
Venom by Fiona Paul

lilipopmlml's review against another edition

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took a while to get into, really slow beginning- once passed that good though

lherrin24's review against another edition

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Finally finished and can I say.....WOW! I will definitely be reading more of this series and of this author. Fiona Paul did a spectacular job.

bookishneena's review against another edition

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my thoughts reading this boo:

- poor little rich girl
- wow this poor little rich girl is incredibly self-absorbed with severe main-character syndrome
- wow this poor little rich girl found a mediocre artsy boy to obsess over bc he has shown her how to truly live even though so-called artsy boy is so condescending and self-important I could barely get through chapters with him in it

Ignoring how unbearably unlikeable the two MCs were, the aesthetics of the plot had so much potential. A murder mystery in 1500s Venice, with hidden bodies turning up amongst cobbled alleyways and mist-shrouded canals. This might've been enough to make this book worth it ifff Cassandra was able to have a single clear thought. She was truly the most oblivious character. The whole plot felt awfully predictable and so lacklustre. The big reveal was hardly a big reveal when it could have been spotted from a quarter-way into the book.

All this to say: I'm glad I spent only two dollars on this at the charity shop.

1.5 stars rounded up

ziagouel's review against another edition

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Kdyby mi bylo patnáct, tak se mi to líbí, ale mně není patnáct. Chtěla jsem si zavzpomínat u nějakého dobrého kýče, ale místo toho jsem dostala hrdinku, která je otravná a tupá jak tágo, ještě k tomu zamilovanou do největšího artsy fartsy kreténa široko daleko. Dějí se jí náhodné věci a ona má pocit, že je to strašné dobrodrůžo. Ou jé.

daphx00's review against another edition

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DNF @ around 50%

ohtrisarahtops's review against another edition

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This review can also be found here

The premise of this book sounded like something I would really enjoy. Secrets and murder in Renaissance Venice? That sounds cool right? Unfortunately, I really didn't like it. I had to force myself just to keep reading since it didn't hold my interest and the characters really bothered me.

Let's start off with Cass. She was supposed to be intelligent, but I thought the choices she made and the things she did were pretty stupid. She finds out that there is a murderer running around killing young women and she thinks it's smart to go running around at night with a guy she met like 2 days before. That doesn't seem like the brightest or safest thing someone could do. Then we have Falco. I'm sorry but I just found him creepy. I can't even talk about the things he does, it's extremely spoilery but I guess it's better than what I thought he was doing to begin with. He was secretive and Cass had to practically force information out of him, but he wasn't nearly as creepy or insufferable as Cass' fiancé, Luca. Luca is suspicious from the moment we are introduced to him. Everything he does seems to scream "I am up to no good", I didn't trust him at all and I found him to be quite controlling.

If the characters weren't enough to turn me off, the insta-love was. Cass met Falco and practically 2 days later she was "in love with him" and he was the exact same way. Even when all of the suspicious stuff with him started happening and she found out he was lying, she was still convinced she loved him. I'm sorry, but no. There is no way that you fell in love with a guy that you know practically nothing about. He could be a psychopath for all you know.

The one thing that did save this book for me was the revelation about who the killer was. I did not see that coming. I had been guessing throughout the whole book who it would turn out to be and I did not guess correctly.

In the end this book just wasn't for me. The writing style is very good but the book just didn't hold my attention. I was expecting more mystery than there was and I just had trouble relating to the characters. 

breezy610's review against another edition

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Was pretty good. I really didn't like the main character but she got better as the story went along. The ending was kind of nice, no cliffhanger. So I won't be sweating up a storm waiting for the next book.

kmparsons's review against another edition

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OMG I can't wait for more

halynah's review against another edition

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AMAZING, GRIPPING, UNUSUAL! Though at first the pacing was a little bit too slow, but if you show patience - you'll be generously rewarded with exciting twists and turns of the plot, tender romance, two wonderful young men and an excellently created atmosphere of Venice, mystery and suspense. I can't wait the sequel and highly recommend this book to everybody, who enjoy a quality read.

seshoptaw's review against another edition

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EDIT 1/12/20

Secret Societies
Suspense, intrigue, and adventure

This book started checking off a lot of things I really enjoy and it was so much fun to be transported to Venice, Italy around the time of the Renaissance.

The pages were filled with macabre references and with this, the setting, and the murders, the author created an atmosphere that was tangible – the tension in the air was transported all the way back to my safe living-room, far away from Venice. And goodness, the descriptions of Venice! Beautiful, intriguing, and slightly dangerous, it created such an allure that I was ready to buy a plane ticket and see it for myself. It was absolutely wonderful.

I also really enjoyed the plot. It was a little reaching at times, but overall, I loved all of the places it took our heroine to (from strange workshops full of dead bodies to whore houses to forbidden artist studios, each place was an exciting adventure). The author created a rich world that made my imagination run wild.

Additionally, I enjoyed the love interest as well. It’s a story that has been told a million times (noblewoman falls in love with a commoner) but I really liked Falco. I loved the mystery that surrounded him, I loved how much he pushed Cass to grow and develop as a character throughout this novel, and I loved that he fell hard for her too. There was just something about it that captured me. He oozes charm and has a crooked smile, what’s not to love?

The Society of the Eternal Rose (i.e. the secret society) was not very fleshed out. With 2 more books in the series though, I can’t wait to see what’s revealed about this order.

I will admit that Cass’ attitude toward her societal norms seemed a bit disjointed at times. She seemed to want to shed the yoke of a young (and engaged) woman of nobility. Understandable. But there are bounds within that that I believe even our wild and reckless Cass would’ve followed. The story makes you believe that Cass’ freedom means more to her than the loss of her reputation and standing in society, her virtue, and her financial stability. She’s ready, at times, to throw them all away on a whim, even, for example, stating on more than one occasion that she’d rather be homeless and live on the streets than be trapped in her “cage.”

Unfortunately, I don’t find this very believable or realistic for a girl in her position. She has so much to lose and the consequences of even stepping a toe out of line could be monumental. Although this perhaps shouldn’t stop the adventure she goes on completely, Cass would know the rules and the cost of breaking them more than what was portrayed here. A lady of her standing would not be so quick to toss it all away.

Cass’ attitude toward societal norms was not the only flaw in her character. From the beginning, she seems very self-absorbed. At her friend’s funeral, for example, she’s incredibly distracted and bored with the sermon, even leaving the church before the service is over. Later on, at another friend’s wedding, Cass doesn’t even stay to watch her friend’s wedding vows being said, even though throughout the book, Cass has acted as a Maid of Honor (of sorts) to the friend. She never acted like a good friend who really cared about the people around her and she just didn’t win any points here.

Additionally, Cass came across as rather fickle toward the end of the book. Falco and her seem to be star-crossed lovers, doomed to be separated due to their societal standings. Then we have Luca, whom Cass has been engaged to for years. She has found him dull, boring, and predictable and yet, the second he shows up (several years after they have last seen each other), she begins to notice how handsome he’s become. She’s giving him a chance without things being totally resolved with Falco. The book ended in a way that this didn’t cause any issues but I can see it becoming a problem in subsequent books.

I would recommend this novel and look forward to the next!

This book takes place in Italy many many years ago. It is full of suspense and intrigue as well as conflicting upper-class/lower-class relationships. It has murder, romance, dead bodies, threats, adventure and so much more! It frequently had me on the edge of my seat and it leaves me craving book 2. I can't wait for the second one to come out!