
Paradise 21 by Aubrie Dionne

artsymusings's review

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What attracted me towards Paradise 21 was the synopsis, I haven't read much sci-fi books and this one seemed good enough to read. So despite the cover which seems to scream steamy romance, I was hooked from the first sentence.

Matched with a manipulating, power-hungry Barliss to preserve the gene pool aboard New Dawn, Aries Ryder couldn't have it worse. She is not your typical heroine; because even though she is a first class Lifer on New Dawn, she wants out. So she plans her escape and lands onto a deadened planet Sahara 354. Little does she know what's in store for her; from lizard men who have a habit of stealing to the giant sandworm ready for a kill.

Luckily, for her, there's Striker abandoned by his fellow pirates on Sahara 354 five years ago. And he's not only good at surviving in the desert; he has a much bigger plan. An alien ship that crashed into Sahara 354 along with the eggs that won't hatch is the only hope for their survival and escape from Sahara 354 and land on Refuge.

The two fall into an easy companionship, but they don't have much time because it's centuries after Earth disintegrated and technology has far since taken on a new meaning. So it wouldn't take long for Barliss, to whom Aries is bequeathed, to come out looking for her with the help of her locator and what not. And then there's the ex-fellow pirate, Drifter and the ex-girlfriend, Tiff who may have found the hidden map to Refuge. But they need Striker to decode it.

Paradise 21 is a fast-paced read, so you never lose interest because there's something happening at all times. It's admirable to see the strong protagonists and the world-building is awe-inspiring as I could actually imagine the universe after earth. All the betrayal, the fight for life, the concern about gene pool, remnants of the old Earth and the journey towards Paradise 21 come together in unpredictable ways. Paradise 21 seems to have it all.

maureensbooks89's review

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In ‘Paradise 21’ we follow Aries Ryder. Aries lives on a spaceship called ‘New Dawn’. On the ‘New Dawn’ everything is planned for you. Your future job, your life mate etc. Nobody gets a say in anything. The main reason for this is to conceive the perfect colony for ‘Paradise 21’, a planet like ‘Earth’ before man destroyed it. The ‘New Dawn’ plans on arriving at ‘Paradise 21’ over a hundred years or so. But Aries doesn’t find happiness in having no choices. Especially since her life mate is planned to be Barliss. A lieutenant who does everything for status and power.
When Aries escapes to another planet to escape her life without choices, she lands on a planet full with unknown dangers. But soon Aries finds out that there is more on this deserted planet than dangers, there is also Striker. Striker is a handsome guy who’s been left on this planet by his own crew five years ago. Striker is an angry and bitter guy. When Striker finds Aries he is overwhelmed by happiness to find another human being after being alone for five years. But soon danger finds Striker and Aries again.

This is the first Science Fiction book I have read and I must say I was really surprised. I was afraid that I wouldn’t like all the spaceships, the strange creatures and all the different planets. But to be honest I really enjoyed this story. Its opening a whole new world in books for me. I really enjoyed the space traveling and the kind of dangers this entailed. I loved the ‘lizard men’ and the way the people on ‘New Dawn’ found ways to make trees and fruit.

The only thing I found a little disappointing sometimes was how fast the ‘love story’ was going. It moved a little too fast for me. I think this story would be perfect if there was a little more time for the ‘love’ part. But still, I really enjoyed this book. I really liked Strikers character. I loved the way he wanted to change everything and how he fought to get a better life, not only for him, but for all people.

I loved the way ‘Paradise 21’ introduced me to the Science Fiction genre and I’m looking forward to reading more books from Aubrie Dionne.

cocktailsandbooks1's review

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How would you feel if a computer picked your "perfect" job and mate? What would you do if your "perfect" choices weren't what you wanted? These are questions that face our heroine, Aries in Paradise 21.

Born and raised on the spaceship, New Dawn, Aries is one of the "chosen" lifers who have been selected to repopulate Paradise 21 with perfect human specimens after fleeing from a destroyed Earth. While she was always seen as being compliant, Aries questions the direction her life is taking. She plots her escape after her best friend died in a faulty attempt. But when she finally gets off the New Dawn, it's to crash in Sahara 354, a desert planet with scorching sunlight 24 hours a day. It's there she meets Striker, a human man who was stranded there 5 years prior after his crew mutinied and left him for dead.

Striker combats every prejudice Aries has ever been told about the pirates that took over the last outpost before Earth was destroyed. He's the exact opposite of her computer chosen "mate" but she finds herself wanting to be with him. Even when hiding from lizard men and sandworms, he makes her happy.

Striker wants to find a planet he's named Refuge and colonized it for all of those that were left on the space station. He's also determined to hatch the eggs of the angel like race he found in their deserted space craft on Sahara 354. Striker is very emotional and guards himself from feeling the kind of hurt he did when his girlfriend and fellow crew members stranded him. But there's something about Aries that breaks through his hardened heart and makes him want to try love again.

If you're looking for a hot romance, you won't get it here. Instead we get an interesting sci-fi storyline where a strong willed woman goes against the grain to do what she feels is right for herself rather than walking the path preordained by a computer.

gloriousbooks's review

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Also reviewed on the blog:

The idea of this book is really great...someone rebelling against people who set her whole life out for her - who to marry and what career path to take regardless of her feelings on the matter. And then someone else who had been kicked off of his own ship in a mutiny and abandoned on a desert planet. And everyone is trying to find a habitable planet because Earth was ruined. I mean...I saw the summary of the book and just thought I have GOT to read that!

I don't really read that much science-fiction - not anything like this anyway so I was a little bit apprehensive to start with.

For me this was one of those reads that is just 'okay' which was a little disappointing. I enjoyed reading it, but it's not memorable at the end of the day - it's not one that will constantly be on my mind like some books are.

It also had one of those love stories that I hate. Two characters meet, spend like three days together, and then fall in love? It frustrates me! Granted they spent the most stressful time together possible on a desert planet almost being hunted and eaten but still!

Anyway, this was still an entertaining read. It was full of action and the story was switched between alternating character's points of views. So there was loads of variation of characters and different personalities which was interesting.

Overall it was a good read and a quick one too!

simplyadrift's review

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As seen at: Miss Book Reviews

I love Science Fiction books. Especially if they’re set in space. That’s what drew me to this book.

The plot:
Aries, a lifer aboard A New Dawn, one of the last ships holding human kind, has her life planned out for her. Her designated match, her job, the way she lives. This is so when their ship reaches the new world they will inhabit and make home, the best of the best are the ones to populate the world. The genetically desirable and only the genetically desirable. They left the rest on planet earth years and years ago.

Aries was matched to Lieutenant Barliss, a man she has no interest in and repulses her. She feels like a prisoner on board the ship and decides to do something about it, so she plays the game well while secretly planning her escape.

She manages to escape to a desert planet by crash landing her escape pod, then moves on hoping to find somewhere permanent to stay. She soon finds out that there are dangers on this planet, the lizard men and the large monster worms, both of which travel under the ground and attack by surprise. She loses all her carefully saved rations to the lizard men and nearly dies at the hand of one of the large monster worms.

Luckily another human stumbles upon her, the only other human on the planet; Striker. He’s the most handsome man she has ever laid her eyes on, but he’s also a space pirate and she knows she can’t trust space pirates. But with him being her only hope at survival what other options does she have?

The bottom line:
This book is interesting, it was a little different to what I had expected. There weren’t many things about ‘space’ happening, but it was set on another planet, it focuses more on the romance and how it develops rather than anything else. That is the main plot line. Even at that though I did feel that the romance was rushed through, they were kissing before I even had the chance at believing that Aries felt that way about Striker.

I had fun reading this. It was interesting and the setting was different. It was written in three points of view, Aries’, Striker’s and Barliss’ so that was interesting to read each characters point of view. But I do think this is the reason why I thought the romance was rushed and there wasn’t much of a build up. There wasn’t that much time to lay down the ground work when alternating between the three.

Overall, I thought this book was interesting and fun to read.

Paradise 21 has a mixture of Science Fiction and Romance with intense action scenes that has you holding your breath until they are over, and a love that tests the distance of space.

amburhostyn's review

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I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading Paradise 21. I knew it wasn't going to have Earth as its setting, and that somehow Aries was going to meet a handsome man named Striker. I knew these things from the blurb on Goodreads, but they didn't prepare me for this all! Instead, I was wowed by a book that was way more than I expected. I expected to like it obviously, or I wouldn't have signed up to read it for a blog tour, but I definitely didn't expect to get as wrapped up in this story as I did. When I finished Paradise 21, I was honestly upset that it was over...I was like "I want to more!!!" :P

Now that I have professed my love for this book, it's time for some details. The characters were fantastic. Aries was amazing! The fact that she'd grown up on a ship where they basically discouraged any type of original thought didn't deter her at all. She was amazing; smart, determined, thrifty, and selfless when those that she loved were at risk. I have to admit, I love seeing heroines who use their heads, and when they don't like what it's saying, they follow their heart. Then there was Striker...oh my, my, my. If I ever try and land on a strange planet from my cramped life on a spaceship, I hope I find a space pirate like I know what you're thinking, "That won't happen...seriously...ever!" And, you know what, you're right! It won't, but a girl can dream, can't she? :P

Along with Striker and Aries, were Barliss, Aries' betrothed, Tiff and Drifter, Striker's ex-crewmates, and a few newbies thrown in. I'll admit, I was not a fan of Barliss. He was heartless, and was willing to do anything to get his way. He was basically a 40-something bully who was doing it all in the name of the cause. Tiff and Drifter, were also pretty selfish. They staged a mutiny on Striker, and abandoned him on Sahara 354...which I guess turned out alright, since that's where he met Aries. ;) I also really liked Loot, who was rescued by Tiff when he was little, he was just so darn sweet, and so loyal. :)

I thought the story itself was fantastic! Aubrie did a fantastic job crafting the world of Paradise 21. I felt it was realistic, and it the perfect amount of descriptive. Hopefully you understand what I mean by that. haha I'll clear it up though, just in case. By saying Paradise 21 was the perfect amount of descriptive, I mean that it wasn't overly descriptive, which frankly bores me after a while, or not descriptive enough. It was just right. I felt like I could actually picture the world around Striker, and Aries, and it was as if I was really there.

Along with the characters, and descriptions, I loved the romance of this story. I was definitely a fan of Striker and Aries, and I loved them together. The whole concept of choice was huge in Paradise 21, too. It made a big impact on me. Aries grew up on the New Dawn, where everything was chosen for her. Her job, her husband, and all other choices were decided for her based on the fact that they had an obligation to pass on their unique genetic code. Their whole lives were lived as machines basically, and their main operative was to mate, and pass on their DNA so that a generation in the future would reach the ship's destination, Paradise 21. I loved that Aries was fighting so hard to have choices, and that she was so passionate about being able to have them at all, it was kind of inspiring, and makes you think about how we kind of take the fact that we have choices for granted. Ergo, I loved that Paradise 21 made me think, and examine my own choices. It's always nice when a book blows away your expectations...and Paradise 21 definitely blew mine out of the water...or should I say into outer space. ;)

kriscq's review

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General Review

Wow! So this was my first ARC review and reading it alone felt like a roller coaster ride in that it was just so new, different, and enthralling. The overall story was so endearing and I got attached to the characters very quickly even though at times they didn’t do the most sensible things. When I finished this book, it was on a high note of happiness, when you read it you’ll know why. The only thing I need to say is that it’s a book that needs to be read straight through, at least for me. I was so into it for the first 130 pages but then I had to stop and I lost some of the momentum that had built up from the beginning.

Critical Review

Author’s POV/ Voice:

Usually, the books that I read are written in the first person POV. However, this book was written in the third person, multi-person POV. The author skilfully switches between Aries and Striker’s viewpoints giving us a great perspective on both of their feelings as well as giving us a look at all the different locations and characters.


Aries Ryder, our female protagonist, is portrayed as a smart, strong woman, who refuses to accept the mate that’s been chosen for her. Against all the odds and the death of her friend she runs even though she doesn’t know what she’ll find. I loved the way the author makes her extremely naive in the beginning so that she seems like a baby, who we watch grow up over the course of the novel. By the end, she is less naive and was more sure of herself and finally has a partner she’s chosen for herself.

Striker was a very interesting character. He was such a caring individual so worried about saving everyone I just couldn’t link that back to the idea of a traditional pirate. I also didn’t quite get how he was so involved with Tiff at one point. Even if at one point she had been a different person.

Barliss was my favourite character even though he was portrayed as the bad guy for the majority of the story. Ironically, he’s the most believably written characters, clearly motivated by his ambition and extremely driven towards his goal. As the story progresses and he sees his ambition pay off, we learn about his more human side, which earned him a permanent place in my heart. Ultimately, just as he was losing the hold on his humanity or the way he had been, he was becoming his most human. I loved this character inexplicably. You all need to love him too.

Drifter was easily one of my least favourite characters. As one of the lesser villains, he plays the part perfectly. At some points he seems very over done as if his hatefulness was forced.

Storyline/ Plot:

I haven’t read many sci-fi books recently but with the mix of romance, this book was an overall lovely read. I was quite enthralled by the idea of Aries and Striker together and what Barliss would do and how Striker would ever get Aries back. The story an interesting turn at the end which I had seen coming though not in that particular way. In my defence the sci-fi, adventure quality of the book even though I could predict part of what happened it would be hard to say exactly what happened. Actually I think it’s a good thing, I hate books being extremely predictable.

Cover & Blurb:

So the cover was nothing to scream about. It was actually slightly odd. I really could have done without all the red and the weird positioning of the people on the cover. The blurb was excellent. It really grabbed my attention and completely overshadowed the book. In fact, I realised that when I first requested this book on NetGalley, I had no idea what the cover looked like, all my attention was on the blurb. Good work blurb writer!

Rating Conclusion

With my new rating system, this book gets a 3 out of 5 stars. Really, I would have recommend this book to others. It was the sweetest story, a romance with sci-fi and I thought it was a relaxing yet lovely read. Especially for Barliss. I love Barliss. Love him too. Love him.

For more reviews, check out my book blog: Words That Fly.