alysona's review

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I loved the contrast of the black and white illustrations before Matisse began to paint the the vibrant colors in the later part of the book. Very inspirational

muddypuddle's review

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Although this is a very simple biography, the writing uses some really beautiful language. The illustrations reflect the text on each page - when there was no color in Matisse's life, the artist draws in black and white, when Matisse was being imaginative she used color, and as he eventually became a painter, investigating different styles, she used those styles to decorate the relevant pages. Another great model for biography writing, and a very nice introduction to a fabulous artist.

jdgcreates's review

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The author captures Matisse's interesting life, while the illustrator weaves his glorious colors, styles, and themes in with her own masterful pencil drawings. Really nice.

tashrow's review

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Matisse grew up in a French town that was industrial and gray. Despite this, he dreamed in bright colors. He was a boy who did not do well in school, at music, or really at much of anything except dreaming. Matisse decided to study law in Paris, but he discovered that being a law clerk was very dull, copying legal documents word for word by hand. Due to the stress, Matisse ended up in a hospital bed for months. It was there that he started painting to pass the time. Now he had found exactly what he was good at. It wasn’t easy, there were times he lacked food and money, but he worked very hard at his art. Years later, Matisse found himself sick and in bed again in his old age. He could no longer stand at an easel, so he turned to making cut-out collages, and those pieces turned out to be some of his most celebrated creations.

Parker vividly tells the story of a boy who grew up as a very unlikely artist. From his colorless surroundings to the fact that he had never discovered his artistic gift, it is amazing that Matisse became what he was. I appreciate particularly her celebration of the creative and the imaginative. She also makes sure though that young readers know how much work it took for Matisse to reach success and that it did not come instantaneously. It’s a book that speaks to everyone having a gift, but also the hard work it takes to achieve it.

Berry’s art plays black-and-white against brilliant color. The gray world of Matisse’s youth is shown in intricate pencil illustrations, but pales against the radiant color of his dreams and his art. As the pages turn, Matisse’s world becomes the same colors as the art he creates, demonstrating that he has finally found his place in the world as a whole.

Beautifully illustrated and written as an inspiration to young people looking for their own special place in the world, this is a very special look at a famous artist. Appropriate for ages 5-8.

debnanceatreaderbuzz's review

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This is the story of Henri Matisse, who grew up in an industrial town in France and was expected to take over the family store when he was older. But this isn't what he wanted to do. He dreamed of a life full of color. It was only after he went to law school and became ill that he was inspired by the patient in the bed next to him who was painting while he got better to become a painter.

It's the illustrations I like best about this book, big bright colors contrasting with the real-world black-and-white drawings. And I like it that Matisse never painted until he was an adult.
