
Sapiens : Une brève histoire de l'humanité by Yuval Noah Harari

veerlebotter's review against another edition

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3.5 stars.

baileyrando's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


mattyd2468's review against another edition

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A new favourite. This has made me realise what type of book I most enjoy reading.
What I liked most is how it has opened my eyes and has given me so many more questions and highlighted gaps in my knowledge. I now want to go and read more books looking at each chapter of this book in much more depth.
Best bits for me were the start and about the first Homo sapiens and how they spread across earth. And then also the end as it looks to the future and some of the things that could possibly happen

annguyen98789's review against another edition

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Woke garbage, nothing insightful. Abandoned 1/3 of the way through. There was some informative stuff but the author draws wild conclusions from the presented material that is very clearly pushing some liberal agenda. Doesn't belong in books, keep that stuff on social media

oliverbennett's review against another edition

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A good book, but with an overall gloomy tone. The author is perhaps a little bit too confident in his predictions and evaluations, and in dismantling others arguments, but the overall sense you get from this book is one of austountment, of what we have done, and become. Works well when partnered against 'Human Kind' , by Rutger Bregman, and only when you have read both books can you get the full picture if what our species are; both good, and bad versions of us.

karenad808's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


helgv's review against another edition

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3 1/2

whatpage's review against another edition

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challenging funny informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


charlietuna92's review against another edition

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This book, though not concise in scope, is a collection of well-conceived forays into humanity; where we have been, who we are, and where we are going. From discussing our hominid ancestors, to the agricultural revolution, industrial revolution, and beyond, this book gives am insight into the factors that set humans apart from the rest of the natural world and seeks to make sense of those factors. Definitely worth a read if you are interested in anthropology, sociology, politics, economics, or the sciences.

jasmin202's review against another edition

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Knjiga predstavlja izuzetno djelo koje istražuje evoluciju ljudske vrste od pojave Homo sapiensa do savremenog doba. Harari na fascinantan način prepliće znanstvene činjenice, istorijske događaje i filozofska razmišljanja kako bi prikazao kako smo postali ono što jesmo danas.

Jedan od najjačih aspekata knjige je autorov stil pisanja. Harari uspijeva na pristupačan i zanimljiv način objasniti složene teme, čineći ih razumljivima i za čitatelje bez prethodnog znanja iz istorije ili biologije. Kroz knjigu, Harari postavlja provokativna pitanja i nudi uvide koji nas tjeraju da preispitamo naše razumijevanje prošlosti, sadašnjosti, pa čak i budućnosti.

Knjiga je podijeljena u četiri dijela, od kojih svaki istražuje ključne faze u istoriji čovječanstva: kognitivnu revoluciju, agrarnu revoluciju, ujedinjenje čovječanstva i naučnu revoluciju. Kroz ova poglavlja, Harari nas vodi na putovanje kroz vrijeme, istražujući kako su naši preci živjeli, kako su se društva razvijala i kako su tehnološka i znanstvena otkrića oblikovala svijet u kojem danas živimo.

"Sapijens" nije samo povijesna knjiga; ona je i filozofsko razmatranje o ljudskoj prirodi, društvenim strukturama i budućnosti naše vrste. Harari nas potiče da razmišljamo o velikim pitanjima kao što su svrha života, smisao ljudske sreće i etičke implikacije tehnološkog napretka.

Sve u svemu, "Sapijens: Kratka istorija čovečanstva" je knjiga koja će vas natjerati da razmišljate, preispitujete i divite se složenosti ljudske istorije. Bez obzira na vaše interese, vjerujem da će vas Hararijevo djelo inspirirati i obogatiti vaše razumijevanje svijeta. Preporučujem ovu knjigu svakome ko želi produbiti svoje znanje o ljudskoj povijesti i evoluciji.