
Status Update by Annabeth Albert

heabooknerd's review

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When I read STATUS UPDATE the first time, it was actually my very first Annabeth Albert book and I really enjoyed it and now Albert is one of my favorite authors. Adrian is a great character and Noah grew on me as he comes out of his shell and begins to accept himself.

Adrian was so enjoyable in this one because he’s outgoing, silly, and compassionate. He’s also very self aware of his bad habits and the things he could work on. He doesn’t bulldoze over Noah’s quieter nature, but instead respects him and finds ways to work within his environment. Noah’s acceptance of himself and his journey to be with Adrian is really beautiful but also heart wrenching. He has very low self-esteem when it comes to being gay and he’s pushed all his desires and feelings deep down so that he can live a lonely life. Albert creates a truly emotional story for Noah. I was a little slow to warm up to Noah because he came across as standoffish but a lot of that is wrapped up in how he perceives himself.

trin's review

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I read this on my phone over a ridiculously long period, pretty much any time I had to wait in line anywhere or my friends were in the bathroom. So it's to the book's credit that I never lost track of the story or the characters. This is a tropey, feel-good gay romance, featuring first times, almost fake dating, and a twist on the Canadian shack. (American RV?) It was a little sappy for my tastes, but I liked that Noah and Adrian had real issues to work through -- and I especially liked how they were handled on Noah-the-closeted-repressed-professor's side. Additionally, Pixel is an extremely cute name for a small dog.

But I must admit that I almost put the book down forever when, in like chapter two, a supposed Angeleno describes Santa Monica as "right outside Los Angeles." NO.

michellemoon's review

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It was good but I was mildly bored though the story. The narrator is new to me and I thought he did well.

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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À la lecture du résumé, j'avais eu un bon feeling concernant ce bouquin, et cela ne s'est pas démenti au cours de ma lecture.

Nous avons un joli duo de personnages, très différents en apparence, mais finalement leur soif mutuelle d'amour et leurs goûts communs vont les rapprocher.

Tout commence par une rencontre fortuite, comme souvent en romance. Ici, Adrian est en road-trip en camping-car avec son petit ami du moment, Trent. Tous deux partent fêter Thanksgiving dans la famille d'Adrian, qui vit très loin de Los Angeles, là où vit Adrian. Il se rend au mariage d'une de ses sœurs et est plus que ravi d'emmener un rencard à ce raout familial auquel il n'a en fait pas très envie d'assister. Seulement voilà, les choses ne vont pas se passer comme prévu : Adrian se fait larguer comme une vieille chaussette sur l'aire de camping où son compagnon et lui s'étaient arrêtés, il se retrouve avec juste les vêtements qu'il a sur le dos, son petit chien sous le bras et un téléphone à moitié déchargé.

Il sera secouru bon gré mal gré par Noah, un archéologue spécialisé dans la géologie, qui séjourne dans ce camping pour terminer tranquillement l'écriture de son livre, ouvrage qui est la clé du poste d'enseignant qu'il convoite dans l'établissement ultra-conservateur dans lequel il exerce déjà, mais pas à titre définitif.

Noah est un homme (très) solitaire, taciturne, et même apeuré. Forcément, quand il découvre Adrian avec ses tatouages et son exubérance naturelle, il se sent en décalage complet. Par le plus grand des hasards, l'identité sexuelle de Noah est démasquée, et là, c'est le drame car Noah est profondément enfoui dans le placard, complètement enfoncé dans le déni le plus total. Il est vraiment très seul et renie ce besoin d'affection qu'on ressent tous. Ajoutons à cela des souvenirs paternels pas très plaisants et une très grosse dos de culpabilité liée à la religion, et on comprend aisément pourquoi il est cadenassé de la sorte.

Les deux hommes vont pourtant trouver un terrain d'entente, se découvrir des passions communes et Noah va finalement pouvoir laisser libre cours à sa curiosité et son désir. Adrian est touché par cet homme, très attiré par lui, aussi bien par son physique que par ce qu'il dégage. Coincés dans leur camping-car en pleine tempête de neige, ils vivent de jolis moments, une espèce de parenthèse un peu magique qui met un peu de baume au cœur. Du camping dans lequel ils se sont rencontrés au mariage de la sœur d'Adrian auquel Noah l'accompagne, en passant par une phase de relation longue distance et des retrouvailles mouvementées à l'occasion de Noël, nos amoureux vont vivre des moments pas toujours simples, mais finalement très réels. Vous ne trouverez pas ici de rebondissements tirés par les cheveux ; l’auteur explore vraiment la relation amoureuse, de ses balbutiements à son "apogée", en passant par les moments sexys mais aussi les moments houleux, où le doute, la colère, la crainte et le ressentiment s'installent.

Un flirt de quelques jours pourra t-il évoluer vers une relation plus sérieuse ? Noah pourra t-il se libérer de la cage dans laquelle il est enfermé ? Et Adrian, réussira t-il à réfréner son impatience et respecter le temps dont Noah a besoin pour faire son
chemin ?

J'ai aimé la douceur et la tendresse qui se dégage de cette histoire, ce couple d'amoureux absolument adorable, la lutte que mène Noah (mon dieu que c'est dur pour lui ! ). C'est une lecture à ranger dans la catégorie des livres doudous, qui en plus se passe sur la période Thanksgiving/Noël/Nouvel An, double raison de ne pas se priver donc !

bitchie's review against another edition

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Loved it!

All too often, when an author adds a gaming element to their story, they get it wrong. As a gamer myself, this gets really frustrating. I'm happy to say, that was not the case this time. It probably helps that it featured a fictional game, but it still all rang true for me.

I loved watching Noah open up and blossom with Adrian, and I thought they were perfect for each other. I was also very happily surprised by both families. This had some minor relationship angst , but nothing over the top, which was a nice change of pace. Definitely looking forward to more of this series.

a_reader_obsessed's review against another edition

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Nothing new to add here except to emphasize that this was a damn good piece of fluff. 

Want a slow build romance with quiet earnest longing?
Want to witness the MC's click in all the right ways, ways they've never done before with another?
Want an oh-so-nice look as one MC is introduced to the wonderful world of smex?

Sweet with just enough angst, interspersed with some hot lovin. I don't think as a reader, one could ask for much more. Very satisfying. 

evethingiread's review against another edition

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I didn’t fall in love with this one. From the reviews I expected more! Although, I have to say that I found the writing to be really good. And the story was cute.

raynebair's review

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This book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a review.

This book was fun! Who doesn't love a geeky love story. Ha! Adrian is a game developer. And Noah is one of his uber-fans. So cool! Noah is also a closeted professor. So closeted, he's even somewhat in the closet from himself! And they both have dogs. Even better.

Noah decides to be a good Samaritan and give Adrian a lift home for Thanksgiving when his new "boyfriend" leaves him stranded in an RV park in a snow storm. What an ass. He was such a whiny snot, it irritated me. I'm glad Adrian's interaction with him was minimal.

I love when a MC has a large, loving family. And while Adrian's family was large and somewhat non-supportive, you could clearly see that they loved him. I absolutely loved how caring and cautious Adrian was with Noah. It was so sweet, to see a couple that had more focus on the getting to know you and building a relationship, rather than just jumping straight into bed to get off.

I'm looking forward to more of this Gaymer series. :)

canibefictionaltoo's review

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This book was sweet and tender while also bringing great spice to the table, which I think is really rare to find, so I'm really happy about that!
I loved both the characters, they had such sweet banter while also having meaningful conversations, and also bonding over their dorky video games and gay sci fi novels, it was so cute.
I'm not even a dog person but the dogs were such an adorable addition to the story 

tildasaali's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted reflective fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
