
Relentless by Elizabeth Knox

suey_library's review

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***Received Review Copy through a blog tour hosted by Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review***

And we are back! Dun dun dun! It is a hectic reading month comrades and I am getting a little fearful with this series. I hate to say that too because from the previous two, this series was really picking up in the right direction I had hoped to see more of, however Relentless was not gooey pleasing to me for several saddening reasons. 

Before I really chime in on things I will admit that I really wanted to like Butch and a Bellamy's love story. Oh I mean that cliffhanger at the end of Revenge left me with so much hope. Their characters honestly had decent personalities. Butch was probably the part that I favored the most, though it is probably because I am a sucker for a broody, grump of a caveman. But because Bellamy came across as a forced personality really irked me. She was portrayed as what meant to be a naive, sweet innocent character I for one did not like her at all. I think I would have been more on board with her character in a more believable sense if she didn't go from this innocent, very inexperienced sexual woman to practically a sexual fiend gearing up for a porn shoot.  

I just couldn't.... I like a good sexual awakening in romances as much as the next person but they need to have some credibility, some substance, some type of depth to create any type of believability for the transition. 

And because we are talking about Bellamy becoming one with her sexual nature, this is all due to her budding relationship with Butch, because without his expertise, she would be nothing.

The romance between Butch and Bellamy wasn't my favorite. I unfortunately had a similar affect as I did previously with Reign. There was this insta-lust factor that ultimately turned into this all consuming insta-love between the two characters. On top of this it slightly irked me that on many scenes with Bellamy was solo, she almost never even considered Butch as a person yet when they were together he was her everything. At many points the chemistry seemed one sided. 

Also there were points where I felt the development of their dynamic shifted without any level of substance. It was as if the author was telling me to trust her, that Butch and Bellamy were in fact in love with no further build needed - it just seemed like their were plot holes to just their overall romance and not enough for me to invest, to connect with their characters. 

Definitely thinking that my biggest pet peeve with this series has been that the writing style has been slightly off set. The character development seems lacking in many attributes and more than one occasion there is too many unresolved conflicts while more twists continue to pile on. I assume that majority of this is due to the suspenseful setting the author is trying to create but for me, it is making thinking too choppy and I cannot connect long enough to fully appreciate the plot or the romances. Just feels cluttered. 

Reckoning is next in line and I am really hoping for more of the better side of this series...

beckiebookworm1974's review

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Relentless Teaser 3
4 Stars

So "Relentless" is Book Four in the Skulls Renegade saga and it was another worthy addition to what is fast becoming a favourite series for me.
This edition revolves around Elana's newly discovered half-sister Bellamy; a rising star in the music industry and Butch/Abe a member of the skulls who along with Slasher has been sent as hired muscle for Bells protection while she's on tour.
This one's a bit different in as much that Bell has no experience of the MC lifestyle.
She a lot more naive than previous heroines but what she lacks in street smarts she more than makes up for it in sweet sugar.
Bell discovers after her unfortunate parents demise that her original origins are something totally different from what she thought and left alone in the world desperately want to connect with and forge ahead to build a relationship with her newly discovered sister.
So that's the basic gist here Bells goes looking for her sister and with now being connected to a notorious MC Bell gains there protection as a much-needed by-product caused by her new family additions.
So loved Bellamy adored Abe and even Slasher himself started to appeal to my girly giddiness.
Especially now he's gone all dark, broody and imperfect.
He really came into his own here and I'm so looking forward to his story being next up with Reckoning; can't wait for that one.
So, I really enjoyed "Relentless" like a lot and it was so easy to feel and connect with Abe and Bell as they were such likeable individuals that you just wanted to succeed in life's lotto.
I loved that the continuing storyline of the previous novels was also interwoven here with the MC itself in a web of confusion over what has befallen Bones and Will.
This was also off the charts in terms of spice and while I did enjoy Bell and Butch's sexy shenanigans I was also slightly sceptical of the logistics at times given Bellamy's past record was basically her douche ex Zac.
In the end, I just went with the flow and enjoyed myself immensely (it is fiction after all) while also fanning myself frantically; mama mia these two had some seriously epic encounters here I must say.
This had a bit of everything and easily managed to capture and retain my interest quite easily.
This series, in my opinion, does need to be read as that; with each book adding a chunk of the puzzle almost building us a bigger picture.
And as I said earlier; really looking forward to Slashers book especially with how events played out with this one.
definitely a big thumbs up from my corner.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with an ARC copy of "Relentless (Skulls Renegade, #4)" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

becsa's review

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This is another great book in the series and it keep more intriguing as each book passes.

I liked Bellamy and she had definitely been through a lot in the past. I really hope at a further point that the author looks into the death of her parents and perhaps links it into something to deal with the MC. Bellamy was super talented but got herself into a bad situation with her ex-boyfriend, Zac Depp. Zac was not a nice guy and I wondered if he had something more to do with Miles, a member of her band who did not like her. Bellamy was tough but she was also frustrated that Zac could get away with so much.

Butch was awesome and the scenes with him and Bellamy were intense and hot!! He knew he wanted her and had a jealous streak when it came to her. I loved that he defended her from those who were rude to her or that set out to destroy her. I loved the scene between him and Bellamy at his mother’s house!

Towards the end Bellamy broke my heart and I knew something bad was going to happen because of her actions. I definitely was not expecting what occurred. My heart broke for Slash and I hope we get more on him in the next book. I’m also curious to learn more about “Boss” and hope that is revisited soon.

Looking forward to more as there is so much more I need to know!

jesbruno's review

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Relentless is the 4th book in the Skulls Renegade MC series by Elizabeth Knox. Even though I haven’t read the first three books, I absolutely LOVED this book. It was sexy, funny and had just the right amount of drama to keep you hooked.

Butch and Bellamy are two people from opposite sides who fit together and need each other more than they thought. Their chemistry was perfection from the start; loved the way she stood up to Butch as she entered Bubba’s for the first time. Then when she came back later that night – HOT!!!

Elizabeth’s writing is addictive. I love every character that is part the MC and can’t wait to go back to read the first three to fill in some gaps and questions. My heart is broken for Slash right now and I need his story to fix it.