
Dark Halo by Shannon Dittemore

tt_reads123's review against another edition

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Oh so incredibly good. This was a really great book to end off the series. And there were a bunch of twists that I definitely wasn't expecting, and they threw me for a loop. I honestly wish with all my heart that this series didn't have to end, but following the characters on their journey was worth it.

In this book, we're introduced to some new characters, and I wasn't really sure who to trust and who not to. In addition, there were some really tense moments that had me flipping the pages, and there was a great balance of action, romance, and faith.

When thinking about it, what I think I loved the most in this book was the character growth and development. I think there were some really insightful conclusions that were made, and one of those conclusions was concerning Brielle and Jake's relationship. Specifically in the second book, I noticed that Brielle put a lot of emphasis on being in a relationship with Jake, and at times it seemed like her entire future hinged on it. That slightly bothered me, but I didn't really read much into it but was definitely talked about more in depth in this book.

This is one of the best series I've read in a really long time, and it's a keeper for sure.

the_lady_reads's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

Dark Halo is the thrilling conclusion to the Angel Eyes trilogy. Let me tell you, I have followed this series since the release of the first book and each book just seems to get better than the last. As Dark Halo is the final novel, I was very worried. There is always a lot of pressure on finales--especially for beloved series. I should not have been worried. Shannon Dittemore's story ends just as strongly as it began.

I (again) feel the need to state that I'm not a very religious person. I say that because this is a very religion driven series and I was still very much able to enjoy it. Dittemore's strong prose and plots made it impossible for me to feel anything but love towards this series. Her talent gives Dark Halo the ability to stand on its own merits. There is something for everyone in this book. Though religion is a very heavy theme, I never once felt like it was being shoved down my throat. It is very common for authors to (whether consciously or not) push religion at its readers in novels with angels, and frustrate those who read them, too. I've had this experience several times, but Dittemore never made me feel uncomfortable. I applaud her for that.

There isn't much I can explain in regards to the plot without spoiling the first two books in the series, so I will just say that the cliffhanger from book two is immediately addressed. Jake and Brielle, along with their friends, must find the faith and strength to overcome their enemies while saving the world as they know it.

These characters… I don't even know how to properly describe them. Jake, Brielle, Marco and Kaylee all have found a place in my heart. While I originally found it strange to switch from first to third point-of-view, Dittemore pulls it off. It works well for this book. We get great insight into each of these "players." The different perspectives help us understand the motives behind their actions, and help the audience bond with them. After this novel, I even found that I was able to care for Liv--albeit reluctantly. Though she was not shown as a good guy, her redemption was excellent. Each character, major and minor, was given a role in Brielle and Jake's journey. No one felt out of place, or disjointed. Dittemore sees these each of characters through to the very end.

There is so much intensity in this book, but that's to be expected after the last two.The plot is strong, and moves very steadily. It never felt rushed, or seemed to drag on. The pace fit with the themes and events within Dark Halo very well. Dittemore shapes an excellent story and brings a beloved series to a close while being sure to answer any questions the readers may have. Even as we witness all of the trials these characters are put through, the author leaves us with hope in our hearts and a smile on our faces.

I am so happy I decided to give this series a chance. It was an amazing journey, watching these characters grow and come into themselves. Dittemore has impressed me and it saddens me to let go of these characters, but the ending leaves nothing but smiles. This book/series was amazing. Dittemore is a very talented writer, who I hope to see more of in the future.

I received an e-copy of this novel from the publisher for my honest opinion and review via Netgalley.

This review can also be seen here on my blog.

story_sanctuary's review against another edition

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Brielle has been blessed with a special gift: she can see the Celestial, both the angels and their warring worship and the fear that gushes like black tar from those caught in the grip of her enemies. She's not the only gifted one. Her boyfriend Jake can heal others with his hands.

But Jake has been taken, kidnapped by demons, and her attempt to save him throws Brielle into the hands of the Prince of Demons. He asks her to make a terrible choice. She's been given a heavenly halo, one that bestowed her gift upon her. The Prince offers her a dark halo, one that will block the pain of her heavenly sight. It's a choice Brielle thinks will be simple, but when nightmares and tragedies plague her, doesn't she deserve just a little relief?

Dark Halo is the third and final book in the Angel Eyes series. It can be read without the first two books, but will be more enjoyable if one is familiar with the stories from the first two novels. Jake, Brielle and the others reveal deeply moving stories, participating in a spiritual battle and hunting down clues to solve mysteries concerning the disappearance of Brielle's mom, a human-trafficking organization, and the death of Brielle's friend. It's not all drama and tragedy, though. Dittemore lightens the mood with the perky hilarity of Kaylee, Brielle's young friend. This makes for great tempo in the storytelling. I really enjoyed reading this book.

Disclosure: : I received this book free from the publisher through the® book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

angelwolf45's review against another edition

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This book was a great conclusion for the series. It wrapped everything up in my opinion and I could hardly put any book in this series down.

It was a series that kept me turning pages to see what would happen to Briella and Jake and the many other characters that are in this story.

It was a fast paced book for me I enjoyed the whole series and and the plot was really intriguing and very fun and enjoyable.

This is a very good book series for people who like fantasy and christian elements in it or just for the fantasy and a really good story.

ttaa's review against another edition

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Oh so incredibly good. This was a really great book to end off the series. And there were a bunch of twists that I definitely wasn't expecting, and they threw me for a loop. I honestly wish with all my heart that this series didn't have to end, but following the characters on their journey was worth it.

In this book, we're introduced to some new characters, and I wasn't really sure who to trust and who not to. In addition, there were some really tense moments that had me flipping the pages, and there was a great balance of action, romance, and faith.

When thinking about it, what I think I loved the most in this book was the character growth and development. I think there were some really insightful conclusions that were made, and one of those conclusions was concerning Brielle and Jake's relationship. Specifically in the second book, I noticed that Brielle put a lot of emphasis on being in a relationship with Jake, and at times it seemed like her entire future hinged on it. That slightly bothered me, but I didn't really read much into it but was definitely talked about more in depth in this book.

This is one of the best series I've read in a really long time, and it's a keeper for sure.

cjmichel's review

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very good!

realpageturner's review against another edition

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The thing about Christian Fiction is that I read it to be inspired and to read about a character I can see myself in. I want to be able to relate to the story, the struggles with faith etc. That being said I do enjoy Spiritual Warfare novels that usually involve quite a bit of adventure/action I have never nor ever will experience. So when I opened this book and found that Elle was relate-able and it was spiritual warfare I was intrigued. I also really LOVED that this wasn't an angel story which involved a human being romantic involved with a angel (fallen or other wise (I really don't like those).

ANYWAY all that to say Angel Eyes is a good romance, imaginative, intriguing spiritual warfare story that I did enjoy reading in a few short hours. The trilogy as a whole, however, lost something on the way. The second and third novels try to up the first and more drama and more suspense and more fantastical battles between the angels and demons. It reached such a point that I felt like I was reading a fantasy and not Christian Fiction.

In Short I did enjoy this novel, but not the series.

lifeandliterature's review against another edition

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When the fear starts dripping from my hair, when it snakes itself around my arm and wraps the very hand I just defeated it with--when I find myself suffocating on the black thickness as it pours from my mouth, that's when I know.
I can't win without Jake.
Without the halo.
I'm not strong enough.
I've never been strong enough.

I went into Dark Halo with a whole bunch of mixed feelings. After the ending of Broken Wings I was desperate to find out how things were going to play out. But then on the other hand, knowing that Dark Halo was the last book in the trilogy, I really didn't want it to be all over. But in the end, my need for answers on what the outcome would be for Brielle and Jake outweighed anything else.

Dark Halo kicks off right after the heartbreaking conclusion to Broken Wings. War rages in the skies above and Jake is gone. Snatched away by the evil that is Damien. After the discovery of information in the chest, Brielle sets out with her best friend Kay and vows to find Jake. What she doesn't count on is the offer that she receives from The Prince of Darkness. A halo that will allow her an escape from the things she see's and the promise of a lifetime with Jake.

It doesn't matter how far Jake is from me. Doesn't matter what fills the chasm that separates us. It only matters that he can't be separated from the love of the One who has the power to save him. And as painful as it is to admit it, that's not me.
I can't save him.
But I can fight.

Brielle's gift is sight. And as the battle between good and evil intensifies the impact on the town is there for Brielle to plainly see. She see's so much fear. The town is oozing in it. And that's when Brielle questions whether she can handle any more of it and the escape offered by the Prince of Darkness begins to hold more and more appeal.

I've said it before about Shannon Dittemore's writing. It is quite simply, beautiful. All of us have been given the same words to use when we form sentences. But Shannon Dittemore take's the very same words that you or I have and places them together so that they form stories that are dark and evil and twisted but written with such beauty.

The Angel Eyes trilogy got better with each book. Not just slightly better, Shannon Dittemore raised the bar higher each and every time. Her descriptions during each moment of the story are so vivid. The growth of the characters, not just through Dark Halo but throughout the whole trilogy was superb.

Dark Halo was amazing. People always describe a book as one that they can't put down, but that was truly the case with this book. It was overflowing with action but it was also jam packed with emotion. There are secrets revealed and discoveries made. It was the absolute perfect conclusion to the Angel Eyes trilogy. I'm so sad to see it come to an end. I could read a thousand angel and demon books and love each and every one of them, but none will be written or have the same impact as the Angel Eyes trilogy.

5/5 Amazing Stars.

rampion's review against another edition

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This was an amazing end to this trilogy! I still felt like there could've been a fourth book telling about what happens with Jake and Brielle. But other than that, I LOVED THIS TRILOGY!!! I didn't think I was going to like it this much! But I do! Anyway, READ THIS SERIES! Why I didn't finish this sooner, I have no idea.

Clean rating: Some violence, and some deaths.

thecalicobooks's review against another edition

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THAT ENDING!! A full review will come, but I just have to say this book - and the entire series, honestly - was SO good! But this book. Everything about it tied everything together and was just so flawless!