
Avenge Me by Maisey Yates

michellesantiago's review

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More like 3.5/5 stars.

I really like the concept of this one: three friends come together to bring about the downfall of a man responsible for killing their friend, all the while meeting and falling in love with the women of their dreams. This series is being compared to the ABC show Revenge and I definitely see some similarities.

However, I did have some issues with Avenge Me. I thought the beginning and the end were a bit clunky, in terms of writing and pacing. The middle was great. I also had issues with the characters, especially with Katy. She's a weird mix of TSTL, snark and nice girl. I liked her overall but there's some instances when I found myself rolling my eyes with the things she said and her actions.

I'm looking forward to reading the next two books in the series.

Full review to come.

msmattoon's review

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I liked the overarching story of this series that I read all of them.

landragraf's review

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Top Pick! 4.5 Stars
*Originally Reviewed for The Season Blog*

A great opening to a series and this is definitely touching on some dark story bits.
Avenge Me is the first book in a three book series about three men determined to right a horrible wrong that occurred ten years ago. Yates received the pleasure of writing Austin Treffen’s story and boy is this guy all sorts of messed up. His heroine, Katy, is a strong, passionate woman who owns who she is, even if it’s a bit crazy, and doesn’t back down from a fight, even when the odds are against her.
I really like tortured heroes. Austin is extremely tortured, internally and externally. The enemy in this series is his own father, and reading the book blurb I’m not giving any secrets by saying it. If the man is your enemy, what’s it say when you’re his son? When you do the same job he does? This guy believes he has much to atone for and Katy’s appearance in his life is both a blessing and a curse.
Katy is everything to love in a heroine. She won’t back down, even when she knows the conversation may end with her getting stomped on. I loved this woman. I like her sass, her spunk, and her spine. If I could have some inner strength, Katy is my inspiration to get it. She’s also fallible, and those aspects made her relatable. She’s not perfect by a long shot, but she recognizes those faults and owns them.
For both characters the development between them from the moment they meet is electrifying. The sensuality scorches the damn pages, and let’s say I didn’t get off the couch but once in a four hour period so I could finish this bad boy. I got hooked from the get go and paid for it by being extremely tired the next day. Excellent writing is what will do that for any reader.
Yates also brings in some BDSM elements. We’ve got a heroine who likes to let go of some control and a hero who likes it a bit too much. These elements make the story hotter and also raise the conflict bar a bit higher. I won’t go into the details of how, if you want to know you’ll have to take the plunge into the world of Fifth Avenue. Finally, this villain is a true villain. Jason Treffin is the bad guy I love to see brought low. He’s definitely scum of the worst sort and I’m already enjoying how each of the heroes will bring him to his knees.
Overall, you can’t go wrong with this story and I strongly urge you to buy quickly as the next book will be out in just a few short weeks. If you like Harlequin Presents, Fifth Avenue is bringing you a storyline that showcases this line at its best and with some of its best authors.

jasmyn9's review

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Did not enjoy the writing style.

booklovinmamas's review

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Review posted Book Lovin' Mamas

Avenge Me is the first book to the Fifth Avenue Trilogy, and Maisy Yates did an amazing job on starting off the trilogy with the first main star, Austin Treffen.

In Avenge Me, we have two characters completely opposite of each other, but they have one thing in common. They both want to seek revenge on the man that destroyed an innocent woman. Austin lost his best friend ten years ago to something that he could have stopped. He had no idea what was happening behind close doors with his best friend, Sarah and she tried to get him to help her. He just brushed her off and he has regretted for ten years. Katy lost her sister that night and she never thought, she would end up hooking up with a Treffen to help seek her revenge. The kicker of the story is Austin’s own father is the villain of the story. Austin has to take down the man that has so much power that he may end up getting caught in the crossfire as well. Katy and Austin team up together to help start the process of bringing down Jason Treffen, but it’s not going to be easy for them both at all.

This is the first book I ever read from Maisey Yates, but after reading Avenge Me I definitely need to check out her other books. Avenge Me is a great start to the trilogy and what is to continue in the following books. Austin and Katy start the process of taking down Jason Treffen, it’s Austin’s other friends that are going to do more to him. I can’t wait to find out what they manage to do to him because he definitely deserves it. Although in Avenge Me there is an instant attraction, which threw me off a bit. Austin is the sexy successful alpha male and Katy is the woman who is ready to be submissive to Austin. Avenge Me has the D/s, but don’t expect the erotic elements of a typical D/s. It’s mild compared to what I’m used to reading as far as D/s relationships. Katy drove me crazy at times, especially at the ending on what she did to Austin.

I give this book 4 full moons and look forward to reading the next in the trilogy. If you are a big fan of the show Revenge like I am, you will definitely want to check out the Fifth Avenue Trilogy. I’m so glad this trilogy was made because I am missing my show Revenge, and these books are definitely helping me on patiently waiting for my show to return this Autumn. =)

I received a complimentary copy of the book for the blog tour (from Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, Inc) in exchange for an honest review.

nogenreleftbehind's review

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Did not enjoy the writing style.

cocktailsandbooks1's review

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Review to come

literaryfeline's review

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Avenge Me by Maisey Yates (Harlequin Presents, 2014; 272 pgs)

Opening Sentence: It was supposed to be an evening of bland conversation.

The first in the Fifth Avenue Trilogy about three men set on bringing down a paragon of society whose dark secrets will be his undoing. That paragon of society happens to be Austin Treffen's father. Austin and Katy Michaels, the sister of one of Austin's father's victims, are at the heart of Avenge Me. Brought together by circumstance and an immediate and rather intense connection, the two join forces to begin the push to bring Austin's dad down.

Avenge Me tackles some very serious issues, including prostitution, sexual assault and drug abuse. Not one to especially care for romance novels where the main characters immediately jump into bed together, Maisey Yates actually makes it work in Avenge Me. While I questioned Katy's common sense at first, it made sense the more I got to know her character. Both she and Austin are tightly wound, control being their middle name. Katy has been on a vengeance kick since her sister's death and Austin is unable to shake the feelings of self-loathing and guilt over Sarah Michaels' death.

Except for the one moment in which the author describes Katy looking down at her food when their take out hadn't even arrived yet, I was quite swept up in the story. While Katy and Austin won't win my favorite characters' award, they seem well suited for each other. I liked the way their relationship developed and the way Katy responds to Austin's darker moments. I respected her more for it--and appreciated the author for taking Katy there.

Source: Copy provided by publisher for review.

noveladdiction's review

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I didn't love it or hate it. Very middle of the road for me. A good time waster.. mildly considering the rest of the series, but we will see.

franjessca's review

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Review posted Book Lovin' Mamas

Avenge Me is the first book to the Fifth Avenue Trilogy, and Maisy Yates did an amazing job on starting off the trilogy with the first main star, Austin Treffen.

In Avenge Me, we have two characters completely opposite of each other, but they have one thing in common. They both want to seek revenge on the man that destroyed an innocent woman. Austin lost his best friend ten years ago to something that he could have stopped. He had no idea what was happening behind close doors with his best friend, Sarah and she tried to get him to help her. He just brushed her off and he has regretted for ten years. Katy lost her sister that night and she never thought, she would end up hooking up with a Treffen to help seek her revenge. The kicker of the story is Austin’s own father is the villain of the story. Austin has to take down the man that has so much power that he may end up getting caught in the crossfire as well. Katy and Austin team up together to help start the process of bringing down Jason Treffen, but it’s not going to be easy for them both at all.

This is the first book I ever read from Maisey Yates, but after reading Avenge Me I definitely need to check out her other books. Avenge Me is a great start to the trilogy and what is to continue in the following books. Austin and Katy start the process of taking down Jason Treffen, it’s Austin’s other friends that are going to do more to him. I can’t wait to find out what they manage to do to him because he definitely deserves it. Although in Avenge Me there is an instant attraction, which threw me off a bit. Austin is the sexy successful alpha male and Katy is the woman who is ready to be submissive to Austin. Avenge Me has the D/s, but don’t expect the erotic elements of a typical D/s. It’s mild compared to what I’m used to reading as far as D/s relationships. Katy drove me crazy at times, especially at the ending on what she did to Austin.

I give this book 4 full moons and look forward to reading the next in the trilogy. If you are a big fan of the show Revenge like I am, you will definitely want to check out the Fifth Avenue Trilogy. I’m so glad this trilogy was made because I am missing my show Revenge, and these books are definitely helping me on patiently waiting for my show to return this Autumn. =)

I received a complimentary copy of the book for the blog tour (from Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, Inc) in exchange for an honest review.