
Conviction by Aaron Allston

hstapp's review against another edition

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So I wasn't really enjoying the beginning of this book. There was blackface again. Their were some elements of comedy that were just falling flat for me. And I just kept getting dragged out.

But as it moved on I got into the book better, and I thought that the ending was largely satisfying. A lot of elements finally got resolved to a certain degree, and I thought it worked really well.

The cliffhanger on this one didn't pump me up a lot, though it did get me thinking a bit. So reasonably successful.

It looks like a lot of my questions. The burning ones I've had throughout the series aren't going to get answered.

Why did blowing up CenterPoint set this all off?
Why were the stations near the maw set to destroy themselves when Centerpoint was destroyed?
What was centerpoint doing all the way from the corellia system?
Why was the Corellian system made? What does that have to do with the maw? Are they just spare habitable planets they needed to move out of the way, so they set them around a star that had no planets of its own?

We've moved away from the maw for a while now. It's possible we'll move back in that direction, or there will be thoughts and summary of this at the end. But it just doesn't seem like we're going to get there. and I want to know!

mferrante83's review against another edition

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The 7th and latest volume of the Fate of the Jedi saga, Conviction, is here. This time it’s Aaron Allston at the helm and this time…it’s more of the same. First off let me start by saying that whoever wrote the back copy for this book should be summarily fired. I’ve never read a description that tries its hardest to spoil everything that happens in the novel and is, in many regards, patently misleading. Seriously, absolutely terrible job on that part. Furthermore, I’m sure I’ve said it before, that the publishing schedule is all sorts of bizarre for this series. When the final volume is published in April of 2012 this series will have been running for just under three years. For comparison sake Jim Butcher has been known to release a new book every 6 months, by himself. Apparently three authors writing a single series eight books long requires 3 years of writing. If I’m not mistaken I do believe that Allston has had some health issues over this time but I still found that the stop and start publishing schedule is a serious detriment to the series (books 1 to 3 were released every other month followed by a six-month break then two more books every other month then another 6 month break, from there things are a bit more irregular). While I’ve certainly enjoyed aspects of the series so far what is even more distressing is lack of much progress made in resolving any of these storylines. The broad focus on the different aspects of the series has stalled developments to a point where I suspect that this was initially multiple series that have been condensed into a single narrative. If you’ve read any of the other volumes in this series the structure and themes of this book might feel familiar.

The Jedi and Daala circle each other with their teeth bared. Luke, Ben, and Vistara are hot on the trail of Aboleth who, surprise surprise, is busy preparing another ambush(es). Amelia Solo is as precious and adorable as ever. Yes, that’s a bit pithy but it is the same combination of things we’ve seen for the last couple of novels at least. There is no further exploration as to what Aboleth is, nor is her relationship to the scattered bits of ancient technology still even mentioned. Daala is still increasingly irrational and paranoid. The quest to determine what drove Jacen Solo to the Dark Side is abandoned and Force Teleportation is still resoundingly ignored. Despite being “cured” in the previous volume there are still the rather annoying deus ex machina of the mad Jedi running around. The more I’ve listened to this series the more I find the motivations, or at leas the actions, of either side in the Jedi/Daala conflict to be a bit bizarre. If both popular and senate approval of Daala’s actions was so low there has to have been some sort of official action that could have been taken rather than a coup. The Jedi show of force seems to me to play right into Daala’s fears.

Griefing asside I did enjoy Conviction. I though Allston did a wonderful job in playing up Vistara’s growing doubts about her own beliefs and the comparison of her own upbringing to that of Ben was a nice touch. I was particularly fond of Vistara’s letters to her “fantasy dad” and it seemed to me a very teenage response to her emotional state. I also rather liked seeing the a bit of the tactical/calculating side of Luke and his minor confrontation with Abeloth this time out did offer a fair amount of the emotional closure for his character. Han, also gets a nice moment in the sun in the novel even managing to surprise his wife a bit. In the end Conviction was certainly an entertaining entry into the Fate of the Jedi series that actually offers some progress in many of the main plot points, even if it is less progress than I’d like. Marc Thompson is, as usual, top notch and the sound effects and music straight from LucasFilm once again create a wonderful immersive experience. Conviction is not an improvement over the previous volume in The Fate of Jedi Saga but it hopefully marks a turning point for some actual developments in terms of plot; especially given the fact there are only two more volumes left in the series.

mparker546's review against another edition

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I really enjoy where they are taking the story within this arc. There are time I wish they would focus more on one aspect of the mixed story rather than stringing them all together.

I am really engaged in the political subplot with the Imperial Remnant and the Galactic Alliance, and want additional books devoted to it.

verkisto's review against another edition

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I've been enjoying this series more than the average EU book, even if the individual volumes haven't stood out. Conviction was a surprise, though, since I found myself chuckling at some of the humor and getting attached to some of the characters. It's not Allston's effort alone -- a lot of the character development was due to Christie Golden and Troy Denning contributing in their volumes -- but I can't deny this is the first time I felt more connected than just going along with the story.

charisanorris's review against another edition

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I almost gave this 3 stars, but the second half of the book was so good, I had to give 4. It takes a while for things to really start; a lot of it is setup. But after the halfway point....whew! Great book and I can't wait to continue!

scamp1234's review against another edition

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Building up momentem for the last two books of the series. It kept my interest but wavered a little. It felt that everything in this book was similar to the last. To the effect that it was only here to help develop the characters more. I've always been a fan of the core Star Wars characters but it may seem that its time to stick them with single stories rather than multi volume epics.

gentlemangamer's review against another edition

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I do like these stories, but this one was not very well written. There were decisions made by the characters that didn't make any sense, and the bad guys knew much more than they should have been able to. I understand that the story needs to move forward, but sloppy story telling should not be the answer.

futuregazer's review against another edition

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Five stars for a nerdy Star Wars book you say?! How can it be? Because Aaron Allston is a barrel full of laughs. Just the right amount of humor and mystery; not taking itself seriously for a minute. And that's okay, cause I never really take these books seriously either!

readingwithrebeccanicole's review against another edition

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It was fun, but not that much happened and the plot has stalled.

Nam Chorios was cool, especially exploring how the force was used there. And how using it could cause force storms.

I couldn't root for Vestara this time because most of her actions were explained by a "surprise" twist later. So I didn't really know that she was actually up to for most of the book and was generally confused by her actions.

Tahiri's trial has gone on for so long now I was just glad that it was over.

imalwayswrite's review against another edition

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Really? There are two more of these novels left to the series? Sigh. Despite the fact that I think the Fate of the Jedi story arc can end in just one more novel, I liked this installment. It can probably even stand on its own, as long as the reader can follow the multiple story lines: a coup, a murder trial, a freedom movement on a distant planet, an assassination, the search for a bizarre and powerful dark side creature, a Sith who would be Jedi, and a Sith infestation.