
Edge of Falling by Valia Lind

thepaperreels's review against another edition

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Edge Of Falling is second in a series. Though reading the first book isn't that necessary, I would advice to read it so you can enjoy this novel more. And because that's where the main characters here first showed up. You see, on Falling By Design (Falling #1), they were just secondary characters (and they were great!) And now they have their own novel..

...and it sucked. UGH. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE SWOONY AND I SHOULD BE FLAILING AND SIGHING ans stuff but NO. I am frustrated. Frustrated by this characters, by the lack of plot, by everything.

I loved Falling By Design to bits and that is why my frustration here is just over the top. I just didn't expected it to be like this you know. My big problem here are the characters. Like, both of them. At first it was cute. Grayson was this guy who has a HUGE crush on Dakota and Dakota don't know it yet, but she also have feelings for Grayson. See that plot? It's cute. It's like we all have a secret and we are waiting for them to catch up. I'm not stupid. I know they are gonna end up eventually, but what I want here is how they ended up together.

And I did not like that HOW. Well, Grayson doesn't have balls! He keeps saying that 'YES I WILL FINALLY TELL HER WHAT I FEEL' and when the moment is there, he flakes off! Dakota on the other hand will be like 'YES I FEEL SOMETHING TOWARDS GRAYSON AND I WANNA KNOW WHAT IT IS' then BAM, she acts bitchy when they're together. This is pretty much what happened for like 60% of the book.



And there's this Kyle character that is supposed to be a big part of the story but just went to waste because he wasn't completely fleshed out. He didn't even help in the situation. Sometimes he will re-appear in a chapter and I'd be "OH I COMPLETELY FORGOT THAT THIS CHARACTER EXIST!" He's more like a prop. A useless prop.

Overall, Edge Of Falling just didn't appeal to me like Falling By Design did. Which sucked. It just sucks when that happens! But I'll still support this author because despite of the frustrations I felt here, I still liked her writing and the easyness (is easyness a word?!) of it.