
Apex Magazine Issue 50, by Lynne M. Thomas

arensb's review

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The prose poem aspect of this story—telling the story in impressions and imagery, rather than ordinary descriptive sentences–is effective, though not really my cup of tea. It‘s as if the action is happening in the corner of the narrator’s eye.

The story takes a sudden turn into left field about two-thirds of the way through, from
Spoilerbringing dinosaurs back to life through genetic engineering
Spoilerthe narrator’s fiancé being beaten up by bigots
, and it’s not immediately obvious how the two are connected, but upon reflection, I think it works
Spoiler(if the fiancé’s work had been successful, the narrator could have sicced a dinosaurs on the ones who hurt the one she loves)

Aside: I see a lot of people complaining that this isn’t science fiction. Yeah, it is. If nothing else, there’s the whole
Spoiler“reverse-genetic-engineering dinosaurs”
aspect. As far as I can tell, the complaints seem to be “this story doesn’t conform to what I expect from science-fiction”. It comes across as “it doesn’t have spaceships or time travelers or bug-eyed monsters, so it’s crap.” I don't remember anyone hating on Mike Resnick’s “One Perfect Morning, With Jackals”, despite it having even less of an SF element, as I recall.

Three stars because, as I said above, poetry isn’t my cup of tea.

lamusadelils's review

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Descubrí este cuento porque fué ganador y nominado de varios premios (Nébula, Hugo, World Fantasy Award) y con justa razón porque de forma breve y bella cuenta una historia inesperada y triste que une la fantasía con el drama, lo atemporal con lo actual y lo gracioso con lo doloroso.

Y aunque técnicamente es un cuento, tiene casi la cualidad de un poema, tanto en forma como en la parte emocional.

nobodyatall's review

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Heartbreaking and poignant.

scamp1234's review

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3.5 stars
I enjoyed the two new stories from Sarah Monette and Rachel Swirsky. The reprint was ok for me. And Catheryne Valente's poem was outstanding.

kaylen's review

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At first I was getting a very strong "if you feed a moose a muffin vibe" and that was really distracting, but then I was touched by the tenderness and sincerity of the writing. Short and sweet and sad.

jokoloyo's review

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I thank Althea Ann for her review that introduce me to this work.

It is a poetic short story with poetic style that gripped me into the story. And without long over flowery words, the story showed me a shattered happiness and wishful thinking.

Despite the Hugo Nominee and Nebula Award, I suggest not to expect a science fiction or even a fantasy story. It is a beautifully written story, but the fantasy elements are just metaphors in my opinion.

macthekat's review

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Oh this story is just wonderful! It is really hard to write about it without spoiling it because it is so short (flash fiction). But I will try to say a little bit about why I loved it.

"If you were a dinosaur, my love, then you would be a T-Rex. You’d be a small one, only five feet, ten inches, the same height as human-you."

That is the opening sentences. Talk about an opening sentence that is quotable, memorable and that sets the tone for the rest of the story.

The first half of the story is really one big fun thought experiment. What if your loved one was a dinosaur. How fun, how complicated, how wonderful.

The story made me feel. It isn't just the fully piece of silliness (though I would have been happy if it were just that) it is more than that. I can just say wow!

Read my full review here:

kesterbird's review

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The first time I encountered this story was right when it was published. A friend of mine had warned me that it was intense, so when the podcast intro started, I pushed back from my bench to really listen.
It starts out so charming, and it ends so heartbreakingly; I did not go back to the bench for a while. I can't cry and work at the same time. Some people can. I cannot.
I went to find it again today, for reasons of current events.
I cried again.

anyaworley's review

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If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love sounds like something you might say to your lover when it's 2 am and you're feeling whimsical or half sleepy (I tend to spew the soppiest shit when I'm half asleep) or high/drunk.

It was sweet and emotive but I can see what the bashingapalooza was all about and while the story is lovely, it doesn't have a sci-fi element. Oh, well.

samj's review

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Redefines the notion of 'speculative fiction' as 'heroic hypothetical'. I wish there was more story to it, and if we're being honest it's probably not 5 stars but I believe in affirmative action.