
Deeper by Nana Malone, M. Malone

the_sassy_bookworm's review against another edition

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descriptionI've been enjoying this series quite a lot and RAFE has intrigued me since the moment he was introduced so I was very much looking forward to his book(s). Alas, this one was just OK for me. I'm not a big fan of secret revenge plots to begin with and this one drags out the entire book. On top of that I did not find Diana likable in any way. Maybe it is because I adore Rafe. Maybe it was because I thought she was a bit of an idiot. Maybe it was because her lies almost got an innocent man killed. I don't know. I wanted Rafe to use his brain and figure out she was playing him and toss her out on her lying ass. Hopefully she will make a better impression in book two...


Those issues aside, the writing was still fantastic. It was nicely paced. The plot was engaging (if a bit frustrating) and kept me turning the pages. There wasn't any OW/OM drama. The sex scenes were suitably hot. I love all the secondary characters. I always love getting glimpses of previous couples and the guys that work for BLAKE SECURITIES. I loved Rafe. I wanted him to catch a clue SOOO badly. Diana as I have already mentioned, I could not stand. I hated her lying to Rafe and everyone. I hated that she seemed so clueless about her father and brothers. I found nothing remotely likable about her. I am hoping I will warm up to her in book two (fingers crossed). I also had a hard time connecting with them as a couple. This is where my dislike for "secret" plots comes in. I just can't buy into a couple when one or both are lying about EVERYTHING. Especially when the relationship becomes intimate in nature. Trust is a HUGE part of a lasting relationship so I always have a hard time believing in an HEA for a couple when that plot device is used. Last, it's all wrapped up in a cliffy that is leading us (hopefully) into less deceit and a more honest relationship. So this one was a bit of a mixed bag and my least favorite of the series so far. That said, I am still onboard for book two.description



mommasaystoread's review against another edition

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Having not read the previous books that many of these characters were in, I wasn't familiar with their back stories, but I have to say that they are certainly an intriguing bunch and I will be checking them out. That said, I didn't have any problem following this tale. The story is gritty and somewhat dark, it's well-written and flows nicely. Rafe's history is mentioned and we do get a few nuggets, but it's just enough to make our sexy hero a bit mysterious. Whether he's in the middle of a knock-down, drag-out fight, or charming the pants off Diana, he's just one of those characters that you can't help but fall a little in love with. Diana, however, isn't quite as likable - at least not for this reader. I get that she has her reasons for her actions, but for a seemingly intelligent young woman, she doesn't consider the consequences of many of her actions. She does finally redeem herself somewhat, but I'm still on the fence and will be interested to see what she does in the next part of this tale. I did have a problem with Rafe bringing Diana into his life so quickly, even when he's suspicious of her. But, the more I read, the more it felt like this pair was almost magnetically pulled toward each other whether that went against their better judgment or not. I knew going in that there would be a cliffy and as expected, it's a doozy, leaving me anxious to get hold of the next part of Rafe and Diana's story.

mommasaystoread's review against another edition

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Like the first part of this duet, Deeper is a bit dark, a lot steamy, and emotional. It's also action packed and there's even a couple of surprises along the way. Rafe is hard as nails and unyielding except where Diana is concerned. I did have a hard time with how many things he seemed to overlook with her, but there's a chemistry between them that is undeniable. It took me awhile to warm up to Diana, and while her actions don't always make sense, the reasons for them do. Some of my favorite parts of this one were the interactions with the many other characters. The camaraderie between these men is obvious and their banter is often quite funny. Love them or hate them, all the characters are certainly interesting and the story is impossible to put down.

breerashel's review against another edition

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*Received an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review*

I haven't read any of the books that I'm assuming go along with Deep so I didn't get the background on other characters and their relationships before reading this book. That being said, I don't feel that information was necessary in order to enjoy this book. I thought that the story was intriguing and I was immediately drawn into the book as soon as I was introduced to the character of Diana. I found her to be particularly interesting. I love reading books that have a strong female point of view and she appeared to fit the bill. I feel that in a lot of books an author will attempt to have a strong female voice but they make them too much of a b**ch and I end up giving up on the book because I end up hating the character. I was glad to see that Diana was strong, determined, and vulnerable as a character. She seemed hell bent on getting revenge and justified in her mission. I also liked Rafe but he did not feel as if he was the author's focus in this story and so it was a bit easier to have him fall into the background. I loved his protective instincts but felt that he was a bit hotheaded which didn't appear to fit with the background that the author gave in this book. I would think that he would be more controlled in his actions.

beckiebookworm1974's review against another edition

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🌟🌟🌟🌟 STARS
So Deeper is the second part of The riveting "Deep duet" by M. Malone and Nana Malone.
And after where we left this I have been gagging to get stuck right back into this enthralling story and I just have to say Deeper certainly didn't disappoint, it just keeps getting better and better.
So we start back off here exactly where Deep left us with Diana on the move along with that ever so revealing flash-drive and with Rafe not far behind in hot pursuit.
and Instead of being in self-preservation mode after realising Dianna has lied to and used him all he can think about is her safety.
Which is just so heart-stirringly hot.
Rafe just comes across as such an absolute keeper, I actually loved him even more here, there's just something so very sexy about a man who is willing to lay his feeling so bare, leaving himself completely vulnerable and open.
I must admit though, I am bloody glad he has finally woken up and smelt the coffee and realised Dianna is not quite what she actually appears maybe now they can start to move forward in regards to trusting each other.
I hope also that Diana realises just how lucky she is that Rafe was prepared to give her a second chance.
So I would love to say that the evasions of truth are so over, but this is Dianna that we are talking about and although Rafe seems more than willing to lay all his cards on the table now, Dianna herself doesn't seem quite able yet to break the habits of a lifetime and still seems to be dragging her feet slightly in regards to full disclosure.
So right from the start here, We are thrust back into the action and this time around we also get to spend a lot more time with Rafe's extended family, which was fabulous.
We also get to see a much softer side to Dianna, which really helped warm me up to her.
I think I got a bit more of an insight here into what actually makes her tick and why she can come across as a bit cold at times.

I am also very pleased to say that the disconnect I was feeling in "Deep" is no more, I can now feel Dianna and Rafe's connection, so all's good on that front too.
what else, well we also get to experience a lot much action in this instalment.
and also whereas in "Deep" I would say there was more sex, less talk, in "Deeper it was, in my opinion, the opposite which really helped me to get more of a feel for our pair's dynamics.
So I think that about wraps this one up. I found Deeper a great read that kept my interest right till its satisfying conclusion and I would be happy to recommend this well-written duet.

I received an arc of Deeper of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

beckiebookworm1974's review against another edition

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🌟🌟🌟1/2 STARS .
So never having read anything by this author before, I was going in totally blind.
So First impressions from me, well yep they be good folks, this is definitely an author I can gel with.
A very easy writing style that initially pulled me right in and made me want to delve deeper into the whole story.
I didn't realise originally that this was part of an on-going series, but I found that really didn't matter at all.
The backstory was cleverly woven in. without the need to have read previous material to get up to speed.
So this can totally be read as a stand-alone Folks.
And I will definitely be checking out some more of this author's superb offerings when I get a spare hour or two.
Now down the nitty gritty what's this about?
Well, this is basically Dianna's and Rafe's tale.
Rafe all-round bad-ass, former Orus operative, now semi-retired and working for his brother in law at Blake security.
So trying to lead a semi-normal life and put his government sanctioned killing day's behind him.
And then enter Dianna, she has made it her life's mission to bring to justice her fathers killer.
The killer she looked straight in the eyes and also lived to tell the tale.
That killer that is Rafe!!
So, This is one of those stories that the pages just keep turning by themselves and you can't help but be drawn right in.
Deep is fabulously well written and I finished this in record time.
So, Why not a higher rating then?
Well, I am not a big fan of the revenge trope and it did seem to drag on just a tad too long for my liking.
I also I wasn't that fond of Dianna either, She came across as extremely conniving and quite frankly sneaky little bitch.
SpoilerI find it absolutely astounding that she had no suspicions at all of what her family was involved in, please, surely nobody could be quite that gullible and naive.
And where did she actually think she was going to find this big proof that she was looking for and while I'm at it if you're going to roofy someone's drink, Dianna.
Prob's best not to leave residue on the rim, totally spy school rule number one I would think DUH!!!

So yeh Dianna, really not a fan here people.
But Rafe, well tickle my funny bone, he was one super hot man-toy.
Totally fan-Girling here.
I really hated the way Dianna played him, using her feminine wiles to ensnare him in her web.
but I still felt there was a missing connection here slightly, I just wasn't quite feeling it and I'm not sure exactly why.
But that aside I'm still fairly optimistic for take two, hopefully, everybody will be more aware of the score and I'm extremely intrigued to see where this is going to head next.
So, in conclusion, I found Deep to be a good solid read with a few teensy teething issues those aside I'm still looking forward very much to the next read.
Thank You to the Author for proving me with an ARC of Deep of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.
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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

erinann78's review against another edition

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Reviewed for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty
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thesassybookworm's review against another edition

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descriptionI've been enjoying this series quite a lot and RAFE has intrigued me since the moment he was introduced so I was very much looking forward to his book(s). Alas, this one was just OK for me. I'm not a big fan of secret revenge plots to begin with and this one drags out the entire book. On top of that I did not find Diana likable in any way. Maybe it is because I adore Rafe. Maybe it was because I thought she was a bit of an idiot. Maybe it was because her lies almost got an innocent man killed. I don't know. I wanted Rafe to use his brain and figure out she was playing him and toss her out on her lying ass. Hopefully she will make a better impression in book two...


Those issues aside, the writing was still fantastic. It was nicely paced. The plot was engaging (if a bit frustrating) and kept me turning the pages. There wasn't any OW/OM drama. The sex scenes were suitably hot. I love all the secondary characters. I always love getting glimpses of previous couples and the guys that work for BLAKE SECURITIES. I loved Rafe. I wanted him to catch a clue SOOO badly. Diana as I have already mentioned, I could not stand. I hated her lying to Rafe and everyone. I hated that she seemed so clueless about her father and brothers. I found nothing remotely likable about her. I am hoping I will warm up to her in book two (fingers crossed). I also had a hard time connecting with them as a couple. This is where my dislike for "secret" plots comes in. I just can't buy into a couple when one or both are lying about EVERYTHING. Especially when the relationship becomes intimate in nature. Trust is a HUGE part of a lasting relationship so I always have a hard time believing in an HEA for a couple when that plot device is used. Last, it's all wrapped up in a cliffy that is leading us (hopefully) into less deceit and a more honest relationship. So this one was a bit of a mixed bag and my least favorite of the series so far. That said, I am still onboard for book two.description



thesassybookworm's review against another edition

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descriptionDEEPER picks up right after book one. Diana is on the run after stealing from Rafe. Some new knowledge has her rethinking everything she thought she knew about her life and that leads her back into Rafe's arms. Rafe is confused and angry but still very much in love with Diana. He wants her to trust him enough to tell him what she is hiding. When Diana's past comes knocking on the door Rafe and company step up to the plate to help take them down.


So I enjoyed this one marginally more than I did book one. The writing was still fantastic. The pace was perfect, and the plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. 

I loved Rafe in book one and I continued to love him in this book. The guy was a SAINT to be honest. He had to be to put up with Diana. I honestly think he should have been way way angrier...

Diana...sigh. I hated her in book one and I only liked her slightly more in this one. She was just such a lying b!tch. I hate when a simple conversation would clear the air and we have a character that continues to evade and be dishonest all the while claiming to "LOVE" the person she is treating like crap. That said, she gets a little more palatable as the book goes on. 

This one was fairly light on side characters. Many of the guys and couples from the previous series pop in and out but the focus stayed mostly on Rafe and Diana.


Medium. There were quite a few sex scenes, and they were fairly hot. 

Low to Medium. I didn't find it particularly angsty. There is a bit of pushing away by the heroine, but not too much. I expected more anger and angst aimed the heroines way after what she did to Rafe, but nope, like I mentioned above, he pretty much forgave and forgot instantly every time she pulled a stunt. There was some OW drama which in my opinion was super pointless. It leads nowhere and caused ZERO issues so I am not sure why we needed a jealous woman Rafe had a fling with back in the day acting totally unprofessional and b!tchy. *shrug* There was no OM drama.

I liked this one. Mainly because I love this writing duo and I love these characters and the world they inhabit. That said, this duet was my least favorite so far. I wish Rafe had gotten a better heroine. C'est la vie though. I am certainly still onboard with the series and can't wait to see what guy is bitten by the lovebug next.description



elylibrarysec's review

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If I could have a crush on two people at the same time it would be with these two authors. Their stories keep me entertained from beginning to end. Maybe I don’t know them well enough for their individual styles but when they get together their words sing to me.

You’re told at the beginning that this is the end of a duet – single tear – so you know you can’t start here. Diana and Rafe’s story continues and now I’m glued to my recliner as everything else fades away. This is not a book that I’m going to discuss. It’s a book that needs to be experienced – just like your drink of choice. I find it hard to keep secrets especially when I enjoy something so thoroughly.

What I will tell you is that secrets are revealed. We see the power of love even though this isn’t a normal love story. If I want a normal love story, I can certainly get my fix in other books and by watching the Hallmark Channel. But the duet does end on a happy note – for our couple at least. For me it will have to wait. Maybe I’ll just find something else our authors have written. And I think this is why this is a series that I will happily read more than once. Maybe I’ll pick up on something that I didn’t seem to see the first time around.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.