
Homicide in Herne Hill by Alice Castle

addy1991's review

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2.75 stars
This book stumbled and dillydallied instead of getting to the point quicker. Beth has gone from a likeable person to someone I wouldn't want to be friends with. She sticks her nose in where it doesn't belong and doesn't consider the consequences because she's too busy trying to ferret out the truth and wave it over a certain policeman. She seems to enjoy rubbing his nose in how much better she is at figuring something out and risks not just her new relationship but a safe home. I can't admire her for this and this is where I part ways with this series.

ljwrites85's review

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So I’m a huge fan of this series having read all four of the instalments but it can be read as a stand-alone without missing too much. I will recommend that you start at the beginning because it’s such a good series!

It’s coming up to Christmas and Beth Haldane’s best friend Katie has gone away until new year leaving Beth feeling a little lonely. A chance encounter at her son Ben’s Nativity play and she meets another single mum, Nina.

Nina is the polar opposite of Katie, she’s loud, bouncy, eats processed food and doesn’t associate with the so called yummy mummy society of Dulwich. Knowing Beth’s reputation for solving mysteries Nina tells her she feels something dodgy is going on at the solicitor's she works at. Unable to resist a puzzle, she puts herself and her new relationship on the line to get to the bottom of it.

It’s nice to be back in Dulwich with Beth. It feels like I’m visiting an old friend!

I liked the addition of Nina, she’s down to earth and fun, okay she lets her six year old have fizzy drinks and a diet that consists of pretty much junk food but nobody’s perfect! I wonder if her and Beth’s other friend Katie will meet in the next book, I’d like to see that.

Now much as I love this series, I didn’t feel like the mystery was quite as strong as the previous ones, with the majority of the juicy bits happening in the second half of the book but of course that is just my opinion. Also I’d like to see a bit more from the dishy detective Harry Young who Beth is now in a relationship with, but seemed noticeably absent for most of the book.

Overall Homicide On Herne Hill is a fun cosy mystery, full of great characters, witty observations and perfect for curling up with during these chilly nights.

stephbookshine's review

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*I received a free ARC of this book with thanks to the author and Rachel Gilbey at Rachel’s Random Resources blog tours. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

The fourth in The London Murder Mysteries series, Homicide in Herne Hill, sees Beth taking on a side job to help out a friend suspicious of her boss.

Technically the story does stand alone, but the development of the characters and their relationships is better experienced by reading the books in order. For example, Harry seems strangely controlling unless you know that Beth has developed habits of secrecy and nefarious deeds (in the name of good) that regularly put her in physical danger!

The murder plot in this story is a slow builder, with most of the tension coming from Beth’s attempts to access information and the intrigue from the side plot of a rash of poorly pets in the Dulwich area.

We see less of Beth’s usual work setting, and her son, as the plot necessitates her spending most of her time on her investigations and Ben gets to spend his days with television and junk food at the irrepressible Nina’s flat.

Which brings me to a small criticism this time round: why oh why does Beth, who strongly distinguishes herself from the judgy mummy clique, keep on and on about the food Nina serves and the entertainment she provides? After all, she’s looking after Ben for free, feeding both of them most evenings, on what is clearly a limited budget, and also offering a warm, friendly ear as and when Beth requires it whilst expecting no financial reward or emotional support herself! I got a little bit cross with Beth under the circumstances and felt her obsession with Nina’s breaded products wasn’t that different from Belinda and co sniffing at Beth’s lack of extra-curricular activity provision!

Other than that minor irk, the novel is the usual well-written family-friendly mystery I’ve come to expect from this author, and a welcome addition to the Dulwich death toll. This series is highly recommended for fans of the amateur investigation genre looking for a well-rounded main character with realistic life problems outside of the fatal ones!

‘I’m Beth, my son Ben is in Year 6,’ she said, proffering a hand. Her new companion, busy rooting through the pockets of a puffy winter jacket, didn’t seem to notice. ‘Yeah, Nina,’ she said. ‘My Wilf’s just started this term, Year 1. I know who you are. You’re the one who keeps catching murderers.’
‘Oh!’ Beth was stunned. She’d realised she’d been getting a few sidelong glances in the playground recently. But were people saying that about her? And was it even true? ‘I’m not sure that’s really… I just seem to be in the right place. Or maybe the wrong place, if you know what I mean.’
Nina gave her a level look. ‘Just as long as I don’t get knocked off just for sitting next to you,’ she said. Then just as Beth started to worry she was serious, she let out a huge guffaw. ‘Nah, you’re all right. At least you’re doing something interesting. I get the feeling that if I hung out with some of the other mums, all I’d get would be a bad case of baby brain. And that I can do without,’ she said, nudging Beth sharply in the ribs. To her surprise, Beth found herself laughing. There was something infectious about the twinkle in Nina’s eye.

– Alice Castle, Homicide in Herne Hill

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog

louiseog's review

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This series gets better!

Beth and Harry are falling for each other despite Beth interfering in too many police matters.
I love the area, I love the characters and a light murder to solve. Great