
The Eyes of Tamburah by Maria V. Snyder

beccajoek's review against another edition

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Little slow but picked up at the end

jennifer1130's review against another edition

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adventurous dark mysterious reflective tense slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


I found it surprisingly difficult to get into this book, not sure why because I've really liked Maria V. Snyder's series before. It perhaps took me a while to get used to the sand world, the underground structure of the living cities and all of the different factions of politics and religion. By the end I was quite enjoying it though and looking forward to the next one.

itsdanysbooks's review against another edition

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What the actual fuck???

Ževraj Múmia x Tomb Raider x Indiana Jones. More like wattpad x pekná obálka x klamlivá anotácia.

Toto čo bolo prosím pekne? Bolo to že "tu sú všetky skvelé nápady, ktoré by z toho mohli urobiť originálnu a skvelú knihu" a autorka si povedala že "ale ja chcem, aby to bola totálna pi*ovina".

Dobre, nebola to totálna pip, ale som takáaaaa sklamaná! Začalo to skvelo - hlavná postava je nejaká "archeologička", ktorá vraj už našla kopu artefaktov. Svet je celý pohltený púšťou a preto sa žije pod zemou. A takto púšťou sú pohltené aj tie artefakty v rôznych chrámoch. A podľa anotácie malo ísť o to, že ona nájde nejaký artefakt, ktorý ukradnú a musí ho nájsť, lebo ju obvinili.

Prosímvás pekne, celá anotácia sa stala v prvej kapitole. Reálne začnete s tým, že už je artefakt zmiznutý a ona uteká. Som úplne nahnevaná a sklamaná, že namiesto toho, aby sme ho najprv hľadali a potom sa stala celá zápletka, sme TO ANI NEVIDELI...

A namiesto toho, aby sme zvyšok knihy čítali o tom, ako táto známa "archeologička" hľadá ten artefakt, tak čítame o tom, ako ju každý naháňa, každých 5 strán ju niekto unesie, otrávi, prebodne, zapichne, zbije, prizabije, takže každých 5 strán čítate, ako sa lieči a potom sa zase vyberie von z izby a DOOKOLA TO ISTÉ.

V polke už som bola úplne stratená, že kto každý ju to vlastne hľadá a nenávidí, kto každý ju tu už zradil a uniesol a už mi bolo proste všetko jedno.

Niekde v 75% príde nejaký úplny zvrat a všetko, ktorý vám už ani nepríde šokujúci, lebo autorka to TAK ZLE NAPÍSALA, že vám je jedno čo za zvrat to je a nič vám nepríde šokujúce, lebo k tomu neviedlo absolútne nič, čo by to aspoň naznačilo. Stane sa najväčšie vyvrcholenie a vy si myslíte, že už ste na konci, ale nie, potom vás čakajú ešte ďalšie štyri vyvrcholenia s tým, že hrdinka, samozrejme, bude pri každom prizabitá a bude sa liečiť, a keď KONEČNE nadíde ten vysnený koniec, tak je to najviac nudný koniec EVER EVER EVER EVER.

Akože hálo? Posledná kapitola je len že sa rozprávajú a úplne cringe konverzácia a bozk a neviem čo?????? Po tom celom čo sa stalo a navyše sa NIČ nevyriešilo, tak mám čítať poslednú kapitolu o tom, ako sa len rozprávajú a ona číta knihy a on jej dookola rozpráva "najedz sa", "si v pohode?", "vyzeráš bledo", "si zranená", "najedz sa".... a zrazu koniec. Normálne som si otvorila ešte knihu (počúvam audioknihu) či mi niečo neušlo, ale nie.

A romantika? Čistá komédia. Tak ako autorka celú knihu nič nenaznačovala, tak to bolo aj medzi postavami. Ani štipka chémie, nič. Len si zrazu ona hovorila že "hm i like him" a zrazu sa pobozkali po najhoršej pick-up line ever (- "Nevieš, aké je to byť sun-kissed", - "chceš vedieť, aké je to byť kissed?").

Ale viete čo, ja ani vlastne nie som nahnevaná, najhoršie proste je, že táto kniha vo mne nevyvolala absolútne nič len sklamanie. Úplne všetko mi bolo jedno. Každú druhú kapitolu sa tam diala nejaká akcia, až už som prestala vnímať kto a čo, hrdinke stále niečo bolo, proste čistý wattpad, písanie celé zle - moderné slová a skratky do toho fakt že nepasovali, romantika neexistujúca a postavy úplne nezaujímavé.

Krásna obálka, skvelé nápady, otrasné spracovanie.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

rusticreadingal's review against another edition

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Wow, where do I even begin? I'm a huge Maria V. Snyder fan so I was beyond excited to finally get my hands on a copy of this book. It was released in Australia over a year ago but not here in the US. Talk about torture! It was well worth the wait though. It's fantastic. I think it's her best work since the Study Series. Which is saying a lot because I've LOVED everything I've read by her.

Like I've come to expect from Snyder, the world-building was spectacular. It's so complex and detailed, yet explained in a way that's easy to visualize and understand. The underground city of Zirdai was so interesting with all the different levels, people, and secrets.

The characters were fantastic, as well. Just as complex and detailed as the world-building. Shyla was such a great leading lady. So strong and fierce despite all the challenges she faced. And the growth she displayed from the beginning of the story to the end was striking. I loved seeing her come into her own and embrace who she really was. The rest of the characters were great too. There were times I didn't know who to trust. Times when I didn't know who the good guys were or what their motivations were. But trying to figure all that out was part of the fun.

This was a fast paced read. I wanted to fly through the pages but I made myself slowdown to savor it as long as I could. I wanted to spend as much time in this world and with these characters as possible. I didn't want it to end. If you're a fantasy fan, this book is a must read. I highly recommend it and can't wait for book two.

meeghanreads's review against another edition

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Every time I think I’m over dystopian books, one book comes along and makes me remember how good they are. Seriously, I kind of wish it was Jay Kristoff’s LIFEL1K3 series, but this accolade goes to Maria V. Snyder’s Archives of the Invisible Sword series, of which the first book (this one) came out last week. I have heard comparisons between this and Lara Croft, and that’s actually a pretty apt description.

So, our MC, Shyla, is your basic treasure-finding, ancient language decrypting badass who winds up in a precarious position with the leaders of the underground city of Zirdia, and in order to save herself, indentures herself to find the stolen artifacts. This commences a race across the desert under the killing sun (the sun will literally kill you in this world), chases through underground cities, and putting her faith in a group of strangers that either don’t trust her, want her dead, or may stab her in the back at any opportunity.

All this treasure hunting and a bunch of brutal beatings would probably take it out of most people, but I feel like Shyla just doesn’t know when to quit – and it just may work out in her favour.

There is, of course, the possibility of a love interest or two (or three) thrown around as part of the plot, but this is such a small piece of the storyline that if romance isn’t your thing, you can still feel free to read this.

So, the characters and the plot are great. Why not 5 stars? There’s something about dystopian books that does my head in, and it’s definitely to do with world building. In this story to ensure that we know it’s different, Snyder has changed the terminology for time. Angles are used instead of hours (and I believe it’s worked on the 360 degree rotation of a circle, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure it out), a sun jump is a ‘day’ or 24 hour period, and a cycle is the equivalent of a year. Every time I read the words for day and year, I had to remember what it means and it pulls me out of the story every time while I try and figure out the translation. I don’t think it would have made any changes to the world building if Snyder had used normal terminology. The world itself was different enough without creating new (and possibly confusing) words.

I do feel like I need to say that I loved Snyder’s Poison Study / Chronicles of Ixia series. And while this is definitely not that series, they do have some similarities. Both of the MCs, Shyla and Yelena:
• are rejected from the societies they live in
• start the story in perilous danger and agree to take on a dangerous task
• fall for someone who is an authoritative figure in their life
• find their real families during the course of the story
• uncover ancient traditions / myths, and
• are beaten and kidnapped several times.

I did really enjoy this book though, despite my little grump above, and I am very much looking forward to reading the next instalment!!

simmyk91's review against another edition

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Another excellent story from Maria V. Synder.

luckies_universe's review against another edition

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I have so much praise for this book. From my experience of Maria V. Snyder, I was expecting a good story, if perhaps a little generic, however, I found the fantasy/dystopian blend concept very intriguing.

The story launched into action from the beginning, and kept up the pace throughout the book.

The main character, Shyla, was well-developed by the author. The author showed us that Shyla was intelligent without having to constantly TELL us that she was. She was one of the more realistic female protagonists I've come across in YA--priorities in surprisingly good order and willing to switch allegiances to those who align with her priorities, rather than being loyal to those she just met because 'she's a good person', you know?

The romance. Dude, THE ROMANCE. I blushed a little, and giggled a little, but don't tell anyone. It was so cute and borderline steamy at times without going overboard. Less really was more in this case.

I can't wait to read the next book.

marianamtzv's review against another edition

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someonetookit's review against another edition

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Review to come

rosemary37's review against another edition

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adventurous mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
