sjj169's review

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This cookbook rocks my little foodie heart. I know I'm going to bore you guys to death with my foodie side-but you gotta eat!

I'm one of those people who garden. So yes, I stuff bags of squash on my neighbors porches when they won't answer the door for me anymore-because I just took them a bag the day before. I'm a giver. Plus, I get so tired of squash..until that next spring.

Anyways, this book is really good about giving you recipes for the item, then tells you how to preserve some of the leftovers, then how to use the preserved foods and THEN even tells you what to do with any leftover scrap items. SO MUCH WIN! I'm cheap and hate to waste anything-at least that's what my husband says. The truth is I hate waste. I worked hard on growing that food. I hate to see anything go to waste.
Now when I get a trip to my local peach orchard I can have different ways to use these beauties.

(yes-that's my own peaches-I love the south)

Homemade applesauce with Potato pancakes.

Chicken with pork stuffed cherry peppers

Canned beets

The ingredients in this book are not hard to find. That seems to be a trend in some of the newer cookbooks-in that the recipe looks good and then throws in some food that either costs the whole house payment or you just can't find in my area. I hate that. This book doesn't do that.
So it gets all the stars. I'm gonna go cook some of this stuff!

I received an copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from blogging for books. Thank you!

thebookramblings's review

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This is a cookbook that will rock a foodie or gardener’s heart! I love the concept of The Kitchen Ecosystem because it is all about using every bit of food you have, and letting none of it go to waste. Often nowadays, beginners in the kitchen, or those who do not even know what to do with the scraps, will simply toss them in the garbage rather than using them. Many of the scraps that get discarded are actually full of nutrients!

In the beginning of the book, the introduction goes into discussion on not letting any bit of food go to waste, whether it is using up leftovers, or scraps from each meal. Canning is a part of this cookbook, which is something I have wanted to start doing, but didn’t know where to start. The cookbook has four sections, such as Eat Some Fresh, and Use the Scraps. There were quite a few recipes that I will be trying in the near future, but also a handful that I wouldn’t think twice about making out of personal preference. One section that I was most looking forward to happened to be Preserving and Recipe Techniques because it had such valuable information that could be put to use. Overall this entire cookbook had important information that everyone could put to use in their kitchen and day-to-day meal planning, prep, and cooking.

While this concept, and cookbook, isn’t for everyone, I do think that we all can gain some insightful knowledge, and bring some of it into our kitchens. Too often food goes to waste when it is perfectly good to use, and eat. It’s definitely something to think about, and decide, and I think this is a great reference for anyone interested.

Disclaimer: I received this cookbook through Blogging for Books for reviewing purposes.