook narrator has a voice that frankly doesn't fit, sounding much older than the main character is said to be. And the fact that the character is so techphobic given how the state of the world was even at the time of the book release is honestly just laughable, and makes me wonder if the author is projecting a bit.

Ok I suppose but reminds me why I don't think series should be dragged out like this.

k_lee_reads_it's review

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These books are cute. Fluffy. Nice for reading when the temperature is too hot to think.

flohbeutel's review against another edition

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Die Enchanted, Inc. – Serie ist mein absolutes Guilty Pleassure in der Buchwelt. Die Autorin schafft es nicht, eine Übersicht über all ihre Charaktere zu behalten und manchmal werden Ideen einfach über Bord geworfen, die vorher noch so wichtig waren. Ausserdem gibt es keinen roten Faden, sondern die Autorin schreibt einfach ein Buch, wenn ihr danach ist und Deus ex machina sind Standard. Dennoch liebe ich diese Bücher. Sie sind witzig und Katie ist nicht das normale Chick-Lit-Mädchen, dass für den Kerl ihrer Träume alles andere vergisst und ständig gerettet werden muss oder in peinliche Situationen reinstolpert. Die Beziehung entwickelt sich langsam über mehrere Bücher und sie passt mit Owen wirklich gut zusammen, die beiden sind auf einer Höhe und typische Romantikeinlagen (“Oh Gott, was für ein Arschloch!,” “Oh Gott, ich bin nicht gut genug für ihn!,” “Oh Gott, was sieht er nur an mir?!,” “Oh Gott, wo ist meine Unterhose?”…du weisst schon) gibt es so auch nicht. Es ist einfach eine verdammt normale Beziehung die nicht nur auf pochenden Geschlechtsteilen basiert. Ganz abgesehen davon, dass Owens Schüchternheit schon an sozialer Phobie grenzt und er damit wirklich nicht der mysteriöseste Playboy der Literaturgeschichte wird.
Das Element, dass Katie plötzlich ein ganz anderes Leben als Verkäuferin im Cafe eines Buchladens führt klingt verwirrend, war aber tatsächlich erfrischend. Nach 7 Bänden brauchte man mal was neues.
Und die Idee, die beiden unromantischsten Menschen der Hexenwelt in eine Romantikkomödie zu stecken hat natürlich auch was.
Was es in diesem Band nicht so viel gibt ist Magie. Da Katie in einem Paralleluniversum ohne Zauberer ist und dort nicht bei MSI arbeitet ist Zauberei und deren verrückte Konsequenzen ein Mangel. Kein sehr schlimmer, aber es gibt halt keine Vorgesetzten, die bei einem Wutanfall zu Ogern mutieren oder Zauberer, die sich für Frösche halten. Aber auch diese Zeit geht vorbei. Dafür wird man mit der Liebe zu Büchern und Buchhandlungen belohnt, die schon in vorherigen Bänden immer mal kurz aufgeflackert ist. Das ist ja auch was.