
Glimpse by Stacey Wallace Benefiel

hdbblog's review

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I am so impressed. So impressed with Stacey Wallace Benefiel's writing, and to be honest a little confused as to why a larger publishing company didn't snatch her book up! I'm so glad that independent publishing companies such as CreateSpace allow authors like Stacey to share their work with us. Truly, this was a book I loved and I'm already looking forward to the next one!

Zellie is smitten with Avery. So smitten in fact that she gets in trouble in church (her dad is the pastor) for spending too much time staring at him and dreaming. First off, how sweet is that? However it doesn't end there, no not buy a long shot. Zellie is a fiery and headstrong girl who knows what she wants and goes for it! Oh sure, her dad might disapprove if he found out but Avery is so good it just doesn't even matter.

I LOVED Zellie! I loved her tenacity, I loved how she is awkward at times and so brave and put together at others. I loved that Zellie is a typical teenage girl. She's someone who everyone will be able to relate to, almost like a "Jane Every Girl" of sorts. Layered on top of that also however, is a character who you will fall in love with from the very first page. Zellie says and does things that will make you laugh out loud at times, and make you feel deeply for her at others. I wish I could better describe this character, but really all I can say is just that she is amazing! You'll have to read for yourself.

Stacey's take on visions and seeing the future is really intriguing. Without going into too much detail, I will say that Zellie is fortunate to be able to do more than just see the future. In fact, her other power is so amazing! Sorry for the vague writing! I know. I'm actually hoping to tempt you more into reading this book. If that didn't work I have three words for you. Ghost Baby Daddy. Mmhmmm....take that as you will. Give this book a read! It is well worth your time!

eatingwords's review against another edition

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I first heard about this book when I read "Jenny Pox". There was an excerpt at the end of it. I looked it up on GoodReads and it sounded not too bad and when I saw that it was free for the Kindle, I just got. Because who doesn't love some free books?

I have to say that I liked it and that I want to check out book two and three.

What made me gag was that Zellie and Avery made out once(!) and then they already referred to themselves as girlfriend/boyfriend. They haven't talked about it or anything, so that was a no-no for me.

The twist was way too far into the book I thought and then all was rushed and the ending came too soon.

So I want to know what will happen next, of course.

hnbb's review

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It started out with such potential. Then things became disjointed and the "relationship" moved very quickly, especially for 15/16 year olds.

good1kenz's review

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I didn't have the highest hopes for this book, but when I actually read it...I was amazed. it was wonderful. I will be buying the sequel for my nook as soon as possible. Good job Stacey Wallace Benefiel. Keep up the good work! And everyone needs to be reading this!

kyleechris's review

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Originally from

What can I say? Glimpse was so much better than I thought it would be. I read a lot of mixed reviews about this book so it took me awhile to actually read it but I'm so glad I did! For one this book was free on amazon so that's always a plus but the biggest plus was it was actually worth the read. So many times I have downloaded a book that was free and sounded like it had so much potential and they always fall short. Which I guess I can't complain because they were free right? But still, this was refreshing.

Zellie is such an interesting character and so is Avery. I think Stacey did a good job creating her characters and making each one of them their own. It kind of bugged me how instant Zellie and Avery were attracted to each other and loved each other but once the background of Zellie and her powers are explained it made sense. I absolutely love Claire, she is hilarious. She's so sure of herself and her loyalty to Zellie is so wonderful. Even though Zellie turns out to be not so normal and has a ton of crazy things happening Claire still sticks by her and is a true bestfriend. I love Avery, how can you not? Zellie and Avery grew up with each other and they're just bound to be together. I love how he's 16, is starting to get grey hair, and Zellie still finds him as one of the most beautiful boys in the world. That's really rare in my opinion and it's super cute. He takes on the world of Zellie's new life without hesitation because he knows he loves her and would do anything for her, even if it means dying. That's true love and loyalty. Zellie also has a younger sister who is hilarious, yes I cheated and read the second book before I did my review for this one so I get to know the characters a bit more. Anyways, Melody comes off as a snarky snobby girl at first but once you get to know her you'll find that she really does care for her family and their safety. I love the role she plays in this book and how she falls into place within the supernatural aspect of Zellie's world.

Over all I gave this book four stars because it has very interesting characters who you can relate to in situations even though this is a paranormal read. The plot is full of action, romance, and suspense and it's a really good read. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys contemporary novels, paranormal novels, or young adult novels.

kimcheel's review

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erinmp's review against another edition

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I think I'd give this 2 1/2 stars, but I'll round it up to 3. I can't really put my finger on why, but I liked this book and didn't like it. I liked the story and found it pretty interesting. But something about it didn't quite measure up for me. The love story was way too intense, way too fast. The protagonist, Zellie, is, thankfully, pretty human and realistic; but she goes back and forth between being a good girl and one that toes or crosses the line. Understandable, being a preacher's daughter and all; but still a little over-the-top. I'm interested in the story enough to read the next one, but it just didn't flow the way I had hoped.

asteinke19's review

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Didn't hold my attention very well.

trinsreading's review

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This was an ok book. I didn't really enjoy but it did have its moments. I was excited to start this from what I read from the blurb and it was cute at first, but then things just went a wrong way that I felt like dropping the book.

Zellie was an alright character. The way she fantasized about Avery is the way I fantasize about the guy I like. The way she and Avery acted around each other was hard to believe because they don't act like normal teenagers you see. I did not like the way the acted around each other in the beginning, it was just really annoying.

I did not like Avery at all. I think Zellie could do way better than him. If that boy would've snapped at me the way he snapped at Zellie, he wouldn't be seeing me again anytime soon. I hope Benjamin will be taking her away from him.

Ugh! This mom annoyed the hell out of me. I couldn't stand her. She was just too much; I was ready to drop the book with this character.

Claire was overall my favorite character throughout the book. She was funny and someone that didn't annoy me as much as the other characters did.

Overall, this was an alright book. It was cute and all but not really something I would recommend. I would most likely recommend this if you have absolutely nothing else at hand and if you want a fast read.

trisha_thomas's review

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I'm disappointed, I think.

This plot was set up to be something really fascinating. But I had a tough time believing the characters or their reaction/actions. They didn't seem like real kids (they didn't talk like teenagers!) And once I didn't connect with the characters, I had a tough time really getting into the story. Even though the plot was fascinating, it didn't draw me or hold me like I thought it would.

I think the series may develop itself into something more, but this first installment didn't wow me like I thought it would.