
Ruby's Fire by Catherine Stine

seeingnight's review

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GENRE: Young Adult Science Fiction
THEME: Romance, Adventure

This being the second book in the series I wasn’t sure if I’d be lost, which happily I wasn’t. I was able to dive into this unique world and memorable characters easily without feeling lost. But after finishing and enjoying this story I really want to read the first book called Fireseed One to see how it all began.

Ruby’s Fire follows Ruby a young girl who has grown up knowing her life was pledged to the horrible and much older Stiles. But on the night of her ceremony she decides to change her life and runs away with her brother Thorn. They end up in a place called The Greening where a woman named Nevada and the teens she teaches take them in to their home. Ruby and Thorn soon discover their Fireseed God and plant is grown and near Nevada’s home. When their school is entered in on a contest to discover new ways to use Fireseed, Ruby’s life is forever changed; she and her new friends are about to discover the great possibilities that Fireseed can do.

Ruby is a strong female lead that is determined to have a better life; she escapes knowing that she and her brother could eventually be found. But nonetheless try to live a new life with Nevada and the other teens at her school. Ruby has a lot to learn now that she’s outside of her community, learning that the place she lived was known as a cult. As well as discovering what life is like for the people in the world she’s now living in. She has a special bond with her brother Thorn since loosing his ability in wanting to speak. She is his main communication. Ruby is put in some challenging situations among the new teens she’s living with, not everyone gets along and she is put in danger constantly. But even with all the danger she has friends she can rely in Armonk, Bea and even the tough Blane.

It’s hard to just mention one of the main guys since they both have something special. Armonk is a calm and pretty much down to earth good guy. He is the first to meet Ruby and to befriend her, as well as becoming friends with her brother Thorn. Blane is a hard character to connect to at first with his hard demeanor and foul treatment of Armonk. But the readers soon learn a bit about his past that opens up a softer side to this tough guy. Both each become someone important to Ruby and help here discover the truth behind what the Fireseed can do and the dangers that follow.

I can’t forget about Thorn, Ruby’s brother but I also don’t want to spoil too much on him because he’s such an important character. He knows things before really anyone else can even grasp at what’s going on. He’s super smart and discovers something amazing with the Fireseed.

Overall this was a fast paced story, with a tone of adventure and great world building. I was easily drawn into this fantasy world, with unique medicines, creatures, futuristic technology and a whole history that changed the planet. There is lots of romance, betrayal, secrets and challenges for each character that all surround Ruby. The villains were a bit predictable, but some twist that came along were a great addition to keep the pace going strong. I enjoyed the science tidbits, which really made me think what more is out there to discover. In the end I can’t wait to read more from Stine, she created a very original world with so much detail that easily hooked me into the story.

This is a young adult science fiction story with a lot of adventure and discovery. Fans of Partials by Dan Wells and Unraveling by Elizabeth Norri’s will enjoy Ruby’s Fire by Catherine Stine.

leapinglizard's review

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This review first appeared on my blog, Read Books and Live Green

So what first caught my eye about the book, the cover! It looks so cool! But there was so much more to the book than the awesome cover!! (Obviously!)

To get this out of the way: I read this book as a stand alone. (Because let's face it this book sounds really good...) BUT in retrospect I think that I should have read the first book before I read this one. Simply because there was so much information and the book referred to the main characters of the first book often without giving much background information.
And now that I have read this companion novel I'm not sure I would want to go back and read the first purely because I hate going into a book knowing how it will end.

Moving past that this was a really good book. Within the first few pages I knew I was going to like Ruby. I didn't really like how she went on about how her beauty was terrible and how she didn't know how to act around people without acting like a flirt. That part bothered me, but beyond that I loved her character. She dealt with so much and was till so strong. She was great.

I also really liked her little brother Thorn. He was such an interesting and mysterious character and I wanted to know more about him. My one thing about Thorn that bugged me was Ruby's lack of concern about him. I mean I know she cared and tried to always make sure she was there for him. But a lot of times he was wandering around getting into trouble and she had no idea. As an older sister I would definitely want to keep a close eye on my brother especially if we were surrounded by people who might potentially try to kill us or at least try to hurt us....

I was a little lost at first about Ruby's love life. I thought for sure there was going to be this huge love triangle that was totally stab worthy. BUT thankfully that was so not the case. I would be hesitant to call it a love triangle. I think that she thought she liked two guys but in reality she didn't understand her feelings. I also at first hated the main love interest and I was not happy about their relationship. Shockingly though he grew on me. (Which is a good thing! I can be extremely picky about my love interests!!)

And then there was Bea. Once again I was under the false impression that I would hate her.... I really need to reserve judgment because once again I was proven wrong. Bea was a great character and friend!!! :)

On that note the illustrations were great!! Even on my small little screen on my kindle they were beautifully done and I am a sucker for great pictures! They made me really want to buy the actual physical copy!!!

I have to say that the ending felt rushed but at the same time really exciting. Still I would have liked a bit more foreclosure.

I have to say that this book was really enjoyable!!! I happily give it a solid FOUR STARS!!! I can't wait to read more by this author!!! =D And with any luck she'll write even more about the Fireseed world!!

WOULD I BUY THIS BOOK: YES! Definitely considering a physical copy!
WOULD I RECOMMEND THIS BOOK: YES! Ruby's world was so fun to read about this and so unique!!
WILL I READ THE NEXT BOOK: if there's another I'll definitely check it out!!

nicolemhewitt's review against another edition

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This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction

NOTE: Ruby's Fire is a standalone sequel to Stine's Fireseed One, which was published in 2011. While the book could certainly be read on its own, I thought that reading Fireseed One first really enhanced my reading of Ruby's Fire, so you might want to check it out!

This book centers around a girl named Ruby who escapes the cult she has been raised in only to find herself faced with new dangers outside in the hostile world she lives in. When she and her younger brother find themselves at a boarding school for teens, they aren't exactly welcomed with open arms and Ruby wonders if they are truly safe anywhere. Then, a competition is announced - the students need to find an innovative new use for Fireseed, the life-changing plant that Ruby also worships as a God. Soon, she finds that her connection to the plant is becoming more and more strange and she doesn't know whether to be happy or scared.

The negatives:
The love triangle.
I didn't quite buy in to the love triangle in this book. It was hardly a triangle at all - I didn't get the sense that Ruby was really all that into either guy until the last third or so of the book. This would be fine, except that it just made the triangle feel like a plot device (something thrown in to fit the YA mold) rather than a true romantic storyline. However, the romance element of this book did not take front and center, so this was a small issue overall.

What I loved:
The world building.
I talked a lot about the world building in my review for Fireseed One and it's no less interesting in Ruby's Fire. I absolutely love the Hotzone and how vividly Stine paints the Fireseed plants and the world around them. It's really interesting to imagine this amazing plant and all of the different uses for it that the students come up with in their contest too! Stine is so inventive as a writer and she has created an intriguing fantasy world. (I would recommend reading Fireseed One for even more unique world building!)

The hybrids.
I don't want to give too much away, but there are some really unique hybrids that are created in the book and I loved all of the different forms that these hybrids took!!

Ruby and Thorn.
I really connected with Ruby and I loved her little brother Thorn. Their relationship was a highlight of the book for me. Ruby is fiercely protective of Thorn and she understands him better than anyone else in the world. I loved trying to figure out what Thorn was doing and thinking (he mostly doesn't talk). He was a great character!

I thought that Ruby's Fire was an excellent YA fantasy book and would highly recommend it! 4/5 Stars.