
How I became Lotus Raine...the porn star by Erika Ashby

bookflutter's review against another edition

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I received a complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I've been a fan of Erika's since like FOREVER and I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book! This is my favorite book of the author's. I devoured it in 2 days. Now, don't judge a book by it's title. Seriously you have got to read this one. We first meet Lucy, who's a hard working adult, just trying to make it big in her career. She works for a publishing company and is DYING to get her first assignment as a researcher for an up and coming author. She finally gets the opportunity of a lifetime, only to find out she has to live with and shadow a porn star for a whole week. Enter...Brent. Holy motha of G-O-D!! This man screams SEX! There is a scene in this book, where Lucy & Brent first meet at her office job and I immediately swooned for him.

The gifts he left for her were so adorable and sexy all at one. I knew from that scene I was going to love this book. This story has it all, a flowing story-line, a well planned plot, hot sex scenes! (that's a given), great plot twists, but most of all, this story was HILARIOUS! I laughed out loud so many times! Oh and I will NEVER look at a cupcake the same way again! Thank you to the author for that one. I highly recommend this book. It will keep you glued until the very end and when it's over, you're going to want to read it again! It's that damn Good!

lovehollyxx's review against another edition

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If the cover and synopsis weren't enough to draw me in, then the second I started reading the actual book I was sold! The authors voice rang loud and clear, and the character of Lucy Rogers instantly made herself known. I wanted to know more about this girl, and whatever she had to say. It's not often that a book can pull me in on the very page first, but this one certainly did!

I don't really know what I was expecting from this book, but it know that I wasn't expecting it to be how it was. I think when you see the words 'porn star' you instantly think slut! but that's not the case at all with Lucy/Lotus. This book wasn't necessarily about a porn star. It was about a girl and the events that led to her becoming a porn star. But then, the clues in the title for that one ;)

I liked the premise for the book. The way the story was told was a refreshing idea, and I loved finding out about the week that started it all. Brent was very, very sexy, and I do not blame Lucy one bit for falling for this naughty charm. I would have, too! He is definitely worthy of your swoon.

And I loved the sexiness of the book. It wasn't over the top, non stop, in your face sex, like some books have. Yes, there is sex, and yes, it is very hot, but it was understated compared to many recent releases. It never took away from the story, only added to it, and I think it's great when an author can pull that off. And how her porn star name came about? I loved it! Plus, it's an awesome name!

I wasn't exactly sold on the stuff about her mother. I understand the impact it had on Lucy, and how she lived her life, but I don't really think the story needed it. I can't say I was particularly interested in those parts of the book. And the ending... Though I liked it, I felt it was a little rushed. I kept waiting and waiting, constantly checking the % I had left in book because it was getting closer and closer to the end and I still didn't know how she ended up being a porn star. But then in a flash, it came and went.

All in all, this was a really great book, and though it ended in a good place, I'd love to see more from these characters! I haven't quite had my fill of Lucy and Brent yet, so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that Ms. Ashby has a little more up her sleeve.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

nbnurse's review against another edition

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I read this against my better judgement. A review said it was more than you'd expect from the title. Lies. I even like a nice cheesy, quick read from time to time. Nothing about this story was believable (and I'm not even always looking for that in a book)! And it could use some serious editing.

xsuey's review

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I expected a lot because of all those amazing reviews and was afterwards heavely disappointed.
There were obviously problems with the continuity. Certain points in the story, especially at the end made no sense. Also problems with the tenses and the grammar (which should be seen as problematic, when someone says so who does not speak english as their first language). Also I hated that the sex, eventhough the main topic was her becoming a porn star, took over and one did not really learn much about the background of the characters.

I was intrigued by the idea of this book but the way ub which it was carried out was disappointing

amanda_'s review

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After having read [b:Moving Forward|16250951|Moving Forward (Timing is Everything, #1)|Erika Ashby||22292298] by this author, I wasn't sure I would be giving her another chance. The above mentioned book didn't sit well with me. Most due to its endless shaming of women, especially sexually active women. Then I saw the title of this one.

I was intrigued. My hopes were that this book would be nothing like the one I'd read before by this author. A book about a porn star (/sex actress) and that industry. Perhaps this would be a more complex representation of women, sex, and the porn industry. Adress the virgin/whore dichotomy.

Let me start by saying this: I was wrong.

She was dressed way more revealing than I’d ever attempted. I’m confident, but damn, I didn’t want to get molested.

I wanted him to feel somewhat special. Even though that’s only something females tend to feel

"Every girl wants to fall in love. And most books are about just that.”

Never mind there's a grammatical error on the first page (and they continue throughout the book), this book does not offer a complex story with nuanced characters or a good message.

The book is an interview done by the heroine after she becomes a porn star. Our heroine, Lucy, used to work for a company doing research for authors. Lucy's latest assignment: follow the daily life of a sex actor: Brent. As a part of this deal, Lucy goes to live with him for a week. Here's the twist: she already met him, and they almost had sex at a club. So when they meet at his home, sparks are flying all over the place. What follows is tension between them, Lucy at times uncomfortable with his profession, and at the same time morbidly curious. Regardless of her feelings, Lucy is determined to make the best of her assignment.

Here's the thing: Lucy is horrible. She's the typical ultimate judgmental heroine. She constantly judges other women - unless they're her best friend, of course - even if she's never spoken to them. There's a (possible) backstory to why she detest women who have multiple sex partners. However, that particular part of her past is more about her own fears about being sexually active, and it's not explored in the story as a believable reason to why she'd loath women on sight. Instead, her endless shaming of other women seems unnecessary and only adds to the easy of disliking her.

Her hypocrisy is clear by the following example, from the book. Lucy is interested in Brent, the porn star (/sex actor), and while at time she might wonder and also be ignorant of what his profession entails, she never quite judges him for it. She tries to see beyond his profession, which, props to her, but when she meets the first female sex actress, it's hate on first sight. Simply because this particular woman dresses a certain way, acts a certain way, and is a sex actress. Conclusion: According to the heroine, it's okay for men to be sex actors, but not for women.

The story, if we look at it instead of the characters for a second, is not much to write home about. The interview part was strange and not quite necessary except to throw a couple jabs at readers who likes to read books that feel real (and in extension, logical).
I didn’t get how readers could be so blunt when in disagreement. Usually the point of reading was to escape everyday reality. But once some cross that line, they get so hell bent over something they don’t find logical. Well, let me tell you something—life isn’t always logical.

The funny part about it is people push aside these real life possibilities while reading a fictional story. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Just freaking go with it folks.

A few things: Yes, people can read to "escape everyday reality", but some of us likes to do so with realistic stories. Realistic doesn't mean you have to get married, get 2.5 children, have house with a white fence... you get the deal. It simply means the story should feel authentic. (And I agree, life isn't always logical, but there's a different between illogical and unrealistic.) Second, "just go with it" is an argument I'm not buying. Like, let's all write racists, sexist, abusive, and whatnot, it's cool, just go with it. Basically, what these two quotes say is this: Don't dare say anything's wrong with a book, and if you think something is, you're reading it wrong. Given that the heroine had a job to make sure authors wrote realistically about certain themes, this doesn't go with her personality, either. (I'm not saying the author intended for this message, but it is what it is.)

About ten pages in, it was clear what the outcome would be. Given the heroine's shaming of women who have multiple sexual partners, it was easy to guess when she became interested in Brent what the outcome would be, or rather how Lucy approached her own new profession as a sex actress. I promise, it's not a hard guess.

purpleflame's review

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I am sorry to say that it has not been my cup of tea. You basically know what the end's going to be like from the beginning... I kept on reading to see if I was wrong, but I wasn't. This story line could have been amazingly written.
However, as I always say, this is jusst my opinion and, if you like the story line, read it. You may find your next five-star read! My preferences and likes may be totally different to yours. Plus, all books deserve to be read at least once!