
Prohibido by Marisa Catalá, Tabitha Suzuma

cheyreads_'s review against another edition

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HOW IS THIS YA?!??!!! My heart actually hurts.

This book could have easily gotten 4 stars and been marked as a pretty great read. But that ENDING?! Holy crap.

I loved how attached I was to Lochan. All of his joy, pain, confusion, anxiety - every emotion or experience he had, I felt 100%. That made the entire story so compelling and the ending that much harder to read. Also, the writing was PHENOMENAL! I’m actually surprised I didn’t weep hysterically but I think I had my hand over my mouth for the last 1/4 of the book.

Fantastic read. Heart wrenching, raw, and strangely beautiful.

meowreads_94's review against another edition

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gross!!!! yet beautifully written.

bibliophile90's review against another edition

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One of the most taboo and heartbreaking books I have ever read! I cried my eyes out so many times, and I still haven't found the courage to reread this book. The cover perfectly visualises this book.

tainted_words's review against another edition

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Ovo prepusujem točno iz bilježnice, točno sekund nakon što sam pročitala.

„Sada kada sam se primirila, donekle, dok me oči peču zapisujem ovo.

Nakon kratkog emocionalnog kraha, popraćenog deranjem i vikanjem, zahtjevajući znati zašto cijena ljubavi je uvijek smrt, zanima me zašto uvijek ostavlja posljedice iza sebe, pogotovo slomljene i tužne ljude.

Knjiga mi nije bila uznemirujuća; susretala sam se ja s incestima i nije mi se zgadila sama pomisao na još jednu.
Ljubav; čak i u tom obliku je, po mojem mišljenju prihvatljiva. Priča, ta izdržljiva ljubav, nešto trajno usađeno između Lochana i Maye je nešto što nije čitano sa stajalište osobe s nekim ogromnim moralnim preprekama kada je u vezi ljubav.
Incesti, ma koliki rijetki bili, gledati će s gađenjem, još mnogo, mnogo godina kao i masturbiranje, homoseksualnost i mnogo drugo toga.
Ovo nije samo puka priča, ovi likovi možda jesu nestvarni ali tamo negdje, možda nedaleko od nas postoje braće i sestre, ma možda i normalni par drugačije nacionalnosti ili vjere prolaze kroz nešto ovako. 100% sam sigurna u to!
Ova priča krije mnogo više od tragične ljubavi, neprestane borbe za preživljavanje i prihvaćanje, globalnog zanemarivanja djece, raspalih obitelji, nemarnih roditelja a to je da je to stvarnost, tužna surova stvarnost proizašla iz pera žene koja se borila da priča ugleda svjetlo dana (googlah ja), koja je omogućila da ljudi pročitaju ovo i da (kao ja) dožive dubinu ovoga i naplaču se.“

Osim ovoga gore, knjiga je jako dobro napisana, zaljubila sam se u Lochana, njegovu krhost ali i snagu i njegovu poderanu usnicu.

rpaulams's review against another edition

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No esperaba que un libro que trata un tema como este estuviera narrado de una forma tan delicada. Al principio te horrorizas, te llevas las manos a la cabeza y estás más o menos así:
Pero a medida que avanza el libro, te presentan la historia de tal forma que acabas así:

Y luego simplemente terminas así:


paulams's review against another edition

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No esperaba que un libro que trata un tema como este estuviera narrado de una forma tan delicada. Al principio te horrorizas, te llevas las manos a la cabeza y estás más o menos así:
Pero a medida que avanza el libro, te presentan la historia de tal forma que acabas así:

Y luego simplemente terminas así:


ladyolie's review against another edition

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4.5 ⭐️

xu_'s review against another edition

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Beautifully written, some characters were lovable and some weren't. The pacing just right in the beginning and towards the end, but the middle was a bit draggy for me. The novel focused largely on their physical relationship, or how they wanted a physical relationship. I understand that-- it's human nature to crave for things that cannot be had, but it was just a little too much on that; I was looking for some more meaning to their relationship. Although it did mention the reason why they fell in love, it feels a bit premature for me.

Would recommend to anyone who wants to read something slightly disturbing and wholly different.

PS: I don't understand how this was approved for the Young Adult genre.

haley_j_casey's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

Heart-breaking. I want Lochan and Maya to be together. And I did not see the ending coming, which made it worse.

brittany82792's review against another edition

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WOW, just wow.

This book... I really had to sit and think about my feeling toward this book once I finished.

This is a story about incest, thats no spoiler.

However, the pacing, the writing, the story itself... I found myself growing attached to these characters and honestly sometimes forgetting the family dynamic due to the style of the authors writing. You really do get thrown into their world; all the responsibility, the stress, its a common thing that we all feel and go through... however the incest is the outlier factor.

I feel honestly disgusted sympathizing with the story but the manner in which its told I feel like its not hard to do... This was a 5 star read for me and I would definitely recommend it