
Blue Balls by R.C. Boldt

upallnightbookaddict's review against another edition

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4.5 Star Review

I had no clue what to expect with Sarah and Jack's story. I had anticipated this book for months. I was begging for its release. I definitely was not disappointed.

This slow, agonizing case of blue balls that is this book left me on edge, laughing and crying all at the same time. The build up, the heat, is out of this world. Boldt didn't hold back with giving me not only a book boner, but book blue balls too.

I fall in love with Boldt's writing more and more with each book she rights. She is on that must read list for me. Her ability to tell such an entertaining story that had me all over the place is genius. She is one talented writer who hones her craft better and better with each book she writes.

booklovershangout's review against another edition

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Okay so I completely fell in love with Jack in Clam Jam. Yes in the first story where he was the supporting character. He made me laugh out loud. He is so sweet. He is persistent and he is absolutely sexy. I could not get enough of him. So when I read the premise for this book, I was like, "HELL YES!!" Sign me up, because I need more of this character.

This book made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. The banter, the mishaps in their story. The broken fourth wall when Sarah explains herself. I looked like I was crazy reading this book and I loved every minute of it. This has definitely been one of the best escapes I have had for a while. R.C. Boldt has definitely become a one-click author for me and I am already dying to read more.

lifeinthebooklane's review

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5 stars isn't enough for a book that had me giggling loudly for most of it AND made me cry at the HEA epilogue! You also have to love a book that makes good use of the word shenanigans.

Whilst this is sort of a follow on from Clam Jam, it can easily be read as a stand alone book. This is the story of Sarah, who Jack usually calls Sunshine (and didn't that just make me melt each time) and said Jack. They are the BFF's of Maggie and Ry from Clam Jam, Sarah is a sassy, out there girl who has discussions with her female parts and has a huge fear of commitment. With his toned abs, smart suits and contact lenses Jack looks the part of hot male but inside he still has high school nerd issues.

Some of my favourite lines include the following (I'll hide them so as to avoid spoilers)

"Uh, I think there was ..." he trails off as if unsure how to tell me, "some sort of short-circuit in the vibrator?"

My vagina is officially FaceTiming Jack. That slut

And I'm left with two things lingering in my mind. One, ... And two, that damn Flashdance song whose chorus includes something like "She's a maniac on the floor"
is on replay in my mind.

and I stare at my best friend. The best friend I might end up punching in the throat

Then there was the whole talking-at-cross-purposes conversation about "Downtown" - hilarious.

The book is written first person from both Sarah and Jack's POV's, so you really get to know, understand and love both characters. The book is funny and the characters are wonderful, even the 'cameo roles' have a personality of their own. The pace is good even if at times I was as frustrated as they were waiting for it to finally happen!

I wouldn't change a thing about this book. I quite simply loved it from start to finish.

kaydanielsromance's review against another edition

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Sarah doesn't do relationships. She doesn't do commitment. What she does do is serial dating with the chance of some great sex. Jack is her best friends-fiance's-best man for their upcoming wedding. She's been asked to be the maid of honor. Wasn't there a perk to being in a wedding and scoring some wedding sex? Sarah sure hoped so because Jack was some serious eye porn. There was just one little problem when it came to actually following through...there wasn't any.

Jack is a workaholic with a body to die for. Sarah can't keep her eyes off of him and when the timing is finally right, their timing is always off. Jack is persistent if nothing else. Sarah has gotten under his skin, if not in his boxers, but he's hoping to remedy that when he gets the chance. The chemistry between them is off the charts and he's not willing to give up just because fate seems to step in the way every time things heat up. He likes Sarah, maybe even more than likes Sarah, but let's not get to hasty that might just be his blue balls talking.

The blue ribbon winner goes to Blue Balls for having the most creative "stop-lock-and blue ball" in a bedroom scene that I've ever read in one book. I should really go back and count, but RC Boldt is a master blue baller.

This book contained it all; laughs, love, lots of....almost hot, hot, hot sex, and especially my favorite ingredient-great secondary characters. Unfortunately I haven't had the pleasure of reading Clam Jam by RC Boldt, and you don't need to to jump right into Blue Balls, but as I understood the unfolding plot, Maggie and Ry met and fell in love in that book and Jack and Sarah are their best friends. I wanted to read Clam Jam before I read Blue Balls, but I'm moving it up in my TBR pile and I think you will too especially if you love romantic comedies.

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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I'm pretty sure these balls went from a tinge of blue to aquamarine and then a navy blue almost black. Even with that disturbing imagery, you are going to read it aren't you...

Knowing full well there is suffering and some of the most inopportune shenanigans, you are willingly going to pick up this book and partake- probably even enjoy, this man's suffering...

What kind of monster are you!?!?! Lol, I laughed, winced, and was downright appalled at the ability the author had to make this the most severe and terrorizing case of blue balls. I had run out of optional interruptions long before RC Boldt. I think she would have gone on too..but feared for the health and sanity of Jack and Sarah...more Jack. (Probably with an evil gleam in her eyes too)

Wildly entertaining and the perfect distraction from your own "situation"...I recommend chocolates and salt and vinegar chips to sustain you. You will have trouble putting it down so make sure they are handy...

Reviewed for Naughty Book Blog

ameserole's review against another edition

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I'm sorry but the name is so funny.

So, Blue Balls is a super funny spin off of R.C. Boldt's Clam Jam. In this, we follow Jack and Sarah on a crazy rollercoaster ride. Jack has no game with woman whatsoever. Whereas Sarah is always getting some. Now this book is completely hilarious. You will definitely have some LOL moments, like I did.

However..........I just didn't really like the characters all that much. Okay, well I liked Jack a loooooooooooot more than Sarah. Unlike Clam Jam, I just wanted to slap these two characters. Sarah is like always thinking about sex. ALWAYS.

It's like nothing else is deemed worthy for her to think about. At some point you just sit there wondering what the hell Jack sees in her? Like why does he like her so much? Why at all?!? But then you realize that these people, who are the amazing best friends of Ry and Maggie from Clam Jam, obviously have good influences [Ry and Maggie--of course]. So they should be likable human beings. It takes time, but I eventually stopped hating them and started to uh like them?

The book is good. Very funny. I recommend to anyone who needs a good laugh.
I really like R.C. Boldt's books but I don't know how I feel about this one. Clam Jam was better in my opinion.

norwayellesea's review against another edition

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Completely OTT, highly amusing Rom-Com. My eyes rolled a few times but overall it was fun, sexy and entertaining. If you've read Clam Jam, you'll love this too.

It's a standalone so jump into the series where you want.

It was a perfect palate cleanser after a phase of "what shall I read next."

nighteyes82's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this one. it was funny and fluffy

mrsjhelms9910reader's review against another edition

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Lemme say that im so glad i listened to my friend when she told me i NEEDED to read this book along with it's side kick, Clam Jam.. This book was hilarious. So many giggles. I sat here and while reading this never realized just how many things that can happen to end up with blue balls of the female and male kind 🙄😂 It was a super cute book. Jack was so swoonworthy. I loved how things developed between them. I can't wait to enjoy more books by her! ❤

cnapierkowski's review against another edition

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This really, really didn't work for me. At all.